211. A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude
A. Iconoclast
B. Recluse
C. Sage
D. Priest
Correct Answer: [B] Recluse
212. Exclusive possession or control of anything
A. Monotheism
B. Monopoly
C. Monism
D. Mono-mania
Correct Answer: [B] Monopoly
213. One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle differences
A. Neutral
B. Intermediary
C. Judge
D. Connoisseur
Correct Answer: [B] Intermediary
214. Determine the nature of the disease
A. Investigate
B. Determine
C. Diagnose
D. Detect Directions
Correct Answer: [C] Diagnose
215. A person in a vehicle or on horseback escorting another vehicle
A. Navigator
B. Escort
C. Outrider
D. Security
Correct Answer: [B] Escort
216. Of very bad morals, characterized by debasement or degeneration.
A. Desultory
B. Dilapidated
C. Depraved
D. Dilatory
Correct Answer: [C] Depraved
217. Succession of rulers belonging to one family.
A. Dynasty
B. Lineage
C. Ancestry
D. Progeny
Correct Answer: [A] Dynasty
218. The first public speech delivered by a person
A. Maiden speech
B. Inaugural speech
C. Trial speech
D. Marathon speech
Correct Answer: [A] Maiden speech
219. A person difficult to please
A. Fastidious
B. Callous
C. Sadist
D. Ferocious
Correct Answer: [A] Fastidious
220. One who thinks or speaks too much of himself
A. Imposter
B. Enthusiast
C. Egotist
D. Optimist
Correct Answer: [C] Egotist