Always type promisedpage4u.bogspot.com to search our blog विभिन्न "दिन विशेष" प्रश्नमंजूषा में हिस्सा लेकर बेहतरीन प्रदर्शन करने वाले सभी सहभागियों का अभिनंदन। सहभागियों की संख्या ज्यादा होने के कारण प्रमाणपत्र भेजने में देरी हो सकती है। सभी सहभागियों के प्रमाणपत्र भेजे जाएंगे। कृपया सहयोग करे। "The Constitution is not a mere lawyer's document; it is a vehicle of life, and its spirit is always the spirit of age." - Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Click here for Quiz on INDIAN CONSTITUTION DAY. Participants are requested to type their correct email address to receive the certificates. Type your school name and address in short


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History-Our Past I Class 6

Sr. No. Chapter Crossword Link
Sr. No.1. ChapterWHAT, WHERE, HOW AND WHEN? Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.2. ChapterFROM HUNTING–GATHERING TO GROWING FOOD Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.3. ChapterIN THE EARLIEST CITIES Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.4. ChapterWHAT BOOKS AND BURIALS TELL US Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.5. ChapterKINGDOMS, KINGS AND AN EARLY REPUBLIC Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.6. ChapterNEW QUESTIONS AND IDEAS Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.7. ChapterFROM A KINGDOM TO AN EMPIRE Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.8. ChapterVILLAGES, TOWNS AND TRADE Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.9. ChapterNEW EMPIRES AND KINGDOMS Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.10. ChapterBUILDINGS, PAINTINGS AND BOOKS Crossword LinkClick Here

The Earth: Our Habitat Class 6

Sr. No. Chapter Crossword Link
Sr. No.1. ChapterThe Earth in the Solar System Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.2. ChapterGlobe : Latitudes and Longitudes Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.3. ChapterMotions of the Earth Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.4. ChapterMaps Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.5. ChapterMajor Domains of the Earth Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.6. ChapterOur Country – India Crossword LinkClick Here

Social and Political Life-I Class 6

Sr. No. Chapter Crossword Link
Sr. No.1. ChapterUnderstanding Diversity Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.2. ChapterDiversity and Discrimination Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.3. ChapterWhat is Government Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.4. ChapterPanchayati Raj Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.5. ChapterRural Administration Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.6. ChapterUrban Administration Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.7. ChapterRural Livelihoods Crossword LinkClick Here
Sr. No.8. ChapterUrban Livelihoods Crossword LinkClick Here

History-Our Pasts II Class 7

Sr. No. Chapters Crossword Link
1. Tracing Changes Through a Thousand Years Click Here
2. Kings and Kingdoms Click Here
3. Delhi: 12th to 15th Century Click Here
4. The Mughals (16th to 17th Century) Click Here
5. Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities Click Here
6. Devotional Paths to the Divine Click Here
7. The Making of Regional Cultures Click Here
8. Eighteenth-Century Political Formations Click Here

Geography-Our Environment Class 7

Sr. No. Chapters Crossword Link
1. Environment Click Here
2. Inside Our Earth Click Here
3. Our Changing Earth Click Here
4. Air Click Here
5. Water Click Here
6. Human Environment Interactions The Tropical and the Subtropical Region Click Here
7. Life in the Deserts Click Here

Social and Political Life-2 Class 7

Sr. No. Chapters Crossword Link
1. On Equality Click Here
2. Role of the Government in Health Click Here
3. How the State Government Works Click Here
4. Women Change the World Click Here
5. Understanding Media Click Here
6. Markets Around Us Click Here
7. A Shirt in the Market Click Here


OUR PASTS – III History Class VIII
1. How, When and Where Click Here
2. From Trade to Territory The Company Establishes Power Click Here
3. Ruling the Countryside Click Here
4. Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age Click Here
5. When People Rebel 1857 and After Click Here
6. Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation Click Here
7. Women, Caste and Reform Click Here
8. The Making of the National Movement: 1870s-–1947 Click Here

Social and Political Life-III Class 8

Social and Political Life-III Class 8
1. The Indian Constitution Click Here
2. Understanding Secularism Click Here
3. Parliament and the Making of Laws Click Here
4. Judiciary Click Here
5. Understanding Marginalisation Click Here
6. Confronting Marginalisation Click Here
7. Public Facilities Click Here
8. Law and Social Justice Click Here

Resource and Developement (Geography) Class 8

Resource and Developement (Geography) Class 8
1. Resources Click Here
2. Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources Click Here
3. Agriculture Click Here
4. Industries Click Here
5. Human Resources Click Here

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MCQ TEST for Class 9 History: Peasants and Farmers

Peasants and Farmers-Social Science Quiz Please fill the above data! Start The Quiz coin :  0 Next question See Your Result Name : ...