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Thursday, March 28, 2024


21. Who composed 'Ai-hole' prasasti?

A. Harisena

B. Nayanikar

C. Kautilya

D. Rabikirti


Correct Answer: [D] Rabikirti


  • Aihole was located in the state of Karnataka and was the first capital of the Chalukyas.
  • Many inscriptions have been found here but the inscription at the Meguti temple is popularly known as the Aihole Inscription.
  • It contains many historical events of Chalukyas.
  • It was written in Sanskrit and it uses the old Kannada script.
  • There are also references to the defeat of Harshavardhana by Pulakesin II and the victory of the Chalukyas on Pallavas.
  • There is a reference to the transfer of capital from Aihole to Badami by Pulakesin I.
  • The Aihole inscription was written by Ravikirti, a court poet of the Chalukya king Pulakesin II.
  • Pulakesin II ruled from 610 to 642 CE.

22. Indus-valley civilization is called

A. Stone Age

B. Iron Age

C. Urban

D. Rural


Correct Answer: [C] Urban


  • The most striking feature of the Indus Valley Civilization was its town planning. an urban civilization, It whereas was the Vedic period was rural in nature.
  • Great Bath was found in both Horoppa and Mohenjo-Daro.
  • Granary was the larges building of the Indus Valley civilization found in Mohenjo-Daro.

23. Where was the capital of Sasanka?

A. Karnasuvarna

B. Lakhnawati

C. Samatata

D. Tamralipta


Correct Answer: [A] Karnasuvarna


  • Shashanka was the first independent king of a unified polity in the Bengal region, called the Gauda Kingdom.
  • He between 600 CE and 636/7 CE, whereas other sources place his reign between 590 and 625 CE.
  • He is the contemporary of Harsha and of Bhaskaravarman of Kamarupa.
  • His capital was at Karnasubarna, in present-day Murshidabad in West Bengal.
  • The development of the Bengali calendar is often attributed to Shashanka because the starting date falls within his reign.

24. The Upanishads were compiled around

A. 1000 BC

B. 1600-600 BC

C. 600 BC

D. 800 BC


Correct Answer: [C] 600 BC


  • The Upanishads consist of a collection of religious and philosophical texts.
  • It was written probably between 800 BCE and 500 BC.
  • It was the time when the traditional Vedic religion has been questioned by Indian society.

25. The Origins of Indian Music may be traced to one of the following Vedas

A. Yajur

B. Atharva

C. Rig

D. Sama


Correct Answer: [D] Sama


  • The Vedic age was considered to be around 1500 BC to 600 BC in India.
  • Earlier Sama Veda was known as Saman.
  • It contains 1,875 verses that are primarily taken from Rig Veda.
  • An earlier trace of Indian music is found in Sama Veda.

26. The famous physician during Buddha's time was

A. Charaka

B. Jivaka

C. Kautilya

D. Nachiketa


Correct Answer: [B] Jivaka

Explanation: Sushruta was known as “Father of Indian Medicine” and “Father of Plastic Surgery”.

Jivika was a personal physician of Haryanka king Bimbisara and Buddha.

27. In which ancient text do you find the earliest reference to the Varna System?

A. Atharva Veda

B. Satapatha Brahmana

C. Manu Samhita

D. Rigveda


Correct Answer: [D] Rigveda

Explanation: Purusha Sukta, 10th mandala of vedas mention the four varnas by name - although the word 'varṇa' itself is not mentioned.

1st and 10th mandalas were compiled in the later Vedic period.

28. How many Tirthankaras were there in ancient India?

A. 23

B. 24

C. 16

D. 22


Correct Answer: [B] 24


  • According to the Jains, a Tirthankara is a person who has conquered the cycle of death and rebirth by himself and paved the way for others to follow.
  • There were 24 Tirthankars.
  • The first Tirthankar was Rishabhanatha. The symbol used for him is the Bull.
  • The 23rd Tirthankara was Parshvanath and the symbol used for him was Snake.
  • The twenty-fourth Tirthankara was Mahavira and the symbol used for him was Lion.
  • He was the original founder of Jainism.

29. Which metal was unknown to the Indus people?

A. Bronze

B. Gold

C. Copper

D. Iron


Correct Answer: [D] Iron


  • Indus Valley civilization is also known as Harappan civilization.
  • It belongs to the Chalcolithic period and Bronze age.
  • They were not aware of iron metal.
  • There is no clear timeline for Indus valley civilization.
  • It is considered that they were active during 2900 BC to 1700 BC.

30. According to Buddhism, the cause of all sorrows is

A. Taṇhā

B. Krodh

C. Maya

D. Kama


Correct Answer: [A] Taṇhā

Explanation: The four nobel truth by Buddha (Arya Satyas)

Dukkha (suffering, incapable of satisfying, painful) is an innate characteristic ofexistence in the realm of samsara.

Samudaya (origin, arising) of this dukkha, which arises or 'comes together' with taṇhā ('craving, desire attachment'). or

Nirodha (cessation, ending) of this dukkha can be attained by the renouncement or letting go of this taṇhā.

Magga (path, Noble Eightfold Path) is the path leading to renouncement of tanha and cessation of dukkha.

They are traditionally identified as the first teaching given by the Buddha, and considered one of the most important teachings in Buddhism.


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