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Showing posts with label #Making of Global World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Making of Global World. Show all posts

Friday, September 27, 2024

The Making of Global World Class 10 MCQs Questions with Answers

Choose the correct option:

Question 1.
The Axis powers did not include
(a) Japan
(b) Italy
(c) Nazi Germany
(d) Britain


Answer: (d) Britain

Question 2.
The assembly line method is associated with the name of
(a) Henry Ford
(b) Rosa Parker
(c) Barry Parker
(d) E.T. Paull


Answer: (a) Henry Ford

Question 3.
The silk routes linked Asia with
(a) Europe
(b) Africa
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) America


Answer: (c) both (a) & (b)

Question 4.
America was discovered by
(a) Marco Polo
(b) Christopher Columbus
(c) Henry Ford
(d) Cecil Rhodes


Answer: (b) Christopher Columbus

Question 5.
Tamil migrants went to
(a) Ceylon and Malaya
(b) Mauritius and Fiji
(c) Trinidad and Guyana
(d) Ceylon and Surinam


Answer: (a) Ceylon and Malaya

Question 6.
The group of powers collectively known as the Axis power during the Second World War were:
(a) Germany, Italy, Japan
(b) Austria, Germany, Italy
(c) France, Japan, Italy
(d) Japan, Germany, Turkey


Answer: (a) Germany, Italy, Japan

Question 7.
Who among the following is a Nobel Prize winner?
(a) V.S. Naipaul
(b) J.M. Keynes
(c) Shivnarine Chanderpaul
(d) Ramnaresh Sarwan


Answer: (a) V.S. Naipaul

Question 8.
Which of the following statements correctly identifies the com laws?
(a) Restricted the import of corn to ; England
(b) Allowed the import of com to England
(c) Imposed tax on com
(d) Abolished the sale of com


Answer: (a) Restricted the import of corn to ; England

Question 9.
Who discovered the vast continent, later known as America?
(a) Vasco da Gama
(b) Christopher Columbus
(c) V.S. Naipaul
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Christopher Columbus

Question 10.
Why were the Europeans attracted to Africa?
(a) By its natural beauty
(b) By the opportunities for investment
(c) For its vast land resources and mineral wealth
(d) For recruitment of labour


Answer: (c) For its vast land resources and mineral wealth

Question 11.
Who discovered the vast continent, later known as America?
(a) Vasco da Gama
(b) Christopher Columbus
(c) V.S. Naipaul
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus accidentally discovered the vast continent later known as America.

Question 12.
Name the writer who was a descendant of indentured labour migrants and also got Nobel Prize?
(a) V.S. Naipaul
(b) Shivnarine Chanderpaul
(c) Ramnaresh Sarwan
(d) Ram Narain Tewary


Answer: (a) V.S. Naipaul
V. S. Nipal was one of the Nobel Prize winning writer who was a descendant of indentured labour migrants.

Question 13.
What do you mean by Indentured labour?
(a) Unpaid labour
(b) A bonded labourer, to pay off his passage to a new country or home
(c) A slave brought in a share market
(d) All of the above


Answer: (b) A bonded labourer, to pay off his passage to a new country or home
A bonded labourer, under contract to work for a specific time for his employer, to pay off his passage to a new country or home.

Question 14.
What were the product India carrying on an active coastal trade in ancient times?
(a) Goods, money, skills and ideas abroad.
(b) Only goods
(c) Only Money
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Goods, money, skills and ideas abroad.
Indians carried goods, money, skills and ideas abroad, an active coastal trade, as early as 3000 BC, linked Indus Valley Civilisation with present-day West Asia.

Question 15.
What was the main reason behind the world shrank?
(a) European sailors found a sea route
(b) Production increase for European market
(c) Europe become the centre of the world trade
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) European sailors found a sea route
European sailors found a sea route to Asia, and also crossed the Atlantic and discovered America, it become easier to reach any part of the world.

Question 16.
What do you mean by Group of 77 or G – 77?
(a) A protest against the western economic policies
(b) A group formed by western nations
(c) A group formed by the developing countries
(d) All of the above


Answer: (c) A group formed by the developing countries
The Group of 77 (or G-77) is a group formed by the developing countries to demand a new international economic order to demand a new international economic order (NIEO).

Question 17.
What do you mean by international monetary system?
(a) It is the system of withdrawal of money.
(b) It is the system for deposit of money.
(c) It is the system linking national currencies and monetary system.
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) It is the system linking national currencies and monetary system.
The international monetary system is the system linking national currencies and monetary system. In this system, national currencies, for example the Indian rupee, were pegged to the dollar at a fixed exchange rate.

Question 18.
What benefits did people get from trade in meat?
(a) Technology promoted better living conditions at home and support for imperialism abroad
(b) Frozen meat transported to Europe reduced the cost of shipping meat and made it affordable for the poor
(c) Reduce the risk of loss as the animal die during shipping.
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these
Till the 1870s, animals were shipped live and then slaughtered. But live animals took up a lot of ship space. Many also died, fell ill, or lost weight. Meat was hence an expensive luxury beyond the reach of the European poor, refrigerated ships, enabled the transport of perishable foods over long distances.

Question 19.
By which crucial influences Post-war reconstruction was shaped?
(a) The US emerged as the dominant country in the western world
(b) The collapse of capitalist world
(c) The emergence of Soviet Union as a world power
(d) Both a and c


Answer: (d) Both a and c
Post-war reconstruction was shaped by two crucial influences; the US emerged as the dominant economic, political and military power in the western and the Soviet Union emerged as a world power.

Question 20.
In between whom the Second World War was fought?
(a) America and Europe
(b) USA and Japan
(c) The Allies and the Axis powers
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) The Allies and the Axis powers
The Second World War was fought between the Allies (Britain, France, Soviet Union and the US) and the Axis powers (Nazi Germany, Japan and Italy.

Question 21.
The concept of an assembly line to produce automobiles is adopted by whom?
(a) Henry Ford
(b) Ramesh Sarwan
(c) T.cuppola
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Henry Ford
Henry Ford adapted the assembly line of a Chicago slaughterhouse (in which slaughtered animals were picked apart by butchers as they came down a conveyor belt) to his new car plant in Detroit.

Question 22.
Which of these come under the Allies Power?
(a) Japan, Russia
(b) Britain, Germany
(c) Britain, France, Russia
(d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Britain, France, Russia
The Second World War was fought between the Axis powers (mainly Nazi Germany, Japan and Italy) and the Allies (Britain, France, the Soviet Union and the US

Question 23.
What do you mean by Rinderpest?
(a) A disease
(b) Name of a medicine
(c) A place
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) A disease
In Africa, in the 1890s, a fast-spreading disease of cattle plagues known as rinderpest had a terrifying impact on people’s livelihoods and the local economy.

Question 24.
What did the “Bretton Woods” associated with?
(a) A post-war international system to preserve economic stability
(b) A United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
(c) A peace settlement
(d) Both a and b


Answer: (d) Both a and b
Bretton Woods” is associated with a post-war international system to preserve economic stability and a United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held in July 1944, in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

Question 25.
What do you mean by tariff?
(a) Tax imposed on a country’s imports
(b) Tax imposed on a country’s exports
(c) Tax imposed on a country’s income
(d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Tax imposed on a country’s imports
Tax imposed on a country’s imports from the rest of the world, levied at the point of entry, for example border or airport.

Fill in the blanks:

1. From the 1900s India’s nationalist leaders began opposing the system of ……………… abusive.


Answer: indentured labour

2. The invention of ……………… enabled the transport of meat over long distances.


Answer: refrigerated ships

3. Africa had abundant land and a relatively small ………………


Answer: population

4. Rinderpest was a devastating ……………… disease.


Answer: cattle

5. Britain had a trade surplus with ………………


Answer: India

State whether the following statements are true or false:

1. V.S. Naipaul, the Nobel prize winning writer, is descended from indentured labour migrants from India.


Answer: True

2. Indian textiles faced stiff competition in international markets from the early nineteenth century.


Answer: True

3. America was the world’s leading economy before the First World War.


Answer: False

4. Agricultural regions and communities were the worst affected by the Great Depression.


Answer: True

5. Developing countries were greatly benefited by the Bretton Woods system.


Answer: False

Match the following:

Column A Column B
(i) The First World War a. 1939-1945
(ii) The Second World War b. late 1880s
(iii) The Great Depression c. 1914-1918
(iv) Rinderpest arrived in Africa d. early 1920s
(v) The US economy boomed e. 1929-1930s


Column A Column B
(i) The First World War c. 1914-1918
(ii) The Second World War a. 1939-1945
(iii) The Great Depression e. 1929-1930s
(iv) Rinderpest arrived in Africa b. late 1880s
(v) The US economy boomed d. early 1920s

Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 MCQs Questions with Answers

Choose the correct option: Question 1. Which one of the following is an example of outcomes of a democracy that produces an accountable g...