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Showing posts with label #शिक्षा शास्त्र MCQ-11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #शिक्षा शास्त्र MCQ-11. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

EDUCATION (शिक्षा शास्त्र) MCQ-11

1 The system analysis relates to
1 Input aspect
2 Product aspect
3 Process aspect
4 Resource aspect
Answer: Product aspect
2 The control of extraneous variables In experimental research after the treatment is given can be done through a technique called
1 Statistical Regression
2 Post-Test
3 One-way ANOVA
4 Analysis of Co-variance
Answer: Analysis of Co-variance
3 Which of the following is incorrect pairing ?
1 Product moment r
2 Chi Square χ2
3 Multiple correlation R
4 Standard deviation ρ
Answer: Standard deviation ρ
4 A survey of population is equivalent to
1 Census Survey
2 Sample Survey
3 Group Survey
4 None of the above
Answer: Census Survey
5 The book “Learning – The Treasure Within” is authored by
1 J.S. Rajput
2 N. Bennett
3 J. Delors
4 J. Halak
Answer: J. Delors
6 Operation Black-Board Programme was introduced to improve
1 Teacher Education
2 Primary Education
3 Secondary Education
4 Higher Education
Answer: Primary Education
7 An investigator conducted the factor- analysis of tests to be used in research. It means, he was interested in
1 Content validity
2 Criterion validity
3 Construct validity
4 Predictive validity
Answer: Construct validity
8 Special Education Courses are controlled by
1 Special Education Council of India
2 Rehabilitation Council of India
3 National Council of Teacher Education
4 Medical Council of India
Answer: Rehabilitation Council of India
9 Students with Hearing Impairment require
1 Auditory Training
2 Language Training
3 Speech Training
4 All the above
Answer: All the above
10 The main purpose of Navodaya Vidyalayas is to give education to
1 Rural talented students
2 Urban students
3 Girls students only
4 Rural students
Answer: Rural talented students
11 The idea of Four Pillars of Education was suggested by
Answer: UNESCO
12 Aims of education are closely related to
1 Metaphysics
2 Axiology
3 Logic
4 Epistemology
Answer: Axiology
13 The ceiling fixed by the Supreme Court for reservation for the socially And economically disadvantaged sections is
1 19%
2 22%
3 49%
4 50%
Answer: 50%
14 The first Committee to be constituted After independence by the Government of India on Women’s Education was
1 Dr. Radhakrishnan Commission
2 The Mudaliar Commission
3 The Shri Sri Prakasa Committee
4 Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh Committee
Answer: Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh Committee
15 What type of Guidance Service is facilitated by the application of given battery of standardized objective type tests, on normal individuals ?
1 Remedial and Preventive
2 Preventive and Developmental
3 Developmental and Remedial
4 General Guidance and Counselling
Answer: Preventive and Developmental

1➤ The system analysis relates to

2➤ The control of extraneous variables In experimental research after the treatment is given can be done through a technique called

3➤ Which of the following is incorrect pairing ?

4➤ A survey of population is equivalent to

5➤ The book “Learning – The Treasure Within” is authored by

6➤ Operation Black-Board Programme was introduced to improve

7➤ An investigator conducted the factor- analysis of tests to be used in research. It means, he was interested in

8➤ Special Education Courses are controlled by

9➤ Students with Hearing Impairment require

10➤ The main purpose of Navodaya Vidyalayas is to give education to

11➤ The idea of Four Pillars of Education was suggested by

12➤ Aims of education are closely related to

13➤ The ceiling fixed by the Supreme Court for reservation for the socially And economically disadvantaged sections is

14➤ The first Committee to be constituted After independence by the Government of India on Women’s Education was

15➤ What type of Guidance Service is facilitated by the application of given battery of standardized objective type tests, on normal individuals ?

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