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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

EDUCATION (शिक्षा शास्त्र) MCQ-10

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Total Questions:





1 A reliability coefficient cannot be negative because :
1 It is a square of a correlation coefficient.
2 Negative reliability is meaningless.
3 It is a self-correlation of the test.
4 It does not measure different things
Answer: It is a self-correlation of the test.
2 Which of the following cannot be used as a synonym of reliability ?
1 Accuracy
2 Precision
3 Dependability
4 Relevance
Answer: Relevance
3 Mobility and orientation training is linked with
1 Students with Hearing Impairment
2 Students with Mental Retardation
3 Students with Visual Impairment
4 Students with Learning Disability
Answer: Students with Visual Impairment
4 Idiots are labelled as having an IQ range of
1 100-125
2 0-25
3 120-160
4 60-90
Answer: 0-25
5 National Knowledge Commission is headed by
1 D.S. Kothari
2 Amartya Sen
3 Sam Pitroda
4 Azim Premji
Answer: Azim Premji
6 The sources of knowledge (Pramanas) in Advaita Vedanta are
1 two
2 three
3 four
4 six
Answer: six
7 The value commended by existentialism is
1 liberation
2 self-realization
3 harmony with nature
4 authenticity
Answer: authenticity
8 The policy of reservation of seats in higher education and in Government employment is an example for
1 Sponsored mobility
2 Contest mobility
3 Cultural mobility
4 Geographical mobility
Answer: Sponsored mobility
9 A face to face, informal interaction is considered the best technique for collecting information about the client and his/her problem. How ?
1 It helps to get first hand information about the client and his/her problem.
2 It is very easy to organise and conduct an interview with the client
3 The interview can be videographed.
4 It is flexible and makes the client feel comfortable.
Answer: It helps to get first hand information about the client and his/her problem.
10 What is meant by the term “curriculum” ?
1 The subject of study offered by an educational institution.
2 Theory and Practical courses to be completed to qualify for a level of education.
3 Organised whole of learning and other experiences provided By educational institutions, to realize set goals.
4 The prescribed syllabi in the various subjects, plus practical courses and project/ dissertation.
Answer: Organised whole of learning and other experiences provided By educational institutions, to realize set goals.
11 Tests that do not require the use of language of the subjects but responses are in the form of activities are called as
1 Verbal tests
2 Non-verbal tests
3 Performance tests
4 None of the above
Answer: Performance tests
12 Which of the following is not an example of inter-individual difference ?
1 The child is black in colour.
2 The child is fat.
3 The child likes potato.
4 The nose of the child is sharp.
Answer: The child likes potato.
13 Identity versus role confusion is a characteristic of
1 Childhood stage
2 Adolescence stage
3 Infancy stage
4 Early childhood stage
Answer: Adolescence stage
14 The effectiveness of a multi-media approach in teaching can be answered through
1 Experimentation
2 Survey
3 Case-studies
4 Longitudinal studies
Answer: Experimentation
15 What is the important objective of economic planning ?
1 Planned development
2 Eradication of poverty
3 Total employment
4 More per capita income
Answer: Planned development

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