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Sunday, October 17, 2021

UNO MCQ Quiz Questions and Answers

 1. The number of sovereign countries who are members of the United Nations, is –

(A) 180 

(B) 182

(C) 183 

(D) 193

Answer: 193

2. The country, which was admitted to the membership of the United Nations in July 2011, is –

(A) Macedonia 

(B) Montenegro

(C) Andorra 

(D) South Sudan

Answer: South Sudan

3. Eritrea, which became the 182nd member of the UN in 1993, is in the continent of –

(A) Asia 

(B) Africa

(C) Europe 

(D) South America

Answer: Africa

4. Which day is celebrated as United Nation Day every year ?

(A) 7th April 

(B) 24th October

(C) 14th November 

(D) 27th December

Answer: 24th October

5. Where did the three leaders, F. D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin, meet in 1943 and agreed on the need for an effective instrument for maintaining international peace ?

(A) Moscow 

(B) San Francisco

(C) Teheran 

(D) Washington, D.C.

Answer: Teheran

6. The main object of which of the following UN agencies is to help the underdeveloped countries in the task of raising their living standards ?

(A) IMF 




Answer: IDA

7. The UN library is known by the name of –

(A) Nations’ Library 

(B) U Thant Library

(C) Hmmarskjoeld Library 

(D) Trygve Lie Library

Answer: Hmmarskjoeld Library

8. The Secretary–General is required to submit an annual report on the work of the UN to –

(A) The General Assembly

(B) The Security Council

(C) The Trusteeship Council

(D) All of the above simultaneously

Answer: The General Assembly

9. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was created in –

(A) 1945 

(B) 1947

(C) 1949 

(D) 1951

Answer: 1949

10. The treaty which ushered in NATO, was signed by the member–nations at –

(A) Geneva 

(B) London

(C) Paris 

(D) Washington

Answer: Washington

11. Where are the headquarters of European Union located ?

(A) Brussels 

(B) Pans

(C) London 

(D) Rome

Answer: Brussels

12. India became a member of the United Nations in –

(A) 1945 

(B) 1947

(C) 1949 

(D) 1950

Answer: 1945

13. Presently known as the European Union, the EEC was established in –

(A) 1957 

(B) 1958

(C) 1959 

(D) 1960

Answer: 1958

14. The headquarters of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries are at –

(A) Algiers 

(B) Lagos

(C) Kuwait 

(D) Vienna

Answer: Vienna

15. Which of the following statements about the OPEC is not correct ?

(A) Its membership is open to every country

(B) It was formed in 1960

(C) It was formed to control production and pricing of crude oil

(D) It has been successful in determining world oil prices to a large extent

Answer: Its membership is open to every country

16. In 1945, fifty nations met to phrase the basic Charter for a world organisation which would “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.” This conference took place at

(A) Dumbarton Oaks 

(B) London

(C) San Francisco 

(D) Yalta

Answer: San Francisco

17. The headquarters of the United Nations is at –

(A) Geneva 

(B) Paris

(C) New York 

(D) Washington, D.C.

Answer: New York

18. From the following, choose the set in which names of Secretary–Generals of the UNO are arranged in correct chronological order?

(A) U Thant, Kurt Waldheim, Dag Hammarskjoeld, Trygve Lie

(B) Trygve Lie, Dag Hammarskjoeld, U Thant, Kurt Waldheim

(C) Trygve Lie, U Thant, Dag Hammarskjoeld, Kurt Waldheim

(D) U Thant, Dag Hammarskjoeld, Trygve Lie, Kurt Waldheim

Answer: Trygve Lie, Dag Hammarskjoeld, U Thant, Kurt Waldheim

19. Who among the following is the Director–General of the International Labour Organisation ?

(A) Jose Maria Ruda 

(B) Jean–Claude Paye

(C) Guy Ryder 

(D) Hiroshi Nakajima

Answer: Guy Ryder

20. Who is the Secretary–General of the UNCTAD?

(A) Kenneth K.S. Dabzie 

(B) Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi

(C) Gaston Thorn 

(D) Nugroho Wisnumurti

Answer: Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi

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