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Sunday, October 17, 2021


 1. What is the term of United Nations Secretary General?

a. 3 years

b. 6 years

c. 4 years

d. 5 years

2. Who was the only Secretary General of the UNO to have died while in office?

a. U Thant

b. Dag Hammarskjöld

c. Trygve Lie

d. Kurt Waldheim

3. In which year was the UNO awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

a. 1975

b. 1999

c. 2001

d. 2006

4. How many member countries did the UNO have on its formation in 1945?

a. 45

b. 48

c. 51

d. 54

5. Which organ of the United Nations has suspended its operations since 1994?

a. Trusteeship Council

b. Economic and Social Council

c. Secretariat

d. International Court of Justice

6. How many official languages does the United Nations have?

a. 5

b. 6

c. 7

d. 4

7. What is the term of the President of the UN General Assembly?

a. 4 years

b. 2 years

c. 1 year

d. 5 years

8. UN Secretary General heads which principal organ of the United Nations Organisation?

a. General Assembly

b. Security Council

c. Economic and Social Council

d. The Secretariat

9. Which organ of the UNO functions from Peace Palace in The Hague, The Netherlands?

a. Security Council

b. General Assembly

c. Economic and Social Council

d. International Court of Justice

10. How many non-permanent members are there in the Security Council?

a. 10

b. 12

c. 15

d. 8

11. What is the term of a non-permanent member of the Security Council?

a. 1 year

b. 2 years

c. 3 years

d. 4 years

12. What is the term of a judge of the International Court of Justice?

a. 5 years

b. 7 years

c. 8 years

d. 9 years

13. Which organ of the United Nations Organisation is responsible for coordinating the work of its specialised agencies?

a. General Assembly

b. Economic and Social Council

c. Security Council

d. Secretariat

14. When was the United Nations Organisation founded?

a. August 9, 1945

b. October 24, 1944

c. October 24, 1945

d. December 10, 1945

15. Which of the following is NOT a specialized agency of the United Nations Organisation?

a. World Trade Organisation

b. World Health Organisation

c. World Meteorological Organisation

d. World Intellectual Property Organisation

16. How many members does the Economic and Social Council have?

a. 15

b. 22

c. 36

d. 54

17. How many permanent members are there in the Security Council?

a. 10

b. 5

c. 15

d. 8

18. The United Nations agency concerned with the improvement of standards of education and strengthening international co-operation in this field is :

a. U. N. E. F.

b. U. N. E. S. C. O.

c. U. N. I. C. E. F.

d. U. N. E. D. O.

19. Which of the following is not the main organ of the U. N. O. ?

a. General Assembly

b. Security Council

c. Trusteeship Council

d. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

20. Which of the following countries is a permanent member of the UN Security Council?

a. India

b. Japan

c. France

d. Spain

21. How many Judges are there in the International Court of Justice?

a. 9

b. 10

c. 11

d. 15

22. The first Secretary General of the United Nations was :

a. Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit

b. Trygve Lie

c. Dag hammarskjoeld

d. U. Thant

23. Who was the first Indian to be the President of U. N. General Assembly?

a. Natwar Singh

b. V. K. Krishna Menon

c. Smt. Vijay Laxmi Pandit

d. Romesh Bhandari

24. Which of the following countries is not a permanent member of the UN Security Council?

a. USA

b. UK

c. France

d. Spain

25. The non-permanent members of the Security Council are elected for a period of :

a. two years

b. one year

c. three years

d. four years

26. General Assembly of the United Nations meets in a regular session:

a. once a year

b. twice a year

c. once in two years

d. occasionally

27. Which of the following is not one of the official languages of the U.N.O.?

a. French

b. Spanish

c. Arabic

d. Italian

28. On what date did the U. N. O. adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

a. 20th October, 1945

b. 24th October, 1945

c. 26th June, 1945

d. 10th December, 1948

29. Which specialized agency of UNO lists World Heritage Sites?




d. WWF

30. Who of the following was the U.N.O.'s first Secretary General from the African continent?

a. Kofi Anan

b. Boutros Boutros-Ghali

c. Javier Perez de Cuellar

d. Ban Ki-moon

31. Who coined the term United Nations?

a. Franklin D Roosevelt

b. Harry Truman

c. Winston Churchill

d. Joseph Stalin

32. Which of the following organisation led the foundation towards the formation of the International society nations?

a. League of Nations

b. United Nations

c. International UN Federation

d. International Institution

33. Which organisation is termed as "a Child of War"?

a. UNO

b. League of Nations



34. When was the ILO established?

a. 1942

b. 1927

c. 1919

d. 1930

35. Which of the following place is the headquarters of IMF (International Monetary Fund)?

a. Geneva

b. Paris

c. Washington

d. Hague

36. Who had given the "Fourteen Point" programme for the formation of League of Nations?

a. Williamson

b. Franklin D. Roosevelt

c. Sam Kutesa

d. Woodrow Wilson

37. When was the United Nations adopted the Charter of Economic Rights?

a. December 1980

b. December 1964

c. December 1974

d. December 1976

38. Which Conference adopted the United Nations Charter on 26th January, 1945?

a. London Conference

b. Tokyo Conference

c. San Francisco Conference

d. None of the above

39. What are the parameters to become a member of the UN?

a. It must be a state, it must be peace loving

b. It must accept the obligations to the Charter; it must be willing to carry out these obligations

c. It must be able to carry out these obligations

d. All the above

40. Under whom recommendations the UN General Assembly suspends the UN membership?

a. Judicial Body

b. International Judicial Community

c. Security Council

d. All of the above

41. The General Assembly of the United Nations have designated 1992 as:

a. International Child Year

b. International Space Year

c. International year of the Family

d. International year of Literacy

42. Which of the following is not an official language of United Nations?

 a. Arabic

b. Portuguese

c. French

d. Spanish

43. Which of the following countries is not having veto power in the Security Council?

a. UK

b. Canada

c. USA

d. China

44. What are the official languages of the UNO?

a. English, French and Russian

b. English, French, German and Russian

c. English, French, Russian, Chinese and Hindi

d. English, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic and Spanish

45. Where is the Headquarter of "UNESCO”?

a. Geneva

b. Rome

c. Washington

d. Paris

46. What year did the League of Nations begin?

a. 1918

b. 1920

c. 1933

d. 1945

47. Which of the following is not permanent member of Security council?

a. France

b. China

c. Germany

d. United Kingdom

48. The Head office of International court of justice is situated at

a. Geneva

b. The Hague

c. New York

d. Paris

49. Which of the following is not main organ of United Nations?

a. International Court of Justice

b. Economic and Social Council

c. Secretariat

d. Food and Agriculture Organisation

50. The UN day is celebrated every year on

a. 24th September

b. 28th September

c. 24th October

d. 28th October

51. Which of the following is not function of United Nations Development Programme?

a. Protect refugees worldwide

b. Poverty reduction

c. Crisis prevention and recovery

d. Energy and environment

52. Which of the following UN agencies focuses on poverty reduction and the improvement of living standards worldwide?

a. World Bank

b. IMF

c. WHO

d. ILO

53.The Head office of International Labour organization is situated at

a. Paris

b. Geneva

c. New York

d. The Hague

54.Which of the following is world’s centre for co-operation in the nuclear field?

a. ILO




55. Which US president worked very hard to create the League of Nations?

a. Woodrow Wilson

b. Herbert Hoover

c. Franklin Roosevelt

d. Abraham Lincoln

56. Which body was the League's Parliament?

a. The Council

b. The Secretariat

c. The Assembly

d. The Permanent Court of International Justice

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