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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 MCQ Quiz

 1. If as a result of disciplinary proceedings any of the prescribed punishments (e.g., censure, reduction to a lower post, etc.) is imposed on a Government servant, a record of the same should invariably be kept in?

(A) Personal File

(B) confidential roll

(C) service records

(D) All the above

2. Imposition of which among the following penalty does not by itself debar the Government servant concerned from being considered for promotion?

(A) Censure

(B) Recovery from pay

(C) Both A and B

(D) None of the above

3. A Government servant was awarded a punishment of reduction to a lower stage for two years. T he reduction was from Level 7 to Level 5 in the P ay Matrix. T he reduction in stage was to operate for three years to postpone all future increments. Comment.

(A) Punishment can be awarded for reduction only to one level

(B) The extent of punishment cannot exceed the period specified for reduction

(C) Punishment cannot postpone all future increments

(D) None of the above

4. Under which of the following circumstances, the leave sanctioning authority cannot mark the day as “dies non”?

(A) When an official remains absent from duty without prior information

(B) When an official comes late and works throughout the day during the office hours

(C) When on duty in office, the official leaves the office without proper permission

(D) When an official remains in office, but refuses to perform duty assigned to him

5. An Assistant Supdt.of Posts was initially recruited in Government Servant in the cadre of Postal Assistant. When the disciplinary authority decides to impose the major penalty of reduction to a post in a lower time scale, grade, service or to post, the the officer can be reduced in rank maximum up to?

(A) Multi Tasking Staff Only

(B) Postman Only

(C) Postal Assistant Only

(D) None of the above

6. A Government servant whose date of increment is 1 January 2022 is imposed with a penalty of withholding of one increment by issue of punishment order, dated 3 September 2021. Indicate the date from which the penalty takes effect from

(A) 3 September 2021

(B) 1 July 2021

(C) 1 July 2022

(D) 1 January 2022

7. A Disciplinary Authority imposed a penalty withholding of next increment for a period of 3 years on Mr. X vide Punishment Order, dated 1-6-2013. Specify the number of increments to be withheld

(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Four

8. Disciplinary Authorities is specified in which Section of the CCS(CCA) Rules 1965?

(A) Rule 10

(B) Rule 11

(C) Rule 12

(D) Rule 13

9. Who among the following is empowered to impose any of the penalties specified in Rule 11 of CCS(CCA) Rules 1965 on any Government servant?

(A) Union Public Service Commission

(B) Prime Minister of India

(C) Governor of the concerned State

(D) President of India

10. Any of the penalties specified in Rule 11 of CCS(CCA) Rules 1965 may be imposed on a Government Servant by?

(A) appointing authority

(B) authority specified in the schedule in this behalf

(C) any other authority empowered in this behalf by a general or special order of the President

(D) Either A or B or C

11. From the following, which are the powers that cannot be exercised by an officer who is appointed to perform the current duties of an appointment?

(A) Administrative powers

(B) Financial powers

(C) Statutory powers

(D) Technical powers

12. What happens to the disciplinary proceedings started by a disciplinary authority (A) in respect of a Government servant when the latter is transferred to the jurisdiction of another disciplinary authority (B) even though the said Government servant continues to be in the same service?

(A) it is not necessary for disciplinary authority (B) to start de novo proceedings by framing and delivering fresh articles of charge to the concerned official

(B) He can carry on with the enquiry proceedings at the point where the transfer of the accused Officer was effected

(C) Both A and B

(D) None of the above

13. A penalty under Rule 11 can be imposed only by

(A) Appellate Authority

(B) Reviewing Authority

(C) Any other Authority

(D) Punishing (Disciplinary) Authority

14. Can a Disciplinary Authority who is not competent to impose the penalty specified in Rule 11 institute disciplinary proceedings against any Government servant?

(A) Yes

(B) No

(C) Yes. Under the direction of the superior authority

(D) None of these

15. Under which Rule of CCS(CCA) Rules 1965, a disciplinary authority empowered to impose only minor penalty may institute major penalty proceedings against the said Government Servant?

(A) Rule 11(1)

(B) Rule 12(5)

(C) Rule 13(2)

(D) Rule 14(5)


1. (B) confidential roll

2. (C) Both A and B

3. (B) The extent of punishment cannot exceed the period specified for reduction

4. (B) When an official comes late and works throughout the day during the office hours

5. (C) Postal Assistant Only

6. (D) 1 January 2022

7. (C) Three

8. (C) Rule 12

9. (D) President of India

10. (D) Either A or B or C

11. (C) Statutory powers

12. (C) Both A and B

13. (D) Punishing (Disciplinary) Authority

14. (B) No

15. (C) Rule 13(2)

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