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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Countries and their Parliament’s names

Sr. No. Country Parliament Name
1. Afghanistan Shora
2. Albania People’s Assembly
3. Algeria National People’s Assembly
4. Andorra General Council
5. Angola National People’s Assembly
6. Argentina National Congress
7. Australia Federal Parliament
8. Austria National Assembly
9. Azerbaijan Milli Majlis
10. Bahamas General Assembly
11. Bahrain Consultative Council
12. Bangladesh Jatiya Parliament OR Jatiya Sangsad
13. Belize National Assembly
14. Bhutan Tsogdu
15. Bolivia National Congress
16. Botswana National Assembly
17. Brazil National Congress
18. Britain Parliament (House Of Common’s And House Of Lords)
19. Brunei National Assembly
20. Bulgaria Narodno Sabranie
21. Cambodia National Assembly
22. Canada Parliament
23. China National People’s Assembly
24. Colombia Congress
25. Comoros Legislative Council And Senate
26. Congo Democratic Rep. Of National Legislative Council
27. Costa Rica Legislative Council And Senate
28. Crotia Sabor
29. Cuba National Assembly Of People’s Power
30. Denmark Folketing
31. East Timor Constituent Assembly
32. Ecuador National Congress
33. Egypt People’s Assembly
34. El Salvador Legislative Assembly
35. Ethiopia Federal Council And House Of Representative
36. Fiji Islands Senate & House Of Representative
37. Finland Eduskunta (Parliament)
38. France National Assembly
39. Germany Bundestag (Lower House)
40. Great Britain Parliament
41. Greece Chamber Of Deputies
42. Guyana National Assembly
43. Hungary National Assembly
44. Iceland Althing
45. India Sansad
46. Indonesia People’s Consultative Assembly
47. Iran Majlis
48. Iraq National Assembly
49. Ireland Oireachtas
50. Israel The Knesset
51. Italy Chamber Of Deputies And Senate
52. Japan Diet
53. Jordan National Assembly
54. Korea(North) Supreme People’s Assembly
55. Korea(South) National Assembly
56. Kuwait National Assembly
57. Labanon National Assembly
58. Laos People’s Supreme Assembly
59. Lativa Saeima
60. Lesotho National Assembly And Senate
61. Libya General People’s Congress
62. Lithuania Seimas
63. Luxembourg Chamber Of Deputies
64. Madagascar National People’s Assembly
65. Magnolia Khural
66. Malaysia Majilis
67. Maldives Majilis
68. Mongolia Great People’s Khural
69. Montenegro Federal Assembly
70. Mozambique People’s Assembly
71. Myanmar Pyithu Hluttaw
72. Nepal Rashtriya Panchayat
73. Netherlands States General (Staten-General)
74. New Zealand Parliament (House Of Representative)
75. Norway Storting
76. Oman Monarchy
77. Pakistan National Assembly & Senate
78. Papua New Guinea National Parliament
79. Paraguay Senate & Chamber Of Deputies
80. Philippines The Congress
81. Poland Sejm
82. Romania Great National Assembly
83. Russia Duma & Federal Council
84. Saudi Arabia Majlis Al Shura
85. South Africa Parliament
86. Spain Crotes
87. Taiwan Yuan
88. Turkey Grand National Assembly
89. Uruguay General Assembly
90. USA Congress
91. Uzbekistan Oliy Majlis
92. Vietnam National Assembly
93. Zambia National Assembly
94. Zimbabwe Parliament

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