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Saturday, May 15, 2021


 76. Piaget believed that young infants’ failure to reach for a hidden object indicated that they:

a) Were no longer interested in the object

b) Were unaware of the existence of the object

c) Were unable to reach the object

d) Were unable to uncover the object

77. At what age do children typically develop gender identity (the ability to label each correctly)?

a) 1 -1/2 years

b) 2-1/2 years

c) 3-1/2 years

d) 6 years

78. Which of Erikson's Psychosocial Stages characterizes adolescence?

a) Industry vs. Inferiority

b) Intimacy vs. Isolation

c) Identity vs Identity diffusion

d) Initiative vs Guilt

79. The rooting reflex occurs when a:

A) newborn's foot is tickled.

B) newborn's cheek is touched.

C) newborn hears a loud noise.

D) newborn makes eye contact with his or her caregiver.

80. During which stage of cognitive development do children acquire object permanence?

A) sensorimotor

B) preoperational

C) concrete operational

D) formal operational

81. Piaget held that egocentrism is characteristic of the:

A) sensorimotor stage.

B) preoperational stage.

C) concrete operational stage.

D) formal operational stage

82. In Piaget's theory, conservation is to egocentrism as the stage is to the stage.

A) sensorimotor; formal operational

B) formal operational; sensorimotor

C) preoperational; sensorimotor

D) concrete operational; preoperational

83. In Piaget's stage of concrete operational intelligence, the child acquires an understanding of the principle of:

A) Conservation.

B) Deduction.

C) Attachment.

D) Object permanence.

84. In a 1998 movie, a young girl finds that a gaggle of geese follows her wherever she goes because she was the first “object” they saw after they were born. This is an example of:

A) conservation.

B) imprinting.

C) egocentrism.

D) basic trust.

85. The developmental theorist who suggested that securely attached children develop an attitude of basic trust is:

A) Piaget.

B) Harlow.

C) Vygotsky.

D) Erikson.

86. To which of Kohlberg's levels would moral reasoning based on the existence of fundamental human rights pertain?

A) preconventional morality

B) conventional morality

C) postconventional morality

D) generative morality

87. Which of the following was not mentioned in the text as a criticism of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

A) It does not account for the fact that the development of moral reasoning is culture- specific.

B) Postconventional morality appears mostly in educated, middle-class persons.

C) The theory is biased against the moral reasoning of people in communal societies

such as China.

D) The theory is biased in favor of moral reasoning in men

88. In Erikson's theory, individuals generally focus on developing during adolescence and then during young adulthood.

A) identity; intimacy

B) intimacy; identity

C) basic trust; identity

D) identity; basic trust

89. Which of the following theories best exemplifies continuity?

A) Erikson's psychosocial theory

B) Vygotsky's sociocultural theory

C) Piaget's cognitive development theory

D) Kohlberg’s theory of moral development

90. Jean Piaget defined egocentrism as:

A) The belief that young adults don't listen to their parents

B) The idea that preschool children cannot see things from another's point of view

C) The understanding that young children cannot learn outside of a structured classroom

D) The idea that young children are selfish and grow out of it over time

91. Monica is extremely neat and orderly. She cannot stand it when people touch things on her desk. She also has a problem lending money to even her closest friends. Freud would say she is stuck in what psychosexual stage?

A) Oral

B) Anal

C) Phallic

D) Latency

92. According to Erik Erikson, what is one major conflict teenagers deal with during the identity versus role confusion stage of psychosocial development?

A) Finding a more purposeful life as an adult

B) Achieving personal satisfaction

C) Reflecting on previous life challenges

D) Finding intimacy by developing loving relationships

93. According to Erik Erikson, as a young adult you are most interested in developing:

A) Initiative

B) Integrity

C) Trust

D) Intimacy

94. As children begin their elementary school years, they enter Erikson's stage of:

A) Trust versus Mistrust

B) Autonomy versus Doubt

C) Initiative versus Guilt

D) Industry versus Inferiority

95. In preconventional morality, the person:

a) obeys out of a sense of social duty.

b) conforms to gain social approval.

c) obeys to avoid punishment or to gain concrete rewards.

d) follows the dictates of his or her conscience.

96. Which of the following is a similarity between the cognitive developmental theory of Piaget and the moral developmental theory of Kohlberg?

A) Both theories stress the importance of changes in thinking in their stages.

B) Both believe personality is formed in the first 5 years.

C) Both theories stress the importance of the third stage in the developmental process.

D) Both developed a life span theory and had eight stages.

97. According to social learning theory, gender identity is

I. A process which occurs when young children unconsciously identify with the same-sex parent.

II. A result of being positively reinforced for acting in ways that conform to male and female roles.

III. Learned through observing and imitating role models like their parents.

A) I only

B) II only

C) III only

D) II and III only

98. Which of the following theories best exemplifies continuity?

A) Erikson's psychosocial theory

B) Vygotsky's sociocultural theory

C) Piaget's cognitive development theory

D) Kohlberg's theory of moral development

99. Which of the following reflexes is not a reflex infants enter the world equipped with?

A) Sucking

B) Swallowing

C) Stepping

D) Licking

100. Temperament is best defined as:

A) Personality traits inherited from biological parents

B) Learned behavioral tendencies of a young child

C) Physical and emotional characteristics of a newborn child and young infant

D) Psychological and physiological personality traits a young child models from his or her environment

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