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Monday, May 10, 2021

Child Development & Pedagogy-9 (MCQ)

 Q201. Learning theory has been criticized as failing to explain underlying ______in individual behavior patterns.

(a) Motives

(b) Social structure

(c) Executive functions

(d) Consistencies

Q202. The self as ________and self as a process, are seen in most theories which employ any kind of self construction.

(a) Image

(b) Object

(c) Ego

(d) None of these

Q203. In _______theory, the ego comprises the personality’s executive functions.

(a) Maslow’s 

(b) Erikson’s

(c) Spearman’s

(d) Psychoanalytic

Q204. _____are also prominent in phenomenological theories: those which build upon he perceived, subjective world of one’s immediate experience.

(a) Clients

(b) Experiences

(c) Parents

(d) Self-concepts

Q205. The _______is the individual’s frame of reference and may or may not correspond with external reality.

(a) Phenomenal field

(b) Self-concepts

(c) Learning

(d) Ego

Q206. Out of the ______, there gradually develops a portion which is the self.

(a) Phenomenal field

(b) Learning through conditioning

(c) Id

(d) Super ego

Q207. According to Rogers, in addition to the present self, there is also a/an

(a) Self-image

(b) Ideal self

(c) Preconscious self

(d) Unconscious self

Q208. Symbolized experience may not match external reality. This is called

(a) Congruence 

(b) Incongruence

(c) Self-actualization

(d) Peak experience

Q209. In Rogers notion, in mature adjusted people there will be ______between the organism and the self.

(a) Incongruence

(b) An ideal self

(c) Congruence

(d) None of these

Q210. If the reaction to a child’s behavior is disapproving, the child will regard the action as unworthy and tend to

(a) Exclude it

(b) Reinforce it

(c) Do it more frequently 

(d) None of the above

Q211. ______ helped to popular rise the Q technique in personality research, a method of selfdescription which is particularly easy to analyse statistically.

(a) Erikson

(b) Maslow

(c) Jenson

(d) Rogers

Q212. Maslow’s ________theory stresses the positive tendency to fulfill one’s basic potentialities.

(a) Humanistic psychology

(b) Self

(c) Self-actualization

(d) Psychoanalysis

Q213. Truly self-actualized people are rare but _________which most of us have had, are moments of self-actualization.

(a) Distortion of image

(b) Peak experiences

(c) Incongruences

(d) None of the above

Q214. Erikson’s trust-versus-mistrust stage occurs during

(a) Middle childhood

(b) Early adulthood

(c) Infancy

(d) Early childhood

Q215. Maslow (1967) found that his group of people or the self-actualized people had some distinct characteristics like

(a) They were open to experience

(b) They were in tune with themselves

(c) They resisted conformity to culture 

(d) All the above

Q216. All the self-theories share a view of personality which relies heavily on

(a) Situational variations

(b) Social interaction

(c) Classical and operant conditioning

(d) Introspection

Q217. _______seek to discover individuals’ characteristic behaviours and do not have right or wrong answers.

(a) Intelligence tests

(b) Mental ability tests

(c) Personality tests

(d) None of the above

Q218. Pencil and paper tests which ask questions or give simple statements to be marked “yes” or “no” are called

(a) Thematic Apperception Test

(b) Mental Ability Test

(c) Differential Ability Test

(d) Questionnaires 

Q219. There is no known_______ for some of the tests made up by individuals or “testing agencies” for use in selecting executives or employees in industry.

(a) Validity

(b) Reliability

(c) Consistency

(d) Uniformity

Q220. Most questionnaires in magazines designed to tell us whether we are good husbands, introverts, successful executives and so forth are 

(a) Valid

(b) Not valid

(c) Apparent

(d) Deceptive

Q221. ‘Mirambaka’- The school based on ideas of free progress education was advocated by 

(a) M. K. Gandhi 

(b) Vivekananda 

(c) John Dewey 

(d) Aurobindo 

Q222. The most important single factor of success for a teacher in the beginning of teaching career is 

(a) Verbal fluency and organization ability. 

(b) Positive attitude and outlook towards life. 

(c) Personality and ability to adjust to classroom. 

(d) competence and professional ethics. 

Q223. For a teacher in higher educational institution, which of the following is the best option to do in leisure time? 

(a) Taking rest in teacher’s room

(b) Reading magazines in library 

(c) Talking to administrative staff 

(d) Doing research 

Q224. What are the components of Tyler’s model of curriculum? 

(a) Aims, subject content, teaching, evaluation. 

(b) Purpose, educational experiences, effective organization of experiences, verification of goal. 

(c) Aims of education, organization of content, testing, feedback. 

(d) Subject content, teaching, learning, testing. 

Q225. The experienced teachers do not require the detailed lesson plan of a topic because

(a)2 They can teach more effectively without its help. 

(b) There are just few curious students in the class 

(c) The teacher is not likely to face any challenges from students even if they are wrong. 

(d) They can equip themselves with brief outline as they gain specialization in it through experience. 

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