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Monday, May 10, 2021

Child Development & Pedagogy-10 (MCQ)

 Q226. The ideal teacher 

(a) Covers the whole syllabus in class. 

(b) helps his students in learning. 

(c) Is a friend, philosopher and guide 

(d) Is a strict disciplinarian. 

Q227. The field of education is permeated by conflicts and misconceptions because 

(a) Subjectivity of interpretation 

(b) Problem are not amenable to rigorous scientific investigation. 

(c) Lack of good teaching methods. 

(d) All the above

Q228. In the introduction part of a lesson plan, a teacher aims to get student’s 

(a) Assignments 

(b) Aptitude 

(c) Attention 

(d) Abilities 

Q229. With the development of technology, the role of teacher in future will be 

(a) to provide information 

(b) to development new textbooks 

(c) to guide students 

(d) to use the internet in teaching 

Q230. Which of the following is not a level of teaching learning? 

(a) Differentiation level 

(b) Memory level 

(c) Reflective level 

(d) Understanding level 

Q231. What does the cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objection affect in learners? 

(a) Thoughts 

(b) Emotions 

(c) Skills 

(d) All the above 

Q232. Integral education concept is propounded by 

(a) Sri Aurobindo 

(b) Mahatma Gandhi 

(c) Swami Dayanand 

(d) Swami Vivekananda 

Q233. The standard of education can be raised by 

(a) Appointing good teachers 

(b) Providing physical facilities in schools 

(c) Reforming examination system 

(d) Providing computer in schools 

Q234. Which of the following skills are needed for the present-day teacher to adjust effectively with classroom teaching? 

I. Knowledge of technology 

II. Use of technology in teaching learning 

III. Knowledge of student’s needs 

IV. content mastery Codes : 

(a) I and II 

(b) II and III 

(c) II, III, and IV 

(d) II and IV 

Q235. The primary duty of a teachers is to 

(a) Raise the intellectual standards of students

(b) Improve the physical standards of students 

(c) Help in all-round development of students 

(d) Imbibe value system in students 

Q236. Which one of the following is the most important quality of a good teacher? 

(a) punctuality and sincerity 

(b) content mastery 

(c) content mastery and reactive 

(d) content mastery and sociable 

Q237. The primary responsibility for the teacher’s adjustment lies with 

(a) The children 

(b) The principal 

(c) The teacher himself 

(d) The community 

Q238. Which one of the following statements is correct? 

(a) Syllabus is an annexure to the curriculum. 

(b) Curriculum is the same in all educational institutions. 

(c) Curriculum includes both formal and informal education. 

(d) Curriculum does not include method of evaluation 

Q239. A successful teacher is one who is 

(a) compassionate and disciplinarian 

(b) quite and reactive 

(c) Tolerant and dominating 

(d) Passive and active 

Q240. The most important quality of a good teacher is 

(a) sound knowledge of subject matter 

(b) good communication skills 

(c) concern for students welfare 

(d) effective leadership qualities 

Q241. If a student asks questions on some unrelated topic in the class, as teacher you will 

(a) Allow him to ask unrelated questions. 

(b) Not allow him to ask unrelated questions. 

(c) Answer the question after the class. 

(d) consider it as an act of indiscipline. 

Q242. A guardian never comes to see you in school. As a teacher, you will 

(a) Ignore the child 

(b) write a letter to the guardian 

(c) Go to meet him yourself if possible 

(d) Start punishing the child 

Q243. To maintain interest among students in class, a teacher should 

(a) make maximum use of teaching instructional facilities 

(b) discuss 

(c) Ask question intermittently 

(d) All the above 

Q244. A teacher asks the questions in the class to 

(a) keep students busy 

(b) Maintain discipline 

(c) Attract student’s attention 

(d) Teach 

Q245. To keep a check on the habit of absenteeism among students 

(a) The principal and parents should get worried 

(b) the officials should put noise against absentee students on the notice board. 

(c) the teachers should take it as a serious problem 

(d) they should be given less priority in the classroom in relation to regular students. 

Q246. When the students try to solve the questions in some different way not taught by the teacher from prescribed books then these students should be 

(a) always discouraged to consult some other books on the subject 

(b) always encouraged to consult other books on the subject. 

(c) Suggested to seek permission of their respective class teachers before referring to other books.

(d) No action required. 

Q247. Students who ask questions in the class should be 

(a) advised to meet the teacher after the class. 

(b) encouraged to participate in the discussion in the class. 

(c) encouraged to continue asking question. 

(d) encouraged to search answers independently

Q248. In order to modify the undesirable behaviour of a student, the most effective method is 

(a) to punish the student

(b) to bring it to the notice of parents. 

(c) to find out the reasons for the undesirable behaviour and provide remedies. 

(d) all the above 

Q249. A majority of classroom tasks initiated by teachers in traditional classroom are usually 

(a) Low-level cognitive process 

(b) High-order cognitive process 

(c) Affective process 

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Q250. In totality, the teacher helps students the most in which of the following way? 

(a) Integrated development of the child 

(b) physical growth of the child 

(c) for socio- cultural 

(d) Development of the child

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