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Showing posts with label World Bee Day MCQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Bee Day MCQ. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Honey Bee MCQ

1) How many queens usually live in a bee colony?

 2

 3

 4

2) How many days does the egg stage last?

 2

 4

 5

3) How many wings does a bee have?

 2

 3

 5

4) How does the bee carry the pollen back to its colony?

 In its body

 On its front legs

 On its middle legs

On its rear legs 

5) Which organ prevents the nectar collected, being passed through into the bee’s digestive system in order that it can be regurgitated back at the hive?

 Honey bladder

 Gut

Proventriculus valve 

 Gullet

6) What colour is the bee's blood?

 Red

 White


 Black

7) What does pollen consist of mainly?

 Carbohydrates


 Fat

 None of the three

8) How long does a worker bee live in the summer?

 about 2 weeks

about 2 months 

 about 4 months

 about 6 months

9) What is varroa?

 a fungus

 a bacterium

 an insect

an arachnid mite 

10) Where are the most varroa usually found?

 in the cells of developing workers

 in the cells of developing queens

in the cells of developing drones 

 on the adult bee

11) Where is the surplus honey stored in the bee colony?

 under the offspring or brood nest

above the brood nest 

 in the brood nest

 in front of the brood nest

12) What does the bee use to orientate itself when flying during overcast weather without sunshine?

 3 simple eyes

the 2 compound eyes 

 antennae

 legs

13) How many worker bees make up about 1 kilo?

 32,000 bees

 24,000 bees

 17,000 bees

11,000 bees 

14) What colour can the honey bee not see?


 Blue

 Green

 Yellow

15) How many segments are there in the abdomen of the worker bee?

 2

 4

 6

16) Does the sting of the queen have sharply barbed hooks which prevent it being withdrawn?

 yes


17) Does the male bee have a sting?

 yes


18) What does the beekeeper feed the bees with?

 Milk

 Herbs


 Fruit

19) What is the International Federation of Beekeepers called?





20) What is not a bee product?

 Honey

 Beeswax


 Bee poison

21) How many corners (sides) does a honeycomb cell have?

 4

 5

 8

22) Do bees have hair?


 no

23) What is the name of the bees' dance when nectar can be collected in fewer than 100 metres?

Round dance 

 Wag-Tail dance

24) How long does the development of a worker bee take from laying of egg to emerging as a fully formed adult?

 16 days

 19 days

21 days 

 24 days

25) How long does the development of a male bee (drone) take?

 16 days

 19 days

 21 days

24 days 

26) How long does the development of a queen take?

16 days 

 19 days

 21 days

 24 days

27) What is the maximum life of a queen?

 6 months

 1 year

 3 years

5 years 

28) How many eggs can a queen lay one day?

 500

 1000

 1500


29) Do drones also collect nectar?

 yes


30) How many legs does a bee have?

 2

 4

 8

31) What is the name given to a colony of bees

 A Supergrass

A Superorganism 

 A Collective

 A Family


1. Amongst honey bees, the workers are:

(a) Female

(b) Male

(c) Both females and males

(d) Hermaphrodite

Answer: (a)

2. The generic name of which of these is Apis?

(a) Fish

(b) Honey bee

(c) Lac insect

(d) Prawn

Answer: (b)

3. Apis dorsata is used to refer to

(a) Little bee

(b) Indian bee

(c) European bee

(d) Rock bee

Answer: (d)

4. The honey bee is of greatest use to mankind as:

(a) It is of medicinal benefits

(b) Helps in cross-pollination

(c) We get honey from them

(d) None of these

Answer: (b)

5. Nature of honey is

(a) Acidic

(b) Alkaline

(c) Neutral

(d) Turns basic after a few days

Answer: (a)

6. Honey is

(a) Nectar of a flower

(b) Nectar stored in the honey sac

(c) Nectar mixed with saliva and stored in the honey sac

(d) Nectar and water sucked by honey bee

Answer: (c)

7. The bee carries the pollen back to its colony on:

(a) Its body

(b) Its middle legs

(c) Its front legs

(d) Its rear legs

Answer: (d)

8. The chief constituent of honey is

(a) Disaccharides

(b) Monosaccharide

(c) Polysaccharides

(d) Fats

Answer: (b)

9. For how long does a worker bee live in the summer?

(a) For 2 weeks

(b) For 2 months

(c) For 4 months

(d) For 6 months

Answer: (b)

10. The development of a male bee (drone) takes how long?

(a) 16 days

(b) 19 days

(c) 22 days

(d) 24 days

Answer: (d)

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