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Showing posts with label Philosophical Foundations of Education (MCQs)-3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philosophical Foundations of Education (MCQs)-3. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Philosophical Foundations of Education (MCQs)-3

 51. Which is a great disadvantage of the project method?

(a) It consumes much of the time of the child

(b) It leaves gaps in the knowledge of the child

(c) Children are generally not interested in it

(d) Teachers, generally, do not like to teach through it.

52. Learning by Project Method is technically known as

(a) Incidental learning.

(b) Efficient learning.

(c) Systematic learning.

(d) Adequate learning.

53. Education, according to the Pragmatist is

(a) Wholly pupil-oriented.

(b) Wholly society-oriented.

(c) Wholly purposive.

(d) Wholly interdisciplinary.

54. Who among the following is not a follower of Pragmatic Philosophy?

(a) William James

(b) Peshtalozzi

(c) John Dewey

(d) Kilpatrick.

55. What is not associated with Pragmatism?

(a) Purposive education

(b) Experience-based education

(c) Freedom-based education

(d) Education for self-realization.

56. Who emphasised realization of Truth, Beauty and Goodness as the aims of education?

(a) Idealists

(b) Pragmatists

(c) Realists

(d) Naturalists.

57. Which statement about truth is not correct according to the philosophy of Pragmatism?

(a) It is made by man

(b) It is ever changing

(c) It is eternal

(d) It is what emerges to be true in actual practice.

58. In whose methodology of teaching “Experimentation” is the key-note of?

(a) Idealism

(b) Existentialism

(c) Realism

(d) Pragmatism.

59. The term “progressive education” related to

(a) Realism.

(b) Pragmatism.

(c) Idealism.

(d) Existentialism.

60. Who said, “No fixed aims of education and no values in advance”?

(a) Progressive educators

(b) Idealists

(c) Realists

(d) Marxists.

61. Which school of philosophy of education stresses the direct study of men and things through tours and travels?

(a) Social realism

(b) Idealism

(c) Existentialism

(d) Marxism.

62. Which school believes that all knowledge comes through the senses?

(a) Idealism

(b) Sense Realism

(c) Pragmatism

(d) Existentialism.

63. Which school raised the slogan “Things as they are and as they are likely to be encountered in life rather than words?”

(a) Pragmatist

(b) Realists

(c) Idealists

(d) Existentialists.

64. As Huxley pleaded for the introduction of “a complete and thorough scientific culture” into schools, he is claimed to be

(a) An Idealist.

(b) A Realist,

(c) A Pragmatist.

(d) A Naturalist.

65. Realism in education was born out of

(a) The enthusiasm of the Renaissance.

(b) The great religious movement of the 17th century.

(c) A cleavage between the work of the schools and the life of the world outside that occurred during the 19th century.

(d) The degeneration of humanism after Renaissance.

66. Which of the following is not criticized by realism in education?

(a) Teachers denying the value of school co-curricular activities

(b) Pupils cramming for knowledge from books for reproducing in examination

(c) Organizing schools in a way that is conducive to practical training in citizenship

(d) Teaching which drifts away from life of the child.

67. In the light of relevant past events, con­temporary events and their understanding should find a place in the teaching of history. Who maintained this principle?

(a) Naturalists

(b) Idealists

(c) Realists

(d) Marxists.

68. The most important thing to keep in mind for a teacher according to Realism in education is

(a) The method of teaching.

(b) The value and significance of what is taught.

(c) The nature of the child.

(d) Organization of the content to be taught.

69. Which school of philosophy very strongly advocates that education should be voca­tional in character?

(a) Existentialism

(b) Naturalism

(c) Realism

(d) Pragmatism.

70. Which is not an aspect of mind according to the Realists’ theory of knowing?

(a) Awareness

(b) Consciousness

(c) Behaviour

(d) Processing of awareness.

71. Who believe that “Objects have a reality independent of mental phenomena”?

(a) Idealists

(b) Realists

(c) Naturalists

(d) Existentialists.

72. Marxist educational philosophy is closer to

(a) Idealism.

(b) Realism.

(c) Naturalism.

(d) Pragmatism.

73. Which among the following statements is not a characteristic of Marxism?

(a) It presupposes a reality independent of man’s mind

(b) Its educational philosophy is essentially materialistic

(c) Its major objective is the development of child’s personality

(d) It asserts that physical environment can definitely change the nature of the child.

74. Which school of philosophy of education regrets dualism between cultural, and voca­tional curriculum?

(a) Marxism

(b) Idealism

(c) Existentialism

(d) Naturalism.

75. According to which educational philosophy, socially useful labour must form the central pivot of the entire school?

(a) Idealism

(b) Marxism

(c) Existentialism

(d) Naturalism.

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