Q ➤ Hack around Ans ➤ Meaning-Waste time. Explanation-I've been HACKING AROUND all morning because I can't get down to doing any revision.
Q ➤ Hack into Ans ➤ Meaning-Break into a computer system. Explanation-He HACKED INTO the government database and stole a lot of data.
Q ➤ Hack off Ans ➤ Meaning-Annoy. Explanation-He HACKS me OFF with his endless complaining.
Q ➤ Hack up Ans ➤ Meaning-Chop or cut into small pieces. Explanation-They HACKED the table UP and burnt it.
Q ➤ Hack up Ans ➤ Meaning-Expel by coughing. Explanation-I HACKED UP a lot of phlegm while I was ill.
Q ➤ Ham up Ans ➤ Meaning-Perform or act in an excessive way to attract attention or amuse people. Explanation-He HAMMED the part UP to get the audience to laugh.
Q ➤ Hammer away at Ans ➤ Meaning-Work relentlessly. Explanation-She HAMMERED AWAY AT her PC all night and finished the project.
Q ➤ Hammer intoAns ➤ Meaning-Repeat something over a period of time to make someone remember it. Explanation-He HAMMERED the rules INTO me.
Q ➤ Hammer out Ans ➤ Meaning-Negotiate and reach an agreement. Explanation-They HAMMERED OUT their differences and got the contract signed.
Q ➤ Hand back Ans ➤ Meaning-Return. Explanation-The police officer checked my licence, then HANDED it BACK.
Q ➤ Hand down Ans ➤ Meaning-Pass on to the next generation. Explanation-The jewellery has been HANDED DOWN in my family for generations.
Q ➤ Hand down Ans ➤ Meaning-Give a formal decision. Explanation-The court HANDED DOWN its ruling yesterday.
Q ➤ Hand in Ans ➤ Meaning-Submit work for appraisal. Explanation-I HANDED my homework IN late as usual.
Q ➤ Hand on Ans ➤ Meaning-Give to someone else. Explanation-I HANDED the job ON to a colleague.
Q ➤ Hand on Ans ➤ Meaning-Transmit knowledge to the next generation. Explanation-The secrets have been HANDED ON from generation to generation.
Q ➤ Hand out Ans ➤ Meaning-Distribute. Explanation-The teacher HANDED OUT the worksheet to the class.
Q ➤ Hand over Ans ➤ Meaning-Give. Explanation-The robbers told the clerk to HAND OVER all the money.
Q ➤ Hang about Ans ➤ Meaning-Spend time somewhere not doing much. Explanation-They HANG ABOUT the station most of the day.
Q ➤ Hang about!Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop what you're doing and pay attention to me. Explanation-HANG ABOUT! We're not allowed to do this.
Q ➤ Hang around Ans ➤ Meaning-Stay in a place. Explanation-They HANG AROUND the station most of the day.
Q ➤ Hang back Ans ➤ Meaning-Not move forwards to avoid doing something. Explanation-When they raced towards the entrance, I HUNG BACK till it was less crowded.
Q ➤ Hang back from Ans ➤ Meaning-Delay or avoid doing something. Explanation-They were HANGING BACK FROM making the final decision.
Q ➤ Hang in there Ans ➤ Meaning-Persevere, not give up. Explanation-Were were doing badly, but we HUNG IN THERE till we finished.
Q ➤ Hang it up Ans ➤ Meaning-Retire, quit. Explanation-I’m getting too old for this- I’m going to HANG IT UP starting next month.
Q ➤ Hang on Ans ➤ Meaning-Wait. Explanation-Could you HANG ON for a moment till she's free.
Q ➤ Hang on Ans ➤ Meaning-Hold tightly. Explanation-The driver told the passengers to HANG ON as the bus pulled off.
Q ➤ Hang onto Ans ➤ Meaning-Keep. Explanation-I HUNG ONTO my old records even though I never played them.
Q ➤ Hang out Ans ➤ Meaning-Spend time socially. Explanation- He HANGS OUT in the pub The Monarch; he's there most nights.
Q ➤ Hang out forAns ➤ Meaning-Wait or refuse to do something until you get what you want. Explanation-She's HANGING OUT FOR a big raise.
Q ➤ Hang over Ans ➤ Meaning-Worry or trouble. Explanation-I have a lot of financial problem HANGING OVER my head.
Q ➤ Hang together Ans ➤ Meaning-Work together when things are difficult. Explanation-We have to HANG TOGETHER if we're going to finish this project.
Q ➤ Hang up Ans ➤ Meaning-End a phone call. Explanation-I lost my temper and HUNG UP.
Q ➤ Hang up on Ans ➤ Meaning-End a phone call with someone. Explanation- A telesales person called, so I said something rude and HUNG UP ON them.
Q ➤ Hang with Ans ➤ Meaning-Spend time with. Explanation-He has been HANGING WITH them for a few months.
Q ➤ Hanker afterAns ➤ Meaning-Want something a lot, especially if you shouldn't want it or can't have it. Explanation-I'm supposed to be on a diet and I can't stop HANKERING AFTER some chocolate.
Q ➤ Hanker for Ans ➤ Meaning-Want something a lot, especially if you shouldn't want it or can't have it. Explanation-I have always HANKERED FOR a soft-top car.
Q ➤ Harp on Ans ➤ Meaning-Talk repeatedly about something. Explanation-I was late twice last week and my boss keeps HARPING ON about it.
Q ➤ Hate on Ans ➤ Meaning-Be jealous, abuse or have an active hatred of someone. Explanation-She HATES ON people who disagree with her ideas.
Q ➤ Have againstAns ➤ Meaning-Dislike, disagree or hold a grudge (Usually negative). Explanation-I HAVE nothing AGAINST their proposals.
Q ➤ Have around Ans ➤ Meaning-Entertain someone in your home. Explanation-I HAD the neighbours AROUND for dinner last night.
Q ➤ Have down asAns ➤ Meaning-Think of someone or something in a particular way. Explanation-I HAD her DOWN AS a liberal, but I was very wrong.
Q ➤ Have in Ans ➤ Meaning-Have a supply of something in a particular place. Explanation-Do we HAVE any beer IN?
Q ➤ Have in Ans ➤ Meaning-Get someone to do some work. Explanation-We HAD the decorators IN last week.
Q ➤ Have in Ans ➤ Meaning-Entertain people in your home. Explanation-We HAD them IN last night for dinner.
Q ➤ Have it awayAns ➤ Meaning-Have sex with someone, especially casual sex. Explanation-She HAD IT AWAY with him last Friday.
Q ➤ Have it in for Ans ➤ Hold a grudge. Explanation-He has HAD IT IN FOR me since I beat him last year.
Q ➤ Have it off Ans ➤ Meaning-Have sex. Explanation-They HAD IT OFF after the party.
Q ➤ Have it out withAns ➤ Meaning-Discuss or argue an issue to improve a situation. Explanation-I'd been worried for ages, so I decided to HAVE IT OUT WITH them.
Q ➤ Have off Ans ➤ Meaning-Take time off work. Explanation-I HAD a couple of days OFF last week to relax.
Q ➤ Have on Ans ➤ Meaning-Be wearing. Explanation-What did Jennie HAVE ON at the party?
Q ➤ Have on Ans ➤ Meaning-Have an electronic device switched on. Explanation-I HAVE my computer ON all the time.
Q ➤ Have on Ans ➤ Meaning-Have an arrangement. Explanation-I HAVE a lot of meetings ON next week.
Q ➤ Have on Ans ➤ Meaning-Tease, deceive. Explanation-They said they'd failed, but they were HAVING me ON.
Q ➤ Have on Ans ➤ Meaning-Be in possession at a particular time. Explanation-I HAVEN'T any money ON me, but I can get some from the ATM.
Q ➤ Have on Ans ➤ Meaning-Know something about someone that could harm them. Explanation-I HAVE a lot ON him because we used to work together.
Q ➤ Have over Ans ➤ Meaning-Receive a guest. Explanation-Shall we HAVE them OVER for dinner?
Q ➤ Have round Ans ➤ Meaning-Entertain someone in your home. Explanation-I HAD a few friends ROUND yesterday.
Q ➤ Have up Ans ➤ Meaning-Make someone appear in court. Explanation-They HAD him UP for armed robbery.
Q ➤ Head for Ans ➤ Meaning-Move or travel towards. Explanation-It's getting late- I'm HEADING FOR home.
Q ➤ Head off Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop someone or force them to change direction. Explanation-The sheriff and his men HEADED the bandits OFF at the pass.
Q ➤ Head off Ans ➤ Meaning-Prevent something bad happening. Explanation-The company made a better offer to HEAD OFF the moves for a strike.
Q ➤ Head off Ans ➤ Meaning-Leave somewhere to go to another place. Explanation-After work, we all HEADED OFF to the pub.
Q ➤ Head out Ans ➤ Meaning-Go out. Explanation-We're HEADING OUT at seven, so don't be late.
Q ➤ Head up Ans ➤ Meaning-Be in charge. Explanation-He's HEADING UP the steering committee.
Q ➤ Hear about Ans ➤ Meaning-Get to know some information. Explanation-Have you HEARD ABOUT the company takeover?
Q ➤ Hear from Ans ➤ Meaning-Receive a phone call, email, letter or other communication from someone. Explanation-I haven't HEARD FROM them since we left university.
Q ➤ Hear of Ans ➤ Meaning-Know of something or someone's existence. Explanation-I've HEARD OF the band, but don't know their music.
Q ➤ Hear of Ans ➤ Meaning-Receive news, updates or information about someone. Explanation-I have HEARD nothing OF them since they moved house.
Q ➤ Hear ofAns ➤ Meaning-In the negative, this can mean that someone refuse to accept, allow or acknowledge something. Explanation-I said it would be a positive step, but she wouldn't HEAR OF it.
Q ➤ Hear out Ans ➤ Meaning-Listen to everything someone has to say. Explanation-I HEARD them OUT before I commented.
Q ➤ Heat up Ans ➤ Meaning-Make food hot. Explanation-He HEATED the soup UP in the microwave.
Q ➤ Help out Ans ➤ Meaning-Give assistance. Explanation-She really HELPED me OUT when I was going through my divorce.
Q ➤ Hide away Ans ➤ Meaning-Put something in a place where it won't be found. Explanation-They HID the money AWAY in secret bank accounts.
Q ➤ Hide away Ans ➤ Meaning-Go or stay somewhere where you won't be found or away from people. Explanation-I'm renting a cottage where I can HIDE AWAY for the summer.
Q ➤ Hide out Ans ➤ Meaning-Go or stay somewhere to avoid being caught or found. Explanation-The police think he's HIDING OUT in the woods.
Q ➤ Hinge on Ans ➤ Meaning-Depend very much or completely. Explanation-Everything HINGES ON the results of the negotiations; if they go badly, we'll be in real trouble.
Q ➤ Hinge on Ans ➤ Meaning-Be an essential point for the development of a story. Explanation-The film HINGES ON his not being recognised when he's in disguise.
Q ➤ Hinge upon Ans ➤ Meaning-Depend very much or completely. Explanation-Everything HINGES UPON the results of the negotiations; if they go badly, we'll be in real trouble.
Q ➤ Hit back Ans ➤ Meaning-Attack or criticise. Explanation-The president HIT BACK at her critics in a speech last night.
Q ➤ Hit for Ans ➤ Meaning-Get someone to pay or donate money. Explanation-They HIT the sponsors FOR a lot of money.
Q ➤ Hit it off Ans ➤ Meaning-Have a good relationship from the first time you meet a person. Explanation-We HIT IT OFF immediately and became firm friends.
Q ➤ Hit it off withAns ➤ Meaning-Like someone from the first time you meet them. Explanation-I HIT IT OFF WITH her immediately.
Q ➤ Hit on Ans ➤ Have an idea. Explanation-I suddenly HIT ON the solution
Q ➤ Hit on Ans ➤ Meaning-Talk to someone to try to attract them sexually. Explanation-She HIT ON him at the party and they went back to her house.
Q ➤ Hit on Ans ➤ Meaning-Ask for money. Explanation-A beggar HIT ON me when I left the restaurant.
Q ➤ Hit out at Ans ➤ Meaning-Respond angrily to criticism. Explanation-The government HIT OUT AT the media for their negativity.
Q ➤ Hit up Ans ➤ Meaning-Inject drugs. Explanation-She's been HITTING UP for years.
Q ➤ Hit up Ans ➤ Meaning-Ask someone for some money. Explanation-He always tries to HIT me UP for money when we meet.
Q ➤ Hit up on Ans ➤ Meaning-Inject drugs. Explanation-He's been HITTING UP ON heroin for years.
Q ➤ Hit upon Ans ➤ Meaning-Have an idea. Explanation-It took us ages to HIT UPON a solution.
Q ➤ Hit upon Ans ➤ Meaning-Try to attract someone sexually. Explanation-He tried to HIT UPON her at the pub.
Q ➤ Hit with Ans ➤ Meaning-Surprise someone with some information or news. Explanation-He HIT me WITH the details of their demands.
Q ➤ Hive off Ans ➤ Meaning-Separate part of a company or service, often by selling it. Explanation-They HIVED OFF the retail operations.
Q ➤ Hold againstAns ➤ Meaning-Have a grudge against someone, or little respect. Explanation-He was very rude, but I won't HOLD it AGAINST him.
Q ➤ Hold back Ans ➤ Meaning-Not show emotion. Explanation-It was really hard to HOLD BACK the tears.
Q ➤ Hold back Ans ➤ Meaning-Prevent something moving forwards or progressing. Explanation-Lack of funding HELD the project BACK.
Q ➤ Hold back Ans ➤ Meaning-Not disclose information or make it public. Explanation-The government HELD BACK the findings of the report for fear of alienating voters.
Q ➤ Hold back from Ans ➤ Meaning-Not allow yourself to do something. Explanation-I had to HOLD BACK FROM losing my temper with them.
Q ➤ Hold down Ans ➤ Meaning-Keep a job. Explanation-He's so unreliable that he can never HOLD DOWN a job for more than a couple of months.
Q ➤ Hold down Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop someone or something from moving. Explanation-It took four of us to HOLD him DOWN and stop the fight.
Q ➤ Hold forthAns ➤ Meaning-State your opinions about something, especially when talking for a long time and boringly. Explanation-The manager HELD FORTH on the topic for about twenty minutes.
Q ➤ Hold off Ans ➤ Meaning-When bad weather doesn't appear. Explanation-The rain HELD OFF until we'd got back home.