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Showing posts with label DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (MCQ)-2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (MCQ)-2. Show all posts

Friday, May 14, 2021


 26. The developmental stage in which the child is no longer ego-centric in his thinking. He does not think of himself as the centre of the external world and does not perceive the world only from his own standpoint.

a) Formal operation

b) Sensory motor Stage

c) Concrete Operational Stage

d) Preoperational Stage

27. Generalizations and framing of rules by operating in abstract terms become quite possible at this stage.

a. Formal Operation Stage

b. Formal operation

c. Sensory motor Stage

d. Preoperational Stage

28. Human languages have a ……………………. structure. 

a) Hierarchical

b) Vertical

c) Parallel

d) Long

29. The smallest speech units in a language that can be distinguished perceptually. 

a) phonemes

b) Morphemes

c) Grammar

d) Prefix

30. …………………………are the smallest units of meaning in a language.

a) phonemes

b) Morphemes

c) Grammar

d) Prefix

31. …………………… is a system of rules that specify how words can be arranged into sentences. 

a) Syntax

b) Semantics

c) Morphemes

d) Phonemes

32. .…………………. is the knowledge, independent of semantics and syntax etc, of what kind of response would be appropriate in a given social situation. 

a) Semantics

b) Pragmatics

c) Morphemes

d) Syntax

33. …………………….. is the stage at which the individually meaningless phonemes are assembled to produce meaningful portions of language, called morphemes. 

a) Semantics

b) Morphemes

c) Syntax

d) Pragmatics

34. Attachment theory is the joint work of ……………… and Mary Ainsworth. 

a) B F Skinner

b) J Piaget

c) John Bowlby

d) Vygotsky

35. …………….. is a psychological, evolutionary, and ethological theory concerning relationships between humans.

a) Attachment theory

b) Emotional theory

c) Learning theory

d) Developmental theory

36. Which mostly affects the development of emotional self-regulation?

a) Temperament

b) Learning

c) Perception

d) Motivation

37. In child-to-adult relationships, the child's tie is called the "attachment" and the caregiver's reciprocal equivalent is referred to as ……………….. .

a) attachment bond

b) care-giving bond

c) relationship bond

d) bonding

38. Who is known as the principle attachment figure?

a) Father

b) Significant others

c) Mothers

d) Care givers

39. ……………….. is the anticipation or fear of being cut off from the attachment figure.

a. Anxiety

b. Stress

c. Alarm

d. Distress

40. In which stage attachment behaviours such as clinging and following decline and self-reliance increases.

a. Early Childhood

b. Late Childhood

c. Middle childhood

d. Early Adulthood

41. Types of Bowlby’s theory of attachment (Child and caregiver behaviour patterns before the age of 18 months)

a) Secure, Avoidant, Ambivalent/Resistant & Organized

b) Secure, Avoidant, Ambivalent/Resistant & Disorganized

c) Safe, Avoidant, Ambivalent/Resistant & Organized

d) Safe, Avoidant, Ambivalent/Resistant & Disorganized

42. In which attachment pattern of Bowlby children show a pattern of alternate aggression and withdrawal?

a) Secure

b) Avoidant

c) Ambivalent/Resistant

d) Disorganized

43. Who extended the Attachment theory to adult romantic relationships?

a) Cindy Hazan and Phillip Shaver

b) J Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth

c) Piaget and Vygotsky

d) None of them

44. In Freud's view, development is a …………….. process.

a) Continuous

b) Discontinuous

c) Automatic

d) loose

45. In Freud’s oral developmental stage the pleasure is centered around the ……………..

a) Mouth

b) Genitals

c) Faeces

d) opposite sex

46. Freud's theory relied mainly on the use of methods such as

a) Free association, empirical testing, dream analysis & introspection

b) Free association, dream analysis, case study & empirical testing

c) Free association, dream analysis, experiments & testing.

d) Free association, dream analysis, case study & introspection

47. Who proposed the psychosocial theory?

a) Erik Erickson

b) Vygostky

c) Piaget

d) Freud

48. Watson applied ………….. principles of classical conditioning to children's behaviour.

a) Skinner’s

b) Pavlov's

c) Bandura’s

d) Erickson’s

49. What is the name of the child whom the classical conditioning was tested by J. Watson?

a) Albert

b) Sultan

c) Bob

d) Ted

50. Who proposed the operant conditioning learning theory?

a) Pavlov

b) Skinner

c) Bandura

d) J. Watson

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