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Showing posts with label Child Development & Pedagogy-8 (MCQ). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Child Development & Pedagogy-8 (MCQ). Show all posts

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Child Development & Pedagogy-8 (MCQ)

 Q176. A mother observes that one her twins has learnt to walk faster than the other. This difference in learning is related to which principle of development?

(a) Development proceeds from head to toe

(b) Development proceeds stage by stage

(c) Development proceeds at different place for different people 

(d) Development proceeds from general to specific 

Q177. Why is it important for the teachers to know about the various stages of child development? 

A. To produce a comfortable environment for teaching and learning process.

B. To know and understand the problems faced by a child.

C. To establish an effective communication with the child.

(a) Only A

(b) Only B

(c) Both A and C

(d) All of these

Q178. Understanding the principles of development of a child helps a teacher in

(a) identifying the economic background of the learner

(b) rationalizing why the learner ought to be taught

(c) effectively catering to the different learning styles of learners 

(d) identifying the social status of the learner

Q179. The statement: “An important precondition for the proper development of a child is ensuring her/his healthy physical development”

(a) may be incorrect as development varies from individual to individual 

(b) is true because physical development occupies the topmost place in the sequence of development

(c) is true because physical development is interrelated with other domains of development 

(d) is untrue as physical development does not affect other domains of development in any way

Q180. Match the following principles of development with their correct descriptions Principle

A. Proximodistal trend

B. Cephalocaudal trend

C. Inter-individual differences

D. Intra-individual differences


1. Different children develop at different rates

2. Head to toe sequence

3. In a single child, the rate of development can vary from one domain of development to other

4. From the center of the body to outwards 

5. Progression from simple to complex


     A B C D

(a) 2  4  1 3

(b) 4  2  1 3

(c) 2  4  3 1

(d) 4  2  1 5

Q181. Human behavior is a result of …………….. stimulus. 

(a) physiological 

(b) environmental 

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

Q182. Which of the following factors is not related to motivation?

(a) Interest

(b) Objectives of life 

(c) Physical fitness

(d) Mental health

Q183. Abraham Maslow explained theory of motivation in 1954 in the perspective of

(a) needs 

(b) rewards

(c) expectancy

(d) objectives

Q184. As soon as the process of motivation stops

(a) activity of the person also stops

(b) need of the activity becomes dead

(c) Both of the above

(d) None of the above

Q185. Goals of life also become a motivating force because 

(a) goals become the need of the person

(b) goals stimulate internal process of the person involved

(c) Both of the above

(d) None of the above

Q186. The theory similar to Maslow’s theory of motivation is

(a) drive theory

(b) social theory

(c) instinct theory 

(d) None of these

Q187. Which point is taken into account by the teacher while selecting a particular technique of motivation?

(a) Learning-objectives and its level 

(b) Learning structure

(c) Both of the above

(d) None of the above

Q188. Motivation technique can work only upto the

(a) application level of cognitive objectives

(b) comprehension level of objectives 

(c) highest level of cognitive domain 

(d) None of the above

Q189. Techniques of motivation are most useful for realising

(a) cognitive objectives

(b) affective objectives

(c) psychomotor objectives

(d) All of the above

Q190. With reference to activities relating to the issue of motivation, match the two columns. 

Key Elements

(i) Intrinsic motivation

(ii) Extrinsic motivation

(iii) Expectation for C. success


A. Begin with some unconditional positive praise: ‘You did that well’

B. The teacher and/or the pupils reconnect with the lesson overview and specific objectives and with agreed personal goals and targets

C. Encourage learners to identify their own reasons for taking part in the lesson 


    (i) (ii) (iii)

(a) B  A  C

(b) C  A  B

(c) A  B  C

(d) A  C  B

Q191. “Our action and behavior is motivated by the desire for getting pleasure and avoiding pain.” This is the opinion by-

(a) Thomas Hobbes

(b) Descartes

(c) Kant

(d) John Locke

Q192. Fundamental instincts of humans are inherited rather than acquired. These instincts are the spring of human behavior. The above opinion was held by

(a) Charles Darwon

(b) Mc Dougal

(c) Both of these

(d) None of these

Q193. Instinct theory of behavior was rejected by psychologists on which of the following grounds?

(a) Adult behavior is guided by experience and learning also. It is not always guided by instinct

(b) Human behavior is affected by the cultural factors also

(c) Human being is a rational animal. He is not supposed to be directed by instincts only

(d) All of these

Q194. Achievement motive in a child can be developed by

(a) Proper guidance and high expectation from the child

(b) Telling the stories of great men to the child

(c) Setting a realistic goal for the child

(d) All of these

Q195. ……………… is considered a sign of motivated teaching. 

(a) Maximum attendance in the class 

(b) Remedial work given by the teacher 

(c) Questioning by students 

(d) Pin drop silence in the class 

Q196. Which of the following is not needed for students to be motivated to learn? 

(a) Skills and knowledge required for satisfactory learning 

(b) Giving praise and encouragement while learning is going on 

(c) Involving students in activities which make them work with each other 

(d) None of the above 

Q197. A student works hard to clear an entrance test for admission into a medical college. The student is said to be motivated 

(a) experientially 

(b) intrinsically 

(c) extrinsically 

(d) individually 

Q198. Which one of the following optimizes motivation to learn? 

(a) Tendency to choose very easy or difficult goals 

(b) Personal satisfaction in meeting targets 

(c) Extrinsic factor 

(d) Motivation to avoid failure 

Q199. The news of ‘a woman selling her child to obtain food’ may be understood best on the basis of 

(a) Psychosocial theory 

(b) Theory of reinforced contingencies 

(c) Psychoanalytical theory 

(d) Theory of hierarchical needs 

Q200. The Government of India has started Mid-day Meal Scheme for the elementary schools. Which of the following theories of motivation supports his scheme? 

(a) Cognitive 

(b) Humanistic 

(c) Behaviourist 

(d) Socio-cultural 

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