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Showing posts with label Child Development & Pedagogy-7 (MCQ). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Child Development & Pedagogy-7 (MCQ). Show all posts

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Child Development & Pedagogy-7 (MCQ)

 Q151. The cognitive ability that comes in the pre-operational period is 

(a) ability for abstract thinking 

(b) hypothetic-deductive thinking 

(c) ability of goal-directed behaviour

(d) ability to take other’s perspective

Q152. In a constructivist classroom as envisioned by Piaget and Vygotsky, learning 

(a) is constructed by the students themselves who play an active role

(b) is offering of reinforcement by the teacher 

(c) is dictated by the teacher and the students are passive recipients of the same

(d) happen by pairing of a stimulus and a response.

Q153. In the context of envisioned by language development, which of the following areas are underestimated by Piaget? 

(a) Heredity

(b) Social Interaction 

(c) Egocentric speech 

(d) Active construction by the child 

Q154. At which of the following ages would you expect clock-time concepts to be mastered initially by a child?

(a) Two years

(b) Three years

(c) Four years

(d) Between five and six years

Q155. During the third to the eighth week of pregnancy, the developing child can be accurately referred to as the—

(a) Prenate

(b) Zygote

(c) Embryo

(d) Foetus

Q156. Which is the correct sequence of Piaget's stages of cognitive development? 

(a) Sensori-motor, concrete operational, formal operational, post-operational 

(b) Pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational, sensori-motor 

(c) Sensori-motor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational 

(d) Pre-operational, informal operational, formal operational, post-operational 

Q157. During the formal operations stage, children begin to 

(a) Accurately use concepts of time, space and number 

(b) Think primarily about concrete objects or situations 

(c) Develop the concept of object permanency 

(d) Think in terms of abstract principles and hypothetical situations 

Q158. A child is largely nonverbal, is learning to coordinate purposeful movements with sense information, and is developing the concept of object permanence. The child is in Piaget's ……….. stage. 

(a) Sensori-motor 

(b) Preoperational 

(c) Concrete-operational 

(d) Formal operations 

Q159. According to Piaget, adaptation is the process of adjusting schemes in response to the environment by means of Assimilation and ………… . 

(a) Schemes 

(b) Disequilibrium 

(c) Constructivism 

(d) Accommodation 

Q160. According to Vygotsky, young children use what mechanism to turn shared knowledge into their personal knowledge? 

(a) Conservation of energy 

(b) Private speech 

(c) Autonomous morality 

(d) Sensori-motor behaviour

Q161. __________ is one of the best methods to study the growth and development of the child. 

(a) Psychoanalytic methods

(b) Comparative methods

(c) Developmental method

(d) Statistical method

Q162. Developmental task is a concept, first used by _________. 

(a) Herbart

(b) Bruner

(c) Havighurst

(d) Hurlock

Q163. Children in pre-primary get satisfaction from being allowed to discover. They become distressed, when they are discouraged. They do so due to their motivation to 

(a) reduce their ignorance

(b) affiliate with the class

(c) create disorder in the class

(d) exercise their power

Q164. Which of the following is not related to the infancy period ? 

(a) Growth occurs from bilateral to unilateral trend in motor organs

(b) Growth occurs from general to specific trend in motor organs

(c) Emotional and social development that is not a part of motor development

(d) Steady mental growth

Q165. Identify the incorrect statement about growth and development. 

(a) Growth denotes to quantitative changes, while development refers to qualitative changes.

(b) Growth is a function of the environment.

(c) Growth is possible without development.

(d) Growth is governed by intrinsic and genetic factors.

Q166. In ________ stage of development, a child appears self-centered. 

(a) infancy

(b) early childhood

(c) adolescence

(d) adulthood

Q167. Who said, “Development is not limited to growing layer. Instead it consists of a progressive series of changes towards the goal of maturity.” 

(a) Erikson

(b) Jersild, Telford and Sawrey

(c) Piaget

(d) Hurlock

Q168. Developmental perspective of teaching demands teachers to 

(a) be strict disciplinarians as children experiment quite frequently

(b) adapt instructional strategies based on the knowledge of developmental factors

(c) treat children in different developmental stages in an equitable manner

(d) provide learning that results in the development of only the cognitive domain

Q169. Which one of the following statements about development is correct ? 

(a) Developmental changes go forward in a straight line.

(b) Development proceeds from birth to adolescence in a forward manner and then it goes backward.

(c) Development occurs at a different rate among different individuals.

(d) Development occurs at a very fast pace from birth till adolescence and then it stops.

Q170. Which of the following theorists would be of the opinion that students study hard for their personal growth and development ? 

(a) Bandura

(b) Maslow

(c) Skinner

(d) Piaget

Q171. The Social Learning theory proposed by Miller and Dollard said that

(a) people learn by watching what others do

(b) human thought processes are central to understanding personality

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

Q172. Naresh and Mukesh are in the same age group. They show differences in social and mental development. It is due to which of the following?

(a) Principle of Modifiability

(b) Principle of Definite and Predictable Pattern

(c) Principle of Individuality

(d) Principle of Uniform Pattern

Q173. Which one of the following is a true statement corresponding to Cephalocaudal Principle of child’s development?

(a) Development is from head to foot

(b) Development is from foot to head

(c) Development is from middle to periphery 

(d) None of the above

Q174. Which of the following is an external factor of development?

(a) Economic conditions

(b) Social condition

(c) Life experiences

(d) All of the above

Q175. “Development is a never ending process” with which principle of child development can this thought be associated?

(a) Development is corelated 

(b) Development is continuous

(c) Development follows a pattern

(d) Development involves change

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