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Showing posts with label Child Development & Pedagogy-6 (MCQ). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Child Development & Pedagogy-6 (MCQ). Show all posts

Friday, May 7, 2021

Child Development & Pedagogy-6 (MCQ)

 Q126. Spearman’s statistical techniques were strongly criticized by

(a) Thomson

(b) Thorndike

(c) Thurstone

(d) Vernon

Q127. “Superior intelligence is accompanied by superior physical vigour” was said by

(a) Sir Francis Galton

(b) Charles Darwin

(c) Alfred Binet

(d) None of the above

Q128. Intelligent activity is not an expression of innumerable highly specific factors as stated by

(a) Group factor theory 

(b) Two-factor theory

(c) Monarchic theory

(d) Faculty theory

Q129. Thurstone’s primary factors include number factor, verbal factor and 

(a) Space factor

(b) Word fluency factor

(c) Reasoning factor

(d) All the above 

Q130. The mind can be pictured as a kind of hierarchy or genealogical tree, where he general mental ability factor is the most prominent component. It is the 

(a) Hierarchic theory

(b) Two-factor

(c) Group factor theory

(d) None of the above 

Q131. The structure of intellect model was propounded by 

(a) Thorndike 

(b) Vernon

(c) J.P. Guilford 

(d) Cattell

Q132. The only theory which considers creativity (Divergent production) along with intelligence (Convergent production) in the same model is 

(a) Group factor theory

(b) Multifactor theory

(c) Structure of intellect model by Guilford

(d) Hierarchic theory

Q133. Under the common underlying factor of ‘g’ abilities tend to fall in two major groups verbal educational factor (V : ed) and 

(a) Mathematical factor (M)

(b) Spatial-mechanical-perceptual factor(K : m)

(c) Vocabulary factor

(d) Space factor

Q134. Guilford’s major strategy adopted in the construction of SI model tests was to define 

(a) Factors

(b) Intelligence

(c) Components of intelligence

(d) Values

Q135. Measurement is a process of assigning symbols to ______ dimension in known standards.

(a) Arithmetical

(b) Verbal

(c) Psychological

(d) All of these

Q136. When a test measures what it claims to measure, it is known as ____ test.

(a) Valid

(b) Reliable

(c) Standardised 

(d) None of these

Q137. A ______ of behaviour is supposed to be the representative of the total behavior which the individual shows in all the possible life situations.

(a) Collection 

(b) Set

(c) Test

(d) Sample

Q138. A task where a synonym or antonym has to be chosen is known as 

(a) Vocabulary task 

(b) Verbal analogies task

(c) Digit span task

(d) None of the above

Q139. The psychologies Binet was a 

(a) German

(b) Russian

(c) French

(d) Dutch

Q140. Bhatia’s intelligence test and Koli’s block design test are

(a) Individual tests

(b) Group tests

(c) Verbal tests

(d) None of these

Q141. Which one of the following is best suited for emotional development of children?

(a) No involvement of the teachers as it is the task of the parents 

(b) Passive classroom environment

(c) Authoritarian classroom environment

(d) Democratic classroom environment

Q142. According to Piaget, a child between 2 and 7 years is in the ______ stage of cognitive development.

(a) Concrete operational 

(b) Sensorimotor

(c) Pre-operational

(d) Formal operational

Q143. According to Piaget, children’s thinking differs more in ___ from adults than in ___. 

(a) amount; kind

(b) size; correctness

(c) kind; amount

(d) size; type

Q144. According to Piaget, during the first stage of development (birth to about 2 years age), a child learns best

(a) by using the senses

(b) by comprehending natural words only

(c) by thinking in an abstract fashion 

(d) by applying newly acquired knowledge of language

Q145. The stage of cognitive development, according to Piaget, in which a child displays ‘object permanence’ is 

(a) sensorimotor stage

(b) pre-operational stage

(c) concrete operational stage

(d) formal operational stage

Q146. According to Piaget’s cognitive theory of learning, the process by which the cognitive structure is modified is called 

(a) Assimilation

(b) Schema

(c) Perception

(d) Accommodation

Q147. Which of the following implications cannot be derived from the Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?

(a) Sensitivity to children’s readiness to learn

(b) Acceptance of individual differences

(c) Discovery learning 

(d) Need of verbal teaching

Q148. “Thought not only determines language, but also precedes it” was the idea put forwarded by

(a) Jean Piaget

(b) Kohlberg

(c) Vygotsky

(d) Pavlov

Q149. Which of the following statements is correct in relation to ‘concept formation’ by a child

(a) Concepts are emotionally ordered

(b) There is a set pattern of concept development

(c) Concepts are not hierarchical in nature

(d) Concepts are not individual

Q150. According to Piaget, which one of the following factors plays an important role in influencing development ? 

(a) Language

(b) Reinforcement

(c) Experience with the physical world

(d) Imitation

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Choose the correct option: Question 1. Which one of the following days is being observed as ‘National Consumers Day’ in India? (a) 24 De...