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Showing posts with label Child Development & Pedagogy-12 (MCQ). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Child Development & Pedagogy-12 (MCQ). Show all posts

Monday, May 10, 2021

Child Development & Pedagogy-12 (MCQ)

 Q276. Most socially healthy people belong to _____ group.

(a) High creativity – high intelligence

(b) Low creativity – low intelligence

(c) High Creativity – low intelligence

(d) Low creativity – high intelligence

Q277. In the _______ low intelligence group people tend to exhibit disruptive behavior in the classroom.

(a) Low creativity 

(b) High creativity

(c) Both of them

(d) None of them

Q278. _______ is the name given to the theoretical position that intelligence is composed of a single, unitary or general (G) factor.

(a) Group factor theory

(b) G – factor theory 

(c) Three dimensional theory

(d) None of the above

Q279. The basic idea of _____ is to compute correlation coefficients among the various subjects one has decided to include in an intelligence test.

(a) Group factors

(b) Factor analysis

(c) Cubical model 

(d) General factor

Q280. _______ proposed by T.L. Kelly maintain(s) that there are moderate number of distinct primary factors, of about equal importance, which together make up intelligence

(a) Three dimensional theory

(b) Group factor theory

(c) G – factor theory

(d) Process oriented theories

Q281. The teacher’s role is shifting from ‘sage on the stage’ to ‘guide on the side’. Technology integration helps this process when

(a) systems store move data and administer tests individually to students

(b) students actively search for and explore answers instead of receiving standard inputs

(c) easy retrieval of large quantities of stored data is used to facilitate preparation of notes

(d) assessment of students online inputs is done quickly without supervision at any time

Q282. One of the following quality is not expected of a good teacher

(a) communicating freely with students

(b) teaching without using any audio-visual aids

(c) acquiring knowledge about student’s background

(d) sharing warmth, enthusiasm and caring

Q283. Motivation is an important factor in language learning. For example in class VI, …………… may be done.

(a) memorization and use of necessary vocabulary

(b) systematic analysis and use of structures

(c) use of visual devices and game like exercises

(d) use of the mother tongue as the medium

Q284. Which of the following aids help a students to hear the correct pronunciation and get the latest news and develop his/her comprehension ability?

(a) Chalk-board

(b) Text-books

(c) Radio

(d) Flash cards

Q285. A teacher, Amrita, uses various tasks such as creating charts, graphs, drawing, gathering information and presenting them through pair or group work. This differentiated instruction

(a) is a way of demonstrating her own knowledge

(b) only helps the bright learners

(c) is the best way to prepare students for an assessment

(d) helps learners with multiple intelligences to perform well and learn better

Q286. Out of the given statements, which one is not correct about children? 

(a) Children are not passive but active explorers of their surrounding 

(b) There is a scientific investigator in every child 

(c) Children receive knowledge in the passive form 

(d) Children are more of problem solvers and less of problem creators 

Q287. A student is asked to sum up the steps in the process of problem-solving. Out of the given statements, choose which one is not a step related to problem-solving. 

(a) Problem should be identified 

(b) The problem should be broken down into smaller units 

(c) Thinking out the possible strategies or solutions 

(d) Outcomes are to be verified 

Q288. Which of the following is correct for the statement: "A problem statement has enough of clear hints"? 

(a) Problem-solving approach 

(b) Identification of the problem 

(c) Assessment of the problem 

(d) Anticipation to the solution of the problem 

Q289. Self-regulation' of learners refers to 

(a) creating regulations for student behaviour 

(b) rules and regulations made by the student body 

(c) self-discipline and control 

(d) their ability to monitor their own learning

Q290. Science and art exhibitions, music and dance shows and bringing out school magazines, are meant to

(a) train students for various professions 

(b) establish a name for the school

(c) satisfy the parents 

(d) provide a creative channel for learners

Q291. Teaching method called the Dalton plan is mentioned in Pedagogical Literature, as a successful experiment. It was concerned with

(a) Abolition of the class room teaching and encouraging children to learn according to their own speed in fulfilling the given assignment 

(b) An open school system, allowing students to learn for themselves from surrounding situations and people, through their own initiative 

(c) A play way techniques for development of physical and artistic skills, through manipulation. 

(d) Education through co-curricular and extra-curricular activities within the school boundaries with indirect supervision and observation by teachers 

Q292. Which one of the following is the best method of teaching ?

(a) Lecture method 

(b) Discussion method 

(c) Demonstration method

(d) Question–Answer method

Q293. The best method of teaching is to

(a) Impart Information 

(b) Ask students to read books

(c) Suggest good reference material

(d) Initiate a discussion and participate in it

Q294. Maximum participation of student during teaching is possible through 

(a) Lecture method 

(b) Demonstration method

(c) Inductive method

(d) Textbook method 

Q295. Techniques used by a teacher to teach include : 

(i) Lecture 

(ii) Interacting lecture

(iii) Group work

(iv) Self Study

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) (ii),(iii),(iv)

(b) (i),(ii),(iv)

(c) (i),(ii),(iii)

(d) (i),(ii),(iii),(iv)

Q296. The best way for providing value education is through 

(a) Discussion on scriptural texts

(b) Lectures/discourse on values 

(c) Seminars/symposia on values

(d) mentoring/reflective sessions on values 

Q297. Which set of learner characteristic may be considered helpful in designing effective teaching-learning systems? Select the correct alternative form the codes given below: 

(I) Prior experience of learners in respect of the subject 

(II) Interpersonal relationship of learner’s family friends 

(III) Ability of the learners in respect of the subject 

(IV) Student Language Background

(V) Interest of students in following the prescribed dress code

(VI) Motivational-orientation of the students 


(a) I, II, III and IV

(b) I, III, IV and VI

(c) II, III, IV, and V

(d) III, IV, V and VI

Q298. Select the alternative which consists of positive factors contributing to effectiveness of teaching 

List of factors:

(i) Teacher’s knowledge of the subject.

(ii) Teacher’s socio-economic background

(iii) Communication skill of the teacher 

(iv) Teacher’s ability to please the students 

(v) Teacher personal contact with students

(vi) Teacher’s competence in managing and monitoring the classroom transactions.

Codes :

(a) (ii),(iii),(iv)

(b) (iii),(iv), (vi)

(c) (ii),(iv),(v)

(d) (i),(iii),(vi)

Q299. At lower classes, play–way method of teaching is based on 

(a) Psychological principles of development and growth 

(b) Sociological principles of teaching

(c) Theory of physical education programs

(d) Principles of methods of teaching 

Q300. Which of the following is a teacher-related factor effecting learning ? 

(a) proper seating arrangement 

(b) Availability of teaching-learning resources 

(c) Nature of the content of learning experience 

(d) Master over the subject-matter

Consumer Rights Class 10 MCQs Questions with Answers

Choose the correct option: Question 1. Which one of the following days is being observed as ‘National Consumers Day’ in India? (a) 24 De...