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Showing posts with label 1972 - One Liners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1972 - One Liners. Show all posts

Sunday, December 17, 2023

CCS Pension Rules, 1972 - One Liners

Q ➤ 1. CCS ( Pension) Rules, 1972 came into effect on

Q ➤ 2. Family pension is payable to the family of :

Q ➤ 3. Under revised pay structure (7th CPC), Family pension is 30% of basic pay subject to the Minimum Rs. 9,000 and Maximum

Q ➤ 4. Family pension is available under Rule 50 of the CCS(Pension Rules), 2021 but excludes

Q ➤ 5. --- pension should be less than 2/3rd of full compensation pension or gratuity or both

Q ➤ 6. -----portal is a system for sanction or retirement benefits and tracking of sanction and payment of pension by the government servant and the authorities concerned with sanction of pension to the government servant.

Q ➤ 7. --- service is to be counted in completed half-years. (Period from 3 to 6 months is also counted towards qualifying service as half year)

Q ➤ 8. The exercise of preparation of a list of employees due for retirements starts ---- months before the due date of retirement.

Q ➤ 9. The head of office undertakes the work preparation of pension papers ---- months in advance before the due date of retirement.

Q ➤ 10. When the Head of Office furnishes the retiring Govt. servant a certificate regarding the length of qualifying service and emoluments :

Q ➤ 11. Head of Office forwarded to the retiring govt. Employee form---for completion and return 6 months prior to the date of retirement.

Q ➤ 12. The head of office 4 months prior to the date of retirement of the Govt. servant shall forward the Accounts Officer Form 5 and Form 7 duly completed with a covering letter in Form ---.

Q ➤ 13. The Accounts Officer Issue of P.P.O (Pension Payment Order) one month before

Q ➤ 14. The head of office of the government servant would undertake the work of preparing pension papers, including verification of service and complete the particulars required in Form ---

Q ➤ 15. If a government servant applied for commutation of his pension, 3 months before the date of his superannuation, the commuted value of pension becomes payable on :

Q ➤ 16. If a government pensioner applies for commutation of his pension after his superannuation, within 1 year, the commuted value of pension becomes payable on :

Q ➤ 17. The commutation factor is based on :

Q ➤ 18. Commutation portion of pension will be restored on the expiry of 15 years from the date of retirement if the commutation amount is received in the ---

Q ➤ 19. All pensioners applying for commutation after 1 year from the date of retirement, commuted their pension after -----

Q ➤ 20. Benefits of Commutation of pension cannot be given to the family members if a pensioner dies before ----

Q ➤ 21. In case of delay in processing of pension papers by the office of the Govt. servant, the provisional pension can be granted for a maximum of

Q ➤ 22. A government servant who retires, or is retired, in advance of the age of compulsory retirement in accordance with the provisions of Rule 48 or 48-A of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 shall be granted:

Q ➤ 23. A Government servant seeking voluntary retirement under rule 49A is required to give at least three months notice to

Q ➤ 24. If the date of retirement is a holiday, the charge may be relinquished on the

Q ➤ 25. Service as Apprentice (Except as SAS Apprentice) is not counted as

Q ➤ 26. The qualifying service of an employee shall be increased by Three Years if he/she opts for voluntary retirement after the completion of

Q ➤ 27. For calculating gratuity, emoluments include:

Q ➤ 28. Average emoluments are the average of emoluments drawn by the employee during the last

Q ➤ 29. Interest at the rate applicable to GPF shall be paid if the payment of gratuity is delayed beyond the date of retirement by

Q ➤ 30. Pension at full rate is admissible if the employee retires completing a qualifying service of

Q ➤ 31. Invalid Pension or Disability Pension is regulated under Rule 38 of CCS Pension Rules.

Q ➤ 33. The maximum amount of pension that can be commuted is :

Q ➤ 34. The commuted portion of pension will be restored after

Q ➤ 35. Family pension is allowed maximum of Rs.

India Size and Location Class 9 MCQ Online Test

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