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Showing posts with label #history test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #history test. Show all posts

Monday, September 20, 2021

History One Liner-14

Q ➤ 131.Where is Gol Gumbaz ?

Q ➤ 132.Who built the Kirti Stambh of Chittor ?

Q ➤ 133.In which year (in AD) Babur invaded India ?

Q ➤ 134.Who was the first Mughal emperor of India?

Q ➤ 135.The first battle of Panipat was fought between which two armies ?

Q ➤ 136.The fight that resulted in the foundation of the Mughal Empire in Delhi -

Q ➤ 137.Who used the first artillery in India ?

Q ➤ 138.Where did Babur die?-

Q ➤ 139.1540 AD Humayun was thrown out of India after the war of –

Q ➤ 140.In which year Kannauj war was fought ?

Sunday, September 19, 2021

History One Liner-13

Q ➤ 121.By what name Sufi orders were known –

Q ➤ 122.The devotional preacher Shankaradeva had popularized him using which of the following regional languages –

Q ➤ 123.Analects is the holy book of -

Q ➤ 124.Who founded the Vijayanagara kingdom -

Q ➤ 125.Who was the first Vijayanagar ruler to seize the important fort of Goa from Bahmanis -

Q ➤ 126.Krishnadeva Raya was the ruler of which dynasty

Q ➤ 127.Who was the author of the Telugu work “Amuktmalyada” -

Q ➤ 128.“Amuktmalyada” is written by-

Q ➤ 129.When did build the group of monuments of Hampi -

Q ➤ 130.By which ruler was the Gol Gumbaz constructed from the marmar-Vithi-

History One Liner-12

Q ➤ 111.Sultan to call himself the second Alexander (Alexander-e-Sani) was-

Q ➤ 112.Whom did Alauddin Khilji entrust to the mission of conquering the south -

Q ➤ 113.Who was the Sultan who refused to accept the authority of the Khalifa -

Q ➤ 114.The present Daulatabad, where Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq moved the capital from Delhi, is situated near-

Q ➤ 115.Who is called the Prince Fakhr Malik and Jauna Khan-

Q ➤ 116.Ibn Batuta came to India under whose reign-

Q ➤ 117.Arrange the given dynasties of Delhi Sultans in chronological order- Tughlaq, Syed, Ghulam, Khilji

Q ➤ 118.Who was the founder of Lodi dynasty-

Q ➤ 119.What was the last dynasty of Delhi Sultanate -

Q ➤ 120.In Sufi tradition, what does Pir mean-

History One Liner-11

Q ➤ 101.Which fight opened Delhi area for Muhammad Ghori -

Q ➤ 102.When did Delhi Sultan's rule begin -

Q ➤ 103.Who built अढ़ाई दिन का झोंपड़ा in Amjer -

Q ➤ 104.In which century Delhi's Qutub Minar was built -

Q ➤ 105.Before taking over as the Sultan of Delhi, Balban was the Prime Minister of which Sultan-

Q ➤ 106.Who was the savior of Delhi Sultanat –

Q ➤ 107.Genghis Khan invaded the borders of India during the reign of -

Q ➤ 108.Who introduced the famous Persian festival Nauroz –

Q ➤ 109.Whose daughter was Razia Sultan -

Q ➤ 110.Who were the two descendants who ruled immediately before and after the Khilji rulers -

History One Liner-10

Q ➤ 91. Who was given the name Prince of Pilgrims –

Q ➤ 92. Who was the contemporary South Indian ruler of Harsh Vardhan?

Q ➤ 93. The Sanskrit drama "Nagananda" was composed by which ruler?

Q ➤ 94. Nalanda University in India is located in which state?

Q ➤ 95. The Muslim invader who destroyed Nalanda University was-

Q ➤ 96. Sanchi has great stupas in-

Q ➤ 97. Who is the author of Geet Govind-

Q ➤ 98. The queen named Didda ruled which part of India till 980-1003 AD –

Q ➤ 99. Name the commander of the Arab army who conquered Sindh-

Q ➤ 100.Who had defeated Prithviraj in the second battle of Tarain-

History One Liner-9

Q ➤ 81. During which dynasty Mahabalipuram temple was built-

Q ➤ 82. Pulakeshin III was the greatest ruler of -

Q ➤ 83. Ravikirti, who was a Jain and who composed the Aihole Commendation, was patronized by-

Q ➤ 84. The famous Dilwara temples are located-

Q ➤ 85. Who wrote the book 'Kathasritasagar' –

Q ➤ 86. Who was the author of Harsha Charitra –

Q ➤ 87. Who built Khajuraho temples -

Q ➤ 88. Which Pratihara king took the title of Adivaraha -

Q ➤ 89. Who was the greatest king of Pratihara dynasty -

Q ➤ 90. What was the name of the Chinese traveler who came to the court of Harsha Vardhan –

History One Liner-8

Q ➤ 71. State the center of Roman trade during the Sangam period –

Q ➤ 72. Chola king Rajendra held the title-

Q ➤ 73. According to the different categories of land mentioned in the Chola inscriptions, whom were donated to Jain institutions –

Q ➤ 74. Which Chola king had first conquered Lanka -

Q ➤ 75. Information related to whose administration is found in the Uttammerur inscription-

Q ➤ 76. Chola kings ruled in -

Q ➤ 77. Which was the early capital of Rashtrakutas –

Q ➤ 78. Who built the famous Shiva temple of Ellora -

Q ➤ 79. Which book was written by King Amoghavarsh of Rashtrakuta -

Q ➤ 80. The most enduring contribution of Rashtrakutas was-

History One Liner-7

Q ➤ 61. Chandragupta Dwitiya is known as –

Q ➤ 62. Harishen was the courtier of which king-

Q ➤ 63. India's trade with the Roman Empire ended with the invasion of Rome by-

Q ➤ 64. Most metal coins were issued during the Gupta period –

Q ➤ 65. Who is known as Napoleon of India because of his victories –

Q ➤ 66. Whose achievements are described in the Allahabad Pillar inscription-

Q ➤ 67. Fahman came to India during whose reign-

Q ➤ 68. Who is the author of Meghdoot –

Q ➤ 69. In whose court Dhanvantari, the famous physician of ancient India, gave his advice-

Q ➤ 70. During whose reign Ajanta caves were built –

History One Liner-6

Q ➤ 51. Who was the last ruler of Maurya dynasty-

Q ➤ 52. What is Milindapanho -

Q ➤ 53. By what name is the art school developed in the Kushan period-

Q ➤ 54. Developed from the mixture of Indian and Greco-Roman art style -

Q ➤ 55. Name the famous king of Kushan dynasty-

Q ➤ 56. Who and when did the Shank Samvat begin -

Q ➤ 57. Under whose reign the Gandhara style of art flourished –

Q ➤ 58. King Kharvel was the greatest ruler of which Chedi dynasty-

Q ➤ 59. Who was the greatest ruler of Satavahana -

Q ➤ 60. Who installed a rust-free iron pillar in Mehrauli –

History One Liner-5

Q ➤ 41. Which event brought about a huge change in Ashoka's administrative policy -

Q ➤ 42. Who is famous by the name of Devanampriya-

Q ➤ 43. After the Kalinga war, where recorded the conversion of Maharaj Ashoka -

Q ➤ 44. The Greek ambassador sent to the court of Chandragupta Maurya was-

Q ➤ 45. Who has written Indica -

Q ➤ 46. Chandragupta Maurya's famous Guru Chanakya was related to which center of learning -

Q ➤ 47. Whose contemporary was the author of economics -

Q ➤ 48. In which script is Ashoka's Shilakh engraved -

Q ➤ 49. Which famous ruler was called the 'father of inscriptions' –

Q ➤ 50. Who was endemic during the rule of Maurya dynasty -

History One Liner-4

Q ➤ 31. Famous Jain centers are located in South India-

Q ➤ 32. The oldest iron era in India is associated with-

Q ➤ 33. Which first ruler was responsible for the rise of Magadha-

Q ➤ 34. In the ancient times, the language used to write the source material was -

Q ➤ 35. Alexander (Alexander) and Porus fought -

Q ➤ 36. The name of the religious text of the Jews is -

Q ➤ 37. Mahabhashya wrote-

Q ➤ 38. Who was to bring the Greeks out of India -

Q ➤ 39. Who was the son of Chandragupta Maurya -

Q ➤ 40. Where was the disturbance in the time of Bindusara -

History One Liner-3

Q ➤ 21. Buddha means-

Q ➤ 22. Buddhism left an important influence by connecting two sections of the society with them -

Q ➤ 23. What beliefs does Buddhism believe -

Q ➤ 24. In which early Buddhist texts were composed -

Q ➤ 25. The earliest Buddhist treatise in India is

Q ➤ 26. Where did Buddha get enlightenment-

Q ➤ 27. "Desire is the cause of all miseries" Which is the religion promoting it-

Q ➤ 28. Who was Mahavir -

Q ➤ 29. Who is believed to be the first Tirthankara of Jainism-

Q ➤ 30. What is Jain literature -

Consumer Rights Class 10 MCQs Questions with Answers

Choose the correct option: Question 1. Which one of the following days is being observed as ‘National Consumers Day’ in India? (a) 24 De...