1 The basic purpose of supervision is to help
A Children learn more effectively
B Teachers in improving methods
C Teachers in understanding pupil
D Teachers in dealing pupils
Answer: Children learn more effectively
2 The school headmaster are expected to
A Prepare the budget
B Hold daily meetings
C Put into operation the course of study
D All of the above
Answer: Put into operation the course of study
3 The chief responsibility of the principal is
A Provide leadership in instructional plan
B Organize and administer the guidance programmed
C Handle discipline problems
D Maintain school records
Answer: Provide leadership in instructional plan
4 The function of educational administration and management is
A Non instrucitonal tasks
B Instrucitonal tasks
C Both a and b
D None
Answer: Both a and b
5 Which is not the type of adminstration?
A Authoritarian administration
B Democratic administration
C Laissez Faire administration
D Instructional administration
Answer: Instructional administration
6 Authoritative administration is based on
A Mutual sharing
B Non interference
C Dictatorship
D All of the above
Answer: Dictatorship
7 Boss is right is the feature of
A Authoritarian administration
B Instructional administration
C Democratic administration
D Laissez Faire administration
Answer: Authoritarian administration
8 Respect of opinion is the feature of
A Democratic administration
B Instructional administration
C Authoritarian administration
D None of the above
Answer: Democratic administration
9 Literal meaning of supervision is
A Superior knowledge and service
B Superior efforts and services
C Superior knowledge and power
D None of the above
Answer: Superior knowledge and power
10 To bring harmony among all the elements of programmeis
A Coordinating
B Planning
C Commanding
D Organizing
Answer: Coordinating
11 To assess achievement at the end of instruction is?
A Summative Assessment
B Formative Assessment
C Diagnostic Assessment
D Placement Assessment
Answer: Summative Assessment
12 Permanent difficulties in learning are investigated in?
A Diagnostic Assessment
B Placement Assessment
C Summative Assessment
D Formative Assessment
Answer: Diagnostic Assessment
13 Procedures used to determine person abilities is?
A Typical performance test
B Norm performance test
C Criterion performance test
D Maximum performance test
Answer: Maximum performance test
14 Which appropriate verb will you use to make an objective behavioral?
A To construct
B To know
C To understand
D To appreciate
Answer: To construct
15 A supervisor is one who
A Inspects classrooms
B Gives directions
C Criticizes the teaching method
D Provides friendly help
Answer: Provides friendly help
16 Indication of democratic attitude is
A Cooperation
B Equal rights
C Participation
D All of the above
Answer: All of the above
17 Which is not the characteristic of authoritative administration
A Sharing
B Rudeness
C Suppression the subordinates
D Strict discipline
Answer: Sharing
18 Sense of responsibility is not cared in
A Laissez Faire administration
B Instructional administration
C Authoritarian administration
D None of the above
Answer: Laissez Faire administration
19 The power is concentrated in the hands of one or few people in
A Centralization
B Control
C Command
D Decentralization
Answer: Centralization
20 What is central to administration?
A Decision making
B Organization
C Communication
D Coordination
Answer: Decision making
21 S.N.E is an abbreviation of
A Schedule of new entry
B Schedule of new experience
C System of new entry
D Schedule of new expenditure
Answer: Schedule of new entry
22 The level of school addminstration can best be judged through
A Learning out comes
B Head teacher
C Beautiful building
D Teachers students relations
Answer: Learning out comes
23 Coordinating , stimulating and directing the growth of teacher is the purpose of
A Inspection
B Administration
C Management
D Supervision
Answer: Inspection
24 Budgeting is an estimation of
A Income and expenditure
B Income and investment
C Investment
D All of the above
Answer: Income and expenditure
25 Limited to quantitative description of pupil’s performance is?
A Measurement
B Test
C Evaluation
D Assessment
Answer: Measurement
26 Evaluation that monitors learning progress is?
A Formative evaluation
B Placement evaluation
C Diagnostic evaluation
D Summative evaluation
Answer: Formative evaluation
27 The first step in measurement is?
A Development of the test
B Administering the test
C Decision of what to measure
D None
Answer: Decision of what to measure
28 The purpose of formative evaluation is?
A Monitoring progress of students
B Decision of what to measure
C Development of the test
D None of the above
Answer: Monitoring progress of students
29 In which question marking will be more reliable?
A Multiple choice question
B Completion
C Short answer
D None of the above
Answer: Multiple choice question
30 Facility value of less than 0.20 means?
A Item is difficult
B Item is too easy
C Item is easy
D Item is acceptable
Answer: Item is difficult
31 Discrimination value of more than 0.4 means
A Item is acceptable
B Item is good
C Item is weak
D None
Answer: Item is acceptable
32 Objectives representing the purposes of instruction of a teacher are called?
A Performance
B Attainment
C Instructional
D None
Answer: Instructional
33 Student performance is compared with clearly defined learning tasks in?
A Criterion reverenced test
B Standardized Test
C Norm referenced test
D Maximum performance test
Answer: Criterion reverenced test
34 Test that measure learning outcome of students is
A Aptitude test
B Criterion reverenced test
C Norm referenced test
D Achievement test
Answer: Achievement test
35 The tests designed to predict future performance is?
A Aptitude test
B Achievement test
C Norm referenced test
D Criterion reverenced test
Answer: Aptitude test
36 The quality of test that measures “what it claims to measure” is?
A Differentiability
B Objectivity
C Reliability
D Validity
Answer: Validity
37 The characteristic of a test to siscriminate between high achievers and low achievers is?
A Differentiability
B Validity
C Objectivity
D Reliability
Answer: Differentiability
38 The quality of test to give same scores when administered at different occasions is?
A Reliability
B Differentiability
C Validity
D None of the above
Answer: Reliability
39 If the sample of the question in the test is sufficiently large enough, the quality of test is?
A Differentiability
B Objectivity
C Reliability
D Adequacy
Answer: Adequacy
40 Facility index of an item determines?
A Discrimination power
B Objectivity
C Reliability
D Ease or difficulty
Answer: Ease or difficulty
41 High and low achievers are sorted out by?
A Discrimination power
B Ease or difficulty
C Objectivity
D Reliability
Answer: Discrimination power
42 The main purpose of the supervision of teaching should be the
A Proper utilization of school facilities
B Carrying out of the curriculum
C Achievement of success in examination
D Advacement of pupil welfare
Answer: Advacement of pupil welfare
43 Supervision sould be primarily
A Constructive and creative
B Prevtive and critical
C Preventive and corrective
D Construction and critical
Answer: Constructive and creative
44 The criticism most frequently leveled at school administration is that:
A They fail to provide leadership
B They like praise
C They are to lazy
D They do not know teacher
Answer: They fail to provide leadership
45 The effective supervision is indicated by
A Helping teachers becoming more self sufficient
B Good relations between teacher and supervisors
C Helping teacher in their teaching
D Criticizing teacher’s lessons
Answer: Helping teachers becoming more self sufficient
46 The school policy should be determined by:
A Citizens and educators
B The professional educators
C Headmasters
D Citizens d
Answer: Citizens and educators
47 The history of administration goes back to
A 4000BC
B 800BC
C 5000 BC
D None
Answer: 5000 BC
48 Provision of good educational environment is
A Non instrucitonal tasks
B Instrucional tasks
C Both a and b
D None of the above
Answer: Instrucional task
49 Democratic administration is based on
A Mutual sharing
B Dictatorship
C Non interference
D None of the above
Answer: Mutual sharing
50 Laissez Faire administration is based on
A Non interference
B Dictatorship
C Mutual sharing
D None
Answer: Non interference
51 “Supervision is not to control the teacher but to work cooperatively” is the saying of
A Glatthorn
B Harris
C Hoy and Forsyth
D None
Answer: Hoy and Forsyth
52 In teaching learning process supervision is usually carried out by
A Teacher
B Parents
C Principal
D Society
Answer: Principal
53 Assessment of how well a school is performing is
A Inspection
B Administration
C Supervision
D All of the above
Answer: Inspection
54 To make arrangements is the part of
A Organizing
B Planning
C Commanding
D Coordinating
Answer: Organizing
55 Execution of plans and decisions is the part of
A Commanding
B Planning
C Organizing
D Coordinating
Answer: Commanding
56 School Budgert includes
A Non development expenditure
B Development expendciture
C Both an and b
D None of a and b
Answer: Both an and b
57 BM stands for
A Budget Manual
B Budget Money
C Budget Monitoring
D Budget Materials
Answer: Budget Manual
58 Non development budget includes
A Maintenance of building
B Salaries
C Running ependitures
D All of the above
Answer: All of the above
59 New Libraries laboratories etc are constructed undr
A Development Budget
B Non development budget
C Both a and b
D None
Answer: Development Budget
60 Facility index of an item determines?
A Discrimination power
B Objectivity
C Reliability
D Ease or difficulty
Answer: Ease or difficulty
61 Staff development means
A Training staff
B Recruiting staff
C Increasing staff
D Decreasing staff
Answer: Training staff
62 Selecting one course of action among various alternatives is
A Decision making
B Planning
C Organizing
D Coordinating
Answer: Decision making
63 Who is called father of scientific management theory?
A Henry Fayol
B Terry and Franklin
C Elton Meo
D Fredrick Tylor
Answer: Fredrick Tylor
64 Who is the father of operational management theory?
A Henry Fayol
B Fredrick Tylor
C Terry and Franklin
D Elton Meo
Answer: Henry Fayol
65 All Govt. grants and expenditures are maintained in
A Acquittance Roll
B Stock Register
C Contingent Register
D Cash Register
Answer: Cash Register
66 Developing alternatives is a step of
A Planning
B Organization
C Direction
D Control
Answer: Planning
67 Types of supervision encouraging variety , originality and indpendent experimentation is
A Creative
B Preventive
C Corrective
D None
Answer: Creative
68 Who advocated bureaucratic theory
A Max Weber
B Campbell
C Henry Fayol
D None of the above
Answer: Max Weber
69 Directing must be consistent with
A Job descriptions
B Procedures
C Organizational policies
D None of the above
Answer: All of the above
70 The power delegated throughtout an organization is
A Decetralization
B Control
C Command
D None
Answer: Decetralization
71 Which pension is granted to civil servant who retires in the age of sixty
A Invalid
B Compensation
C Superannuation
D None
Answer: Superannuation
72 All financial transaction of the school occurring from day to day is entered in
A Stock Register
B Service Book
C Log Book
D Cash Book
Answer: Cash Book
73 Micro planning is done in
A Middle and Lower Management
B Top Management
C Middle Management
D Lower Management
Answer: Middle and Lower Management
74 A choice made between two or more alternative is called
A Decision
B Assumption
C Reporting
D None
Answer: Decision
75 Authoritarian model is more suitable for
A Discipline
B Confidence
C Achievement
D Improvement
Answer: Discipline
76 Superannuation retirement age in Pakistan is
A 65 Years
B 75 Years
C 60 Years
D 80 Years
Answer: 60 Years
77 The process of making judgment is called
A Evaluation
B Budgeting
C Demonstration
D Documentation
Answer: Evaluation
78 What does E and D Rules mean
A Efficiency and discipline rules
B Efficiency and duty rules
C Efficiency and department rules
D All of the above
Answer: Efficiency and discipline rules
79 A.D.P is an abbreviation of
A Annual duty programme
B Annual division of performance
C Annual development programme
D None
Answer: Annual development programme
80 The authorized person of staff performance is
A Head teacher
B Teacher
C Student
D Clerk
Answer: Head teacher
81 Student’s performance is compared with other students in?
A Norm referenced test
B Standardized Test
C Essay Type Test
D Objective type test
Answer: Norm referenced test
82 Which one is not the type of test of test by purpose?
A Essay Type Test
B Standardized Test
C Norm referenced test
D Objective type test
Answer: Essay Type Test
83 The summative evaluation is?
A Cerifying judgment
B Diagnostic
C Continous
D None
Answer: Cerifying judgment
84 In a norm referenced test which item is best?
A Item difficulty is near 50
B Item difficulty is near zero
C Item difficulty is near 100
D Item difficulty is near 70
Answer: Item difficulty is near 50
85 Which question has increasing objectivity of marking?
A Multiple type questions
B Unstructured essay
C Structured essay
D Short answer
Answer: Multiple type questions
86 The most widely used format on standardized test in USA is?
A Multiple type questions
B Unstructured essay
C Short answer
D Structured essay
Answer: Multiple type questions
87 Projective techniques are used to measure?
A Personality
B Aptitude
C Intelligence
D None
Answer: Personality
88 Test meant for prediction on a certain criterion are called?
A Intelligence
B Knowledge
C Aptitude test
D None of the above
Answer: Aptitude test
89 The test measures what we intend to measure. This quality of the test is called?
A Validity
B Procedures
C Objectivity
D None of the above
Answer: Validity
90 The test made to compare the performance of student with the other students is called?
A Norm reference
B Criterion reference
C Achievement
D None
Answer: Norm reference
91 The summative evaluation is used?
A At the middle of the program
B At the start of the program
C At the end of the program
D None
Answer: At the end of the program
92 ”table of specification” helps in?
A Test Construction
B Test Administration
C Test Scoring
D Test development
Answer: Test development
93 Identifying relationship between two things is demonstrated by?
A Matching items
B True / False items
C Completion items
D M.C.Q items
Answer: Matching items