Q ➤ Saddle up Ans ➤ Meaning-Put a saddle on and prepare an animal to ride. Explanation-She SADDLED UP the horse and rode off.
Q ➤ Saddle with Ans ➤ Meaning-Give someone a task or responsibility that is difficult or hard work. Explanation-They SADDLED me WITH preparing the visit.
Q ➤ Sag off Ans ➤ Meaning-Not go to school or work, or leave early when you shouldn't. Explanation-I was bored so I SAGGED OFF work early and went home.
Q ➤ Sail into Ans ➤ Meaning-Criticise angrily. Explanation-He SAILED INTO me for turning up an hour late.
Q ➤ Sail through Ans ➤ Meaning-Pass easily, succeed. Explanation-He SAILED THROUGH the final test.
Q ➤ Sally forth Ans ➤ Meaning-Leave somewhere safe or comfortable. Explanation-The townspeople SALLIED FORTH to fight the invading army.
Q ➤ Sally out Ans ➤ Meaning-Leave somewhere safe or comfortable. Explanation-Though it was pouring with rain, we SALLIED OUT to meet her.
Q ➤ Salt away Ans ➤ Meaning-Save money. Explanation-She's making a lot of money, but SALTS it AWAY rather than spending it.
Q ➤ Save on Ans ➤ Meaning-Reduce or avoid consumption to cut costs. Explanation-I use Skype to SAVE ON my phone bills.
Q ➤ Save up Ans ➤ Meaning-For money for a particular purpose. Explanation-He's SAVING UP to buy a car.
Q ➤ Save up Ans ➤ Meaning-Collect or store something for future use. Explanation-I'm SAVING UP the receipts to claim on them all at once.
Q ➤ Saw off Ans ➤ Meaning-To remove something by cutting it with a saw. Explanation-He SAWED OFF the legs of the chair.
Q ➤ Saw up Ans ➤ Meaning-Cut into pieces with a saw. Explanation-We SAWED the plank UP to make the shelves.
Q ➤ Scale back Ans ➤ Meaning-Make something smaller than originally planned. Explanation-They had to SCALE BACK the project because of the costs.
Q ➤ Scale down Ans ➤ Meaning-Make something smaller than originally planned. Explanation-They have had to SCALE DOWN the project because of the costs.
Q ➤ Scale up Ans ➤ Meaning-Increase, make bigger. Explanation-They are SCALING UP the programme because it has been so successful.
Q ➤ Scare away Ans ➤ Meaning-Frighten someone some much that they go away. Explanation-The cat SCARED the birds AWAY.
Q ➤ Scare off Ans ➤ Meaning-Make someone so frightened that he or she away. The vicious Doberman guard-dog SCARED the burglars AWAY.
Q ➤ Scout about Ans ➤ Meaning-Look in different places for something. Explanation-The company is SCOUTING ABOUT for new staff.
Q ➤ Scout around Ans ➤ Meaning-Look in different places for something. Explanation-We SCOUTED AROUND to find the best price.
Q ➤ Scout out Ans ➤ Meaning-Search for something. Explanation-The researcher spent months SCOUTING OUT the answer.
Q ➤ Scout round Ans ➤ Meaning-Look in different places for something. Explanation-I SCOUTED ROUND for a bargain.
Q ➤ Scout up Ans ➤ Meaning-Try to find someone for a task or requirement. Explanation-We'd better SCOUT UP a replacement for her.
Q ➤ Scrape along Ans ➤ Meaning-Manage with little money. Explanation-I've been SCRAPING ALONG on temporary work since I lost my job.
Q ➤ Scrape by Ans ➤ Meaning-Just manage to pass something. Explanation-I thought I was going to fail, but SCRAPED BY with 51%.
Q ➤ Scrape in Ans ➤ Meaning-Just get enough to succeed, pass or be accepted. Explanation-The government SCRAPED IN with 51% of the votes cast.
Q ➤ Scrape into Ans ➤ Meaning-Be accepted somewhere, but only just. Explanation-She got mediocre grades and just SCRAPED INTO university.
Q ➤ Scrape through Ans ➤ Meaning-Pass a test but only just. Explanation-I did no revision and only just SCRAPED THROUGH the final exams.
Q ➤ Scrape togetherAns ➤ Meaning-Manage to collect enough of something you need, usually money. Explanation-I had to search my flat for money to SCRAPE TOGETHER what I needed.
Q ➤ Scrape up Ans ➤ Meaning-Manage to collect enough of something you need, usually money. Explanation-It took me ages to SCRAPE UP the money for the tickets.
Q ➤ Screen off Ans ➤ Meaning-Separate a part of a room with something like a curtain, screen, etc.. Explanation-We SCREENED OFF the area where we had the discussion from the rest of the meeting.
Q ➤ Screen out Ans ➤ Meaning-Exclude. Explanation-Applicants without the right qualifications were SCREENED OUT.
Q ➤ Screen out Ans ➤ Meaning-Block light. Explanation-The sun cream SCREENS OUT UV light.
Q ➤ Screen out Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop noticing something. Explanation-There are so many notices and signs that I have started SCREENING them OUT.
Q ➤ Screw around Ans ➤ Meaning-Waste time. Explanation-He spent the afternoon SCREWING AROUD and got nothing done.
Q ➤ Screw around Ans ➤ Meaning-Be sexually promiscuous. Explanation-He SCREWED AROUND a lot at university.
Q ➤ Screw over Ans ➤ Meaning-Treat harshly or cheat. Explanation-The IRS really SCREWED him OVER.
Q ➤ Screw up Ans ➤ Meaning-Do badly or fail. Explanation-David SCREWED UP his oral exam but still managed to scrape a pass.
Q ➤ See about Ans ➤ Meaning-Arrange, consider. Explanation-I'll SEE ABOUT whether we can manage it.
Q ➤ See into Ans ➤ Meaning-Accompany someone into an office. Explanation-Her secretary SAW me INTO her office.
Q ➤ See off Ans ➤ Meaning-Chase somebody or something away. Explanation-A cat came into the back garden but the dog soon SAW it OFF.
Q ➤ See off Ans ➤ Meaning-Go to the airport, station, etc., to say goodbye to someone. Explanation-I went to the station to SEE them OFF.
Q ➤ See out Ans ➤ Meaning-Accompany a guest to your front door when they are leaving your house. Explanation-Are you sure you're going? I'll get your coats and SEE you OUT.
Q ➤ See through Ans ➤ Meaning-Continue with something to the end. Explanation-They had a lot of difficulties in implementing the project, but the team SAW it THROUGH successfully.
Q ➤ See through Ans ➤ Meaning-Realise someone is lying or being deceitful. Explanation-The police quickly SAW THROUGH her disguise and arrested her.
Q ➤ See to Ans ➤ Meaning-Deal with something. Explanation-He SAW TO the arrangements and everything ran smoothly and efficiently.
Q ➤ Sell off Ans ➤ Meaning-Sell a business or part of it. Explanation-They SOLD OFF their research subsidiary.
Q ➤ Sell off Ans ➤ Meaning-Sell something cheaply because you need the money or don't need it. Explanation-She SOLD OFF her furniture before she emigrated.
Q ➤ Sell on Ans ➤ Meaning-Convince someone. Explanation-We managed to SELL him ON the expansion plans.
Q ➤ Sell on Ans ➤ Meaning-Buy something then sell it to someone else. Explanation-We buy them wholesale and SELL them ON to the public.
Q ➤ Sell out Ans ➤ Meaning-Have no more of something left because it has been bought. Explanation-The tickets for the Primal Scream concert at the Brixton Academy SOLD OUT in a couple of hours.
Q ➤ Sell out Ans ➤ Meaning-Lose all artistic integrity in return for commercial success. Explanation-Most bands SELL OUT when they sign to a major record label, and forget all their principles when pursuing chart success.
Q ➤ Sell up Ans ➤ Meaning-Sell a house or business to move somewhere or do something different. Explanation-We want to SELL UP and move to the country.
Q ➤ Send back Ans ➤ Meaning-Return something. Explanation-I SENT my food BACK because it was overcooked.
Q ➤ Send for Ans ➤ Meaning-Ask someone to come and help. Explanation-I had to SEND FOR a plumber because the radiator was leaking.
Q ➤ Send in Ans ➤ Meaning-Order people into a place to handle a problem. Explanation-The police were SENT IN to quell the riot as the protesters had started burning cars and wrecking shops.
Q ➤ Send in Ans ➤ Meaning-Write to get information. Explanation-If you want to enter the competition, you have to SEND IN for an entry form.
Q ➤ Send off Ans ➤ Meaning-Expel a sports player from a match. Explanation-The football striker was SENT OFF for arguing with the referee's decision.
Q ➤ Send off Ans ➤ Meaning-Post a letter. Explanation-I must SEND this letter OFF today otherwise it won't get there in time.
Q ➤ Send off for Ans ➤ Meaning-Order something by post. Explanation-I SENT OFF FOR some jeans that I liked in the catalogue.
Q ➤ Send out Ans ➤ Meaning-Send something to a lot of people. Explanation-They SENT OUT a mailshot to all their existing customers.
Q ➤ Send out for Ans ➤ Meaning-Order takeaway food by phone. Explanation-We couldn't be bothered to cook, so we SENT OUT FOR a pizza.
Q ➤ Send up Ans ➤ Meaning-Imitate/impersonate for comic effect. Explanation-The mischievous schoolboy was standing at the front of the class, SENDING the teacher UP, when the teacher opened the door behind him.
Q ➤ Set about Ans ➤ Meaning-Start doing something. Explanation-We SET ABOUT the cleaning and got it done before lunchtime.
Q ➤ Set about Ans ➤ Meaning-Attack. Explanation-The gang SET ABOUT her as she left the bank.
Q ➤ Set apart Ans ➤ Meaning-Distinguish, be better than or different from others. Explanation-The quality of their work SETS them APART from their rivals.
Q ➤ Set aside Ans ➤ Meaning-Overturn a court verdict or decision. Explanation-The Appeal Court SET ASIDE the guilty verdict because the evidence was unsatisfactory and declared her not guilty.
Q ➤ Set back Ans ➤ Meaning-Cost. Explanation-The car repairs SET me BACK eight hundred pounds.
Q ➤ Set back Ans ➤ Meaning-Delay. Explanation-The accident SET the project BACK several months.
Q ➤ Set forth Ans ➤ Meaning-State or outline an opinion. Explanation-He SET FORTH his ideas in his autobiography.
Q ➤ Set forth Ans ➤ Meaning-Start a journey. Explanation-We SET FORTH at daybreak for the summit of the mountain.
Q ➤ Set in Ans ➤ Meaning-Change season noticeably. Explanation-Winter has SET IN; it's started snowing.
Q ➤ Set off Ans ➤ Meaning-Explode a bomb. Explanation-Terrorists SET OFF a car bomb in the city centre last night. Fortunately, no-one was hurt or killed.
Q ➤ Set off Ans ➤ Meaning-Ring an alarm. Explanation-The smoke SET the fire alarm OFF.
Q ➤ Set off Ans ➤ Meaning-Start a journey. Explanation-We SET OFF for work at seven-thirty.
Q ➤ Set off Ans ➤ Meaning-Counterbalance a debt. Explanation-The company SET OFF its overseas debts against it profits at home.
Q ➤ Set off Ans ➤ Meaning-Provide a visual contrast that looks good. Explanation-The dark frame SETS the pale drawing OFF well.
Q ➤ Set off Ans ➤ Meaning-Cause, trigger events. Explanation-The pay freeze SET OFF a wave of strikes.
Q ➤ Set on Ans ➤ Meaning-Attack. Explanation-He was SET ON when he left the bar.
Q ➤ Set out Ans ➤ Meaning-Display, show. Explanation-The figures are SET OUT in the council's annual report.
Q ➤ Set out Ans ➤ Meaning-Start a journey. Explanation-The explorers SET OUT for the South Pole yesterday morning.
Q ➤ Set out Ans ➤ Meaning-Arrange, organise. Explanation-The contract SETS OUT all the details of the agreement.
Q ➤ Set to Ans ➤ Meaning-Work hard or enthusiastically. Explanation-If we all SET TO, we should be able to finish this in a few hours.
Q ➤ Set up Ans ➤ Meaning-Prepare equipment, software, etc., for use. Explanation-The technician SET UP the computer network perfectly.
Q ➤ Set up Ans ➤ Meaning-Start a company. Explanation-They SET UP a dot com company, floated it a couple of years later on the Stock Exchange and made an absolute fortune.
Q ➤ Set up Ans ➤ Meaning-Provide someone with the money needed to live. Explanation-Winning the lottery SET them UP for life.
Q ➤ Set up Ans ➤ Meaning-Trick, deceive. Explanation-The police SET them UP.
Q ➤ Set upon Ans ➤ Meaning-Attack. Explanation-They SET UPON her when she was in the car park.
Q ➤ Settle down Ans ➤ Meaning-Start living a fixed and routine life. Explanation-After years of partying and drinking, she finally got married and SETTLED DOWN.
Q ➤ Settle for Ans ➤ Meaning-Accept whatever is available. Explanation-We were upset not to win and had to SETTLE FOR the second prize.
Q ➤ Settle in Ans ➤ Meaning-Get used to. Explanation-It took him a while to SETTLE IN when he moved to Japan.
Q ➤ Settle on Ans ➤ Meaning-Agree. Explanation-They couldn't agree at first on a name for their daughter, but finally SETTLED ON Alice.
Q ➤ Settle up Ans ➤ Meaning-Pay a debt. Explanation-Let's SETTLE UP for the dinner the other night.
Q ➤ Sex up Ans ➤ Meaning-Change information to make it more attractive to the reader or listener. Explanation-The government denied that they had SEXED UP the report to make the front page.
Q ➤ Shack up Ans ➤ Meaning-Live with someone when you are in a relationship. Explanation-They SHACKED UP a few months after they started going out.
Q ➤ Shack up Ans ➤ Meaning-Live somewhere temporarily. Explanation-We had to SHACK UP with friends while our house was being decorated.
Q ➤ Shade in Ans ➤ Meaning-Make a part of a picture darker. Explanation-She SHADED IN the area under the tree.
Q ➤ Shake down Ans ➤ Meaning-Search. Explanation-The police SHOOK the house DOWN looking for drugs.
Q ➤ Shake down Ans ➤ Meaning-Extort or cheat money from someone. Explanation-He SHOOK the guy DOWN with some story about needing the money for an operation.
Q ➤ Shake off Ans ➤ Meaning-Get rid of an illness. Explanation-It took me ages to SHAKE OFF the cough.
Q ➤ Shake out Ans ➤ Meaning-Shake clothes, cloths, etc to remove dirt or creases. Explanation-He took the tablecloth outside and SHOOK it OUT after dinner.
Q ➤ Shake up Ans ➤ Meaning-Upset or shock. Explanation-The news of her death really SHOOK me UP.
Q ➤ Shake up Ans ➤ Meaning-Make major changes to improve or save a company, organisation, etc. Explanation-The management are SHAKING things UP and getting rid of a lot of workers.
Q ➤ Shake up Ans ➤ Meaning-Mix things in a container by shaking hard. Explanation-Pour the ingredients into a container and SHAKE them UP.
Q ➤ Shape up Ans ➤ Meaning-Develop in a positive way. Explanation-Things are SHAPING UP at work- everything's going well again.
Q ➤ Shape up Ans ➤ Meaning-Improve to reach an acceptable standard. Explanation-If they don't start SHAPING UP, they're going to lose their jobs.
Q ➤ Shave off Ans ➤ Meaning-Shave completely. Explanation-He has SHAVED OFF his moustache and looks much younger.
Q ➤ Shave off Ans ➤ Meaning-Reduce by a small amount. Explanation-He SHAVED a few thousand OFF the budget for the year.