Q ➤ Pour down Ans ➤ Meaning-Rain hard. Explanation-It POURED DOWN all day so we had to remain indoors.
Q ➤ Pour forth Ans ➤ Meaning-Emerge from a place in large numbers. Explanation-Useless statistics POUR FORTH from him.
Q ➤ Power down Ans ➤ Meaning-Cut the electricity supply to a computer or electronic device. Explanation-I POWERED DOWN my computer and went for lunch.
Q ➤ Power off Ans ➤ Meaning-Cut the electricity to a computer or device to turn it off. Explanation-You mustn't POWER it OFF while it is updating.
Q ➤ Power up Ans ➤ Meaning-Turn a computer or electronic device on so that it is ready to use. Explanation-I POWERED UP my laptop and started work.
Q ➤ Prattle on Ans ➤ Meaning-Talk too much. Explanation-Geoff just PRATTLED ON instead of giving a straight answer.
Q ➤ Press ahead Ans ➤ Meaning-Continue with something. Explanation-They PRESSED AHEAD with the elections despite the violence.
Q ➤ Press for Ans ➤ Meaning-Apply pressure to get permission or to obtain something. Explanation-The workers are PRESSING FOR better pay and conditions.
Q ➤ Press forward withAns ➤ Meaning-Continue or go ahead with a project, process, plan, etc. Explanation-The government are PRESSING FORWARD WITH the new law.
Q ➤ Press into Ans ➤ Meaning-Bring or force into use. Explanation-When the line was breached, reserve troops were PRESSED INTO service.
Q ➤ Press on Ans ➤ Meaning-Continue with something. Explanation-We PRESSED ON to get to our destination before night fell.
Q ➤ Press upon Ans ➤ Meaning-Pressure someone to accept something offered. Explanation-The invitations were PRESSED UPON us and it was hard to say no.
Q ➤ Prey on Ans ➤ Meaning-Catch and kill an animal for food. Explanation-Spiders PREY ON insects.
Q ➤ Prey on Ans ➤ Meaning-Exploit or harm. Explanation-They PREY ON older people.
Q ➤ Prey upon Ans ➤ Meaning-Catch and kill an animal for food. Explanation-Cats PREY UPON birds and mice.
Q ➤ Prey upon Ans ➤ Meaning-Exploit or harm. Explanation-They PREY UPON people's fears about immigration.
Q ➤ Price inAns ➤ Meaning-Include the affects of possible future events when assessing the value of something. Explanation-Speculators have PRICED IN the risk of a war breaking out.
Q ➤ Price up Ans ➤ Meaning-Charge more for something. Explanation-In rural areas where they have a monopoly, some garages PRICE UP fuel because there's nowhere else to buy it.
Q ➤ Print out Ans ➤ Meaning-Make a hard copy of a computer document. Explanation-He PRINTED OUT the letter and checked through it carefully.
Q ➤ Prop up Ans ➤ Meaning-Support something, both physically and financially, politically, etc.. Explanation-The council have PROPPED UP the museum for years with grants.
Q ➤ Psych out Ans ➤ Meaning-Work out or anticipate someone's intentions. Explanation-We have to try to PSYCH OUT our rivals.
Q ➤ Psych out Ans ➤ Meaning-Make someone less confident. Explanation-Boxers try to PSYCH their opponents OUT before the fight to gain an advantage.
Q ➤ Psych up Ans ➤ Meaning-Prepare someone mentally. Explanation-I PSYCHED myself UP for the exam.
Q ➤ Pucker up Ans ➤ Meaning-Move your lips into position to receive a kiss. Explanation-She PUCKERED UP when he leant forwards to kiss her.
Q ➤ Pull ahead Ans ➤ Meaning-Overtake, move in front. Explanation-The lorry was going slowly but we managed to PULL AHEAD.
Q ➤ Pull apart Ans ➤ Meaning-Destroy an argument, theory, etc. Explanation-My tutor PULLED my essay APART.
Q ➤ Pull apart Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop people or animals fighting. Explanation-A fight broke out in the pub and it was hard to PULL the people involved APART.
Q ➤ Pull apart Ans ➤ Meaning-Make someone unhappy or upset. Explanation-It PULLED me APART to see them arguing so much.
Q ➤ Pull away Ans ➤ Meaning-When a vehicle moves from a place. Explanation-The car PULLED AWAY from the lights at high speed.
Q ➤ Pull back Ans ➤ Meaning-Score a goal or point when losing. Explanation-They were two-nil down until five minutes before the end, when they PULLED BACK a goal.
Q ➤ Pull back Ans ➤ Meaning-Move away from a place, especially when talking about soldiers. Explanation-They have PULLED the troops BACK from the front line.
Q ➤ Pull back Ans ➤ Meaning-Move away from someone. Explanation-She PULLED BACK when he tried to kiss her.
Q ➤ Pull back Ans ➤ Meaning-Decide not to do something or not to be involved with it any longer. Explanation-They PULLED BACK from the deal.
Q ➤ Pull down Ans ➤ Meaning-Demolish. Explanation-They PULLED the old cinema DOWN to build a new shopping mall.
Q ➤ Pull down Ans ➤ Meaning-Make someone depressed. Explanation-Losing her job PULLED her DOWN.
Q ➤ Pull down Ans ➤ Meaning-Earn. Explanation-He's PULLING DOWN a fortune.
Q ➤ Pull for Ans ➤ Meaning-Support. Explanation-Who will you be PULLING FOR in the final?
Q ➤ Pull in Ans ➤ Meaning-When a train arrives at a station. Explanation-The train PULLED IN and we rushed to meet her as she got off.
Q ➤ Pull in Ans ➤ Meaning-Attract. Explanation-Their last tour PULLED IN millions of fans.
Q ➤ Pull in Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop a car by the side of the road. Explanation-I PULLED IN to let the passengers out.
Q ➤ Pull in Ans ➤ Meaning-Arrest or take someone to a police station for questioning. Explanation-The police PULLED them IN after the trouble.
Q ➤ Pull off Ans ➤ Meaning-Manage to do something difficult or tricky. Explanation-No-one thought that she would be able to do it, but she PULLED it OFF in the end.
Q ➤ Pull off Ans ➤ Meaning-Start moving (vehicles). Explanation-When the lights turned green, the car PULLED OFF.
Q ➤ Pull on Ans ➤ Meaning-Put clothes on. Explanation-I PULLED ON a jumper when the sun went in.
Q ➤ Pull out Ans ➤ Meaning-Start moving (train). Explanation-The train was PULLING OUT when I got there.
Q ➤ Pull out Ans ➤ Meaning-Move into traffic. Explanation-The traffic was so bad that it took me ages to PULL OUT.
Q ➤ Pull out Ans ➤ Meaning-Withdraw. Explanation-The project was going badly and they decided to PULL OUT.
Q ➤ Pull out Ans ➤ Meaning-Remove soldiers from an area. Explanation-People want the government to PULL the troops OUT.
Q ➤ Pull over Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop by the side of the road. Explanation-The police PULLED the car OVER
Q ➤ Pull over Ans ➤ Meaning-Make a vehicle stop. Explanation-The police PULLED the car OVER and tested the driver for alcohol.
Q ➤ Pull through Ans ➤ Meaning-Recover from and illness or problem. Explanation-At one stage it looked as if she was going to die, but she PULLED THROUGH in the end.
Q ➤ Pull to Ans ➤ Meaning-Close a door or window that has been left open. Explanation-Could you PULL the door TO, please?
Q ➤ Pull together Ans ➤ Meaning-Work together as a team. Explanation-If we all PULL TOGETHER, we'll have it finished in no time.
Q ➤ Pull up Ans ➤ Meaning-Slow and stop a car. Explanation-The cab PULLED UP outside my house and I got out.
Q ➤ Pull up Ans ➤ Meaning-Inform someone that they are wrong. Explanation-He PULLED me UP because I had got my facts wrong.
Q ➤ Pull yourself togetherAns ➤ Meaning-Become calm or regain control of your emotions. Explanation-He was so angry that he couldn't PULL HIMSELF TOGETHER.
Q ➤ Push inAns ➤ Meaning- Get in a queue without waiting. Explanation-She just PUSHED IN the queue in front of me at the supermarket checkout.
Q ➤ Put across Ans ➤ Meaning-Communicate, convey a message. Explanation-He found it difficult to PUT ACROSS what he wanted to say at the meeting.
Q ➤ Put away Ans ➤ Meaning-Put something back in the correct place. Explanation-He PUT the dictionary BACK on the shelf after he'd finished the crossword.
Q ➤ Put away Ans ➤ Meaning-Put someone in prison. Explanation-The judge PUT him AWAY for ten years for robbery.
Q ➤ Put back Ans ➤ Meaning-Rearrange something for a later time. Explanation-The AGM has been PUT BACK until July the seventeenth.
Q ➤ Put by Ans ➤ Meaning-Save for the future. Explanation-I try to PUT some money BY every month towards our summer holiday.
Q ➤ Put down Ans ➤ Meaning-Kill an animal because it's old, ill, etc.. Explanation-He had his dog PUT DOWN because it was in a lot of pain from its tumours.
Q ➤ Put down Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop holding (but withdraw support gently). Explanation-PUT the gun DOWN slowly and keep your hands where I can see them.
Q ➤ Put down forAns ➤ Meaning- Commit to make a payment. Explanation-PUT me DOWN FOR 50p per mile.
Q ➤ Put down to Ans ➤ Meaning-Give as an explanation. Explanation-He didn't score many, but we can PUT that DOWN TO inexperience
Q ➤ Put in Ans ➤ Meaning-Install. They had to Explanation-PUT IN a whole new central heating system because the house was so cold.
Q ➤ Put in for Ans ➤ Meaning-Make a request. Explanation-He PUT IN FOR a transfer to the new branch.
Q ➤ Put off Ans ➤ Meaning-Postpone. Explanation-The concert's been PUT OFF until next month because the singer's got a throat infection.
Q ➤ Put off Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop liking something or somebody. Explanation-I was really PUT OFF by the way he eats with his mouth open.
Q ➤ Put on Ans ➤ Meaning-Get fat. Explanation-He's PUT ON a lot of weight since he gave up smoking.
Q ➤ Put on Ans ➤ Meaning-Deceive, lie. Explanation-I am not PUTTING you ON.
Q ➤ Put on Ans ➤ Meaning-Start wearing. Explanation-I PUT my coat ON before we went out.
Q ➤ Put out Ans ➤ Meaning-Broadcast. Explanation-Several charities PUT OUT an appeal on TV for money for the victims of the flooding in Mozambique.
Q ➤ Put out Ans ➤ Meaning-Disturb or trouble someone. Explanation-Would it be PUTTING you OUT greatly if I asked to change to another day.
Q ➤ Put out Ans ➤ Meaning-Extinguish a cigarette, fire, etc.. Explanation-He PUT OUT his cigarette before entering the building.
Q ➤ Put over Ans ➤ Meaning-Successfully execute (a scam, trick, etc.). Explanation-They PUT OVER a clever practical joke on us.
Q ➤ Put through Ans ➤ Meaning-Connect someone by phone. Explanation-Could you PUT me THROUGH to extension 259 please.
Q ➤ Put towards Ans ➤ Meaning-Make a financial contribution. Explanation-She PUT $250 TOWARDS the cost of the repairs and we had to pay the rest.
Q ➤ Put up Ans ➤ Meaning-Allow someone to stay at your house for a night or a few days.. Explanation-She PUT me UP for the night because I'd missed the last bus and there were no night buses running.
Q ➤ Put up Ans ➤ Meaning-Increase prices, taxes, duties, etc.. Explanation-The government has PUT tuition fees for undergraduate students UP again.
Q ➤ Put up Ans ➤ Meaning-Show skill or determination in a contest, competition, fight, etc. Explanation-They PUT UP a great fight but lost.
Q ➤ Put up to Ans ➤ Meaning-Encourage someone to do something. Explanation-His friends PUT him UP TO stealing it.
Q ➤ Put up with Ans ➤ Meaning-Tolerate. Explanation-I can't PUT UP WITH my neighbour's noise any longer; it's driving me mad.