Q ➤ Play up to Ans ➤ Meaning-Flatter someone. Explanation-I'm PLAYING UP TO my boss at the moment because I want the promotion.
Q ➤ Play up to Ans ➤ Meaning-Behave in a way expected. Explanation-He's got a reputation for being trouble and PLAYS UP TO it.
Q ➤ Play upon Ans ➤ Meaning-Exploit a weakness. Explanation-They are PLAYING UPON people's concerns to get their way.
Q ➤ Play with Ans ➤ Meaning-Touch and move something to occupy your hands. Explanation-He can't stop PLAYING WITH his beard.
Q ➤ Play with Ans ➤ Meaning-Not eat much of a meal. Explanation-I wasn't hungry, so I just PLAYED WITH the food.
Q ➤ Play with Ans ➤ Meaning-Consider something, but not seriously. Explanation-We PLAYED WITH the idea, but decided against it.
Q ➤ Plead out Ans ➤ Meaning-Plead guilty to get a reduced sentence or fine. Explanation-The CEO PLEADED OUT and blamed the CFO for the fraud.
Q ➤ Plough back Ans ➤ Meaning-Re-invest money you have made into a business. Explanation-We PLOUGHED BACK all the profits to grow the company.
Q ➤ Plough intoAns ➤ Meaning-Collide into at speed. Explanation-The bus skidded and PLOUGHED INTO the bus stop.
Q ➤ Plough on Ans ➤ Meaning-Continue doing something you don't want to. Explanation-It was really boring, but we PLOUGHED ON.
Q ➤ Plough through Ans ➤ Meaning-Eat a big meal. Explanation-We PLOUGHED THROUGH all seven courses.
Q ➤ Plough throughAns ➤ Meaning-Read something that is difficult or takes a lot of time. Explanation-It took me ages to PLOUGH THROUGH 'Ulysses'.
Q ➤ Plough throughAns ➤ Meaning-Move through somewhere where there is little space or there are obstacles. Explanation-The boat had to PLOUGH THROUGH the ice.
Q ➤ Plough up Ans ➤ Meaning-Break the surface of soil. Explanation-The tractor PLOUGHED UP the field so they could sow the seed.
Q ➤ Plow back Ans ➤ Meaning-Re-invest money you have made into a business. Explanation-We PLOWED BACK all the profits to grow the company.
Q ➤ Plow into Ans ➤ Meaning-Collide into at speed. Explanation-The bus skidded and PLOWED INTO the bus stop.
Q ➤ Plow on Ans ➤ Meaning-Continue doing something you don't want to. Explanation-It was really boring, but we PLOWD ON.
Q ➤ Plow through Ans ➤ Meaning-Eat a big meal. Explanation-We PLOWED THROUGH all eight courses.
Q ➤ Plow throughAns ➤ Meaning-Read something that is difficult or takes a lot of time. Explanation-It takes me ages to PLOW THROUGH any of Henry James' novels.
Q ➤ Plow throughAns ➤ Meaning-Move through somewhere where there is little space or there are obstacles. Explanation-The police car had to PLOW THROUGH the crowd.
Q ➤ Plow up Ans ➤ Meaning-Break the surface of soil. Explanation-The tractor PLOWED UP the field so they could sow the crop
Q ➤ Pluck at Ans ➤ Meaning-Pull or fiddle with something nervously. Explanation-He was PLUCKING AT his cuffs during the interview.
Q ➤ Pluck up Ans ➤ Meaning-Muster, acquire, gather. Explanation-They PLUCKED UP the courage to complain.
Q ➤ Plug in Ans ➤ Meaning-Connect machines to the electricity supply. Explanation-He PLUGGED the TV IN and turned it on full blast.
Q ➤ Plump downAns ➤ Meaning-Put something in a place without taking care. Explanation-He PLUMPED his bag DOWN and kicked his shoes off.
Q ➤ Plump for Ans ➤ Meaning-Choose. Explanation-I PLUMPED FOR the steak frites.
Q ➤ Plump up Ans ➤ Meaning-Make something like a cushion bigger and softer by shaking it. Explanation-I PLUMPED UP the pillow and lay down.
Q ➤ Plump yourself downAns ➤ Meaning-Sit down heavily. Explanation-She PLUMPED HERSELF DOWN next to me and started asking me what had happened.
Q ➤ Point out Ans ➤ Meaning-Make someone aware of something. Explanation-He POINTED OUT that I only had two weeks to get the whole thing finished.
Q ➤ Poke about Ans ➤ Meaning-Move things around or search in a casual way to try to find something. Explanation-I POKED ABOUT in my CD collection to see if I could find it.
Q ➤ Poke aroundAns ➤ Meaning-Move things around or search in a casual way to try to find something. Explanation-I POKED AROUND in my desk to see if the letter was there.
Q ➤ Polish off Ans ➤ Meaning-Finish, consume. Explanation-She POLISHES OFF half a bottle of gin every night.
Q ➤ Polish up Ans ➤ Meaning-Improve something quickly. Explanation-I need to POLISH UP my French before I go to Paris.
Q ➤ Pony up Ans ➤ Meaning-Pay for something. Explanation-I had to PONY fifty dollars UP for the meal.
Q ➤ Poop out Ans ➤ Meaning-Get too tired to do something. Explanation-I was going to write my essay, but I POOPED OUT and went to bed instead.
Q ➤ Poop out on Ans ➤ Meaning-Fail to keep an appointment. Explanation-We were supposed to meet yesterday, but she POOPED OUT ON me at the last minute.
Q ➤ Pootle along Ans ➤ Meaning-Travel in a leisurely way. Explanation-We were POOTLING ALONG at thirty miles an hour.
Q ➤ Pop in Ans ➤ Meaning-Visit for a short time. Explanation-He POPPED IN for a coffee on his way home.
Q ➤ Pop off Ans ➤ Meaning-Talk loudly, complain. Explanation-He's always POPPING OFF when things don't suit him.
Q ➤ Pop off Ans ➤ Meaning-Go out for a short time. Explanation-He's just POPPED OFF for a break but should be back in a few minutes.
Q ➤ Pop out Ans ➤ Meaning-Go out for a short time. Explanation-I'm just POPPING OUT to the shops. Do you need anything while I'm out?
Q ➤ Pop up Ans ➤ Meaning-Appear, like windows and boxes opening on a computer screen.. Explanation-The dialogue box POPPED UP up when I pressed Enter.
Q ➤ Pop up Ans ➤ Meaning-Appear unexpectedly. Explanation-I'm going to have to work late tonight because something has POPPED UP.
Q ➤ Pore over Ans ➤ Meaning-Read, look at or study carefully. Explanation-She PORED OVER the report looking for mistakes.
Q ➤ Potter about Ans ➤ Meaning-Spend time doing little things for pleasure. Explanation-On Saturday mornings, I POTTER ABOUT the garden if the weather's fine.
Q ➤ Potter aroundAns ➤ Meaning-Spend some time doing little things for pleasure. Explanation-I POTTERED AROUND, sorting out my CDS and a few other things.