Q ➤ Give away Ans ➤ Meaning-Give an unwanted baby to people to bring up. Explanation-She had to GIVE her baby AWAY as she couldn't afford to bring it up.
Q ➤ Give away Ans ➤ Meaning-Betray, report to authorities. Explanation-The gang GAVE him AWAY to the police.
Q ➤ Give away Ans ➤ Meaning-Give a weight advantage to an opponent in boxing. Explanation-He is GIVING AWAY thirty pounds to the challenger.
Q ➤ Give back Ans ➤ Meaning-Return something you've borrowed. Explanation-I GAVE the money BACK that she'd lent to me.
Q ➤ Give back Ans ➤ Meaning-Return something that someone has lost. Explanation-Nothing could GIVE me BACK the way I felt before the scandal.
Q ➤ Give in Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop doing something because it's too hard or requires too much energy. Explanation-I couldn't finish the crossword puzzle and had to GIVE IN and look at the answers.
Q ➤ Give in Ans ➤ Meaning-Submit homework, etc.. Explanation-The projects have to be GIVEN IN three weeks before we break up for the end of term.
Q ➤ Give in Ans ➤ Meaning-Surrender, accept defeat. Explanation-They GAVE IN when the police surrounded the building.
Q ➤ Give in Ans ➤ Meaning-Offer or submit for judgement, approval. Explanation-They GAVE IN their complaint to the court.
Q ➤ Give in to Ans ➤ Meaning-Agree to something you don't like. Explanation-The government says it will not GIVE IN TO terrorists.
Q ➤ Give in to Ans ➤ Meaning-Allow a feeling or desire to control you. Explanation-Eventually, I GAVE IN TO my anger and screamed at them.
Q ➤ Give it to Ans ➤ Meaning-Criticise harshly or punish someone for something. Explanation-They really GAVE IT TO me for forgetting to turn up.
Q ➤ Give it up for Ans ➤ Meaning-Applaud. Explanation-Please GIVE IT UP FOR our next guest.
Q ➤ Give it up to Ans ➤ Meaning-Applaud. Explanation-Please GIVE IT UP TO our next guest.
Q ➤ Give of Ans ➤ Meaning-Contribute without expecting anything in return, usually time or money. Explanation-He GIVE OF his free time to help the club.
Q ➤ Give off Ans ➤ Meaning-Emit pollution or something else unpleasant. Explanation-The police stopped the van because it was GIVING OFF a lot of black smoke.
Q ➤ Give off Ans ➤ Meaning-Behave in a way that makes people think of you in a certain way. Explanation-She GIVES OFF an air of nobility.
Q ➤ Give off Ans ➤ Meaning-Expand. Explanation-The company is GIVING OFF all over the country.
Q ➤ Give offAns ➤ Meaning-Follow or take one of 2 or more branches (instructions, in machine code) in writing a computer program (using system software for a programming language). Explanation-A particular application of a processing code can be GIVEN OFF while requiring minimal run-time support.
Q ➤ Give onto Ans ➤ Meaning-Open into a place, for a door or window. Explanation-The French windows GIVE ONTO the lawn.
Q ➤ Give out Ans ➤ Meaning-Distribute. Explanation-Somebody was GIVING leaflets OUT in front of the underground station.
Q ➤ Give out Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop working, through age or overuse. Explanation-I'd been having trouble with my laptop and it finally GAVE OUT at the weekend.
Q ➤ Give out Ans ➤ Meaning-Have no more of a supply. Explanation-The water GAVE OUT after a week in the desert.
Q ➤ Give out Ans ➤ Meaning-Make public. Explanation-They GAVE the names of the winners OUT last night.
Q ➤ Give out Ans ➤ Meaning-Emit. Explanation-The factory GIVES OUT a lot of fumes.
Q ➤ Give out Ans ➤ Meaning-End or finish somewhere. Explanation-The path GIVES OUT halfway around the lake.
Q ➤ Give out Ans ➤ Meaning-Make a sound or noise. Explanation-She GAVE OUT a moan.
Q ➤ Give out Ans ➤ Meaning-Read the wordings of a hymn or psalm aloud for congregational singing. Explanation-He GAVE OUT the psalm.
Q ➤ Give over Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop doing something bad or annoying. Explanation-They were making a lot of noise so I told them to GIVE OVER.
Q ➤ Give over Ans ➤ Meaning-Entrust, pass on responsibility. Explanation-We've GIVEN the premises OVER to the new company.
Q ➤ Give over Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop an activity. Explanation-The police told the rioters to GIVE OVER.
Q ➤ Give over to Ans ➤ Meaning-Dedicate, devote. Explanation-He GAVE himself OVER TO finding his son.
Q ➤ Give over to Ans ➤ Meaning-Transfer responsibility. Explanation-After her death, they GAVE control of the estate OVER TO her niece.
Q ➤ Give over! Ans ➤ Meaning-An expression of disbelief. Explanation-They've doubled your salary- GIVE OVER!
Q ➤ Give up Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop doing something that has been a habit. Explanation-I GAVE UP taking sugar in tea and coffee to lose weight.
Q ➤ Give up Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop being friendly, end relationships. Explanation-She GAVE UP all her school friends when she went to university.
Q ➤ Give up Ans ➤ Stop doing something. Explanation-I have GIVEN UP trying to help them.
Q ➤ Give up Ans ➤ Meaning-Surrender, stop trying. Explanation-I can't think of the answer; I GIVE UP.
Q ➤ Give up Ans ➤ Meaning-Sacrifice or dedicate time, etc, to something. Explanation-I GAVE UP all my free time to the project.
Q ➤ Give up Ans ➤ Meaning-Allow someone to sit in your chair, take your place, etc. Explanation-I GAVE UP my seat to a pregnant woman.
Q ➤ Give up Ans ➤ Meaning-Allow or give away a run while pitching (baseball). Explanation-He has GIVEN UP 14 earned runs in 14 innings.
Q ➤ Give up on Ans ➤ Meaning-Lose faith in or stop believing in something or someone. Explanation-I GAVE UP ON them when I heard what they were saying about me behind my back.
Q ➤ Give up on Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop feeling hope. Explanation-I have GIVEN UP ON them; they never do what they promise.
Q ➤ Give up to Ans ➤ Meaning-Denounce, report to authorities. Explanation-He GAVE his accomplices UP TO the police.
Q ➤ Give way Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop to allow vehicles to pass. Explanation-You must GIVE WAY at this junction.
Q ➤ Give way Ans ➤ Meaning-Collapse, break. Explanation-The dam GAVE WAY when the floods rose.
Q ➤ Give way to Ans ➤ Meaning-Yield, surrender, retreat. Explanation-Don't GIVE WAY TO your worst fears about this.
Q ➤ Give way to Ans ➤ Meaning-Relinquish position or ascendancy. Explanation-Night GIVES WAY TO day.
Q ➤ Give way to Ans ➤ Meaning-Be replaced by something better, cheaper, more modern, etc. Explanation-Cottage industries GAVE WAY TO the big companies.
Q ➤ Give way to Ans ➤ Meaning-Allow a vehicle to pass in front. Explanation-You must GIVE WAY TO oncoming traffic.
Q ➤ Give way to Ans ➤ Meaning-Surrender to strong emotions. Explanation-He GAVE WAY TO his anger and started screaming at them.
Q ➤ Give yourself up Ans ➤ Meaning-Surrender to the police or authorities. Explanation-The gang GAVE THEMSELVES UP last night.
Q ➤ Give yourself up to Ans ➤ Meaning-Dedicate time, energy, etc, to something. Explanation-He GAVE himself UP TO his job.
Q ➤ Gloss over Ans ➤ Meaning-Try to minimise the importance of something. Explanation-The Minister tried to GLOSS OVER the report that was critical of her department.
Q ➤ Gnaw at Ans ➤ Meaning-Trouble, worry or annoy someone. Explanation-I know it was wrong and guilt has GNAWED AT me ever since I did it.
Q ➤ Gnaw at Ans ➤ Meaning-Harm gradually. Explanation-The government's dishonesty has GNAWED AT people's trust in politicians.
Q ➤ Gnaw away at Ans ➤ Meaning-Harm gradually. Explanation-Their behaviour GNAWED AWAY AT our trust in them.
Q ➤ Go about Ans ➤ Meaning-Deal with something. Explanation-How should I GO ABOUT telling her the bad news?
Q ➤ Go about Ans ➤ Meaning-Circulate. Explanation-A rumour is GOING ABOUT involving the Attorney General.
Q ➤ Go across Ans ➤ Meaning-Move to another side or place. Explanation-He WENT ACROSS to the opposition.
Q ➤ Go after Ans ➤ Meaning-Chase, try to get. Explanation-The cat WENT AFTER the pigeon, but it flew away.
Q ➤ Go against Ans ➤ Meaning-Lose a decision or a verdict of a court. Explanation-If the decision GOES AGAINST me, I'll go bankrupt.
Q ➤ Go ahead Ans ➤ Meaning-Proceed. Explanation-The construction of the bypass WENT AHEAD despite the protests from environmentalists.
Q ➤ Go ahead with Ans ➤ Meaning-Proceed. Explanation-We now intend to GO AHEAD WITH the final stage of the project.
Q ➤ Go along with Ans ➤ Meaning-Accept a decision or suggestion. Explanation-I didn't really agree, but I WENT ALONG WITH the decision because I was in the minority.
Q ➤ Go along with Ans ➤ Meaning-Accompany. Explanation-I plan to GO ALONG WITH them as far as Los Angeles.
Q ➤ Go around Ans ➤ Meaning-Circulate. Explanation-A rumour is GOING AROUND about the Attorney General.
Q ➤ Go around Ans ➤ Meaning-Be or have enough of something. Explanation-There aren't enough jobs to GO AROUND for the numbers of people graduating nowadays.
Q ➤ Go around Ans ➤ Meaning-Visit. Explanation-I WENT AROUND for dinner at their house.