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Showing posts with label #Nishtha Module 5. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Nishtha Module 5 Understanding secondary level learners Answer Key

1. Guidance includes four main steps, goal setting, intervention and ?

 Answer :- Exploring the concerns in detail

 2. The task of guidance and counseling is to help adolescents-

 Answer :- In understanding their developmental changes

 3. Which of the following is one of the important needs of adolescents?

 Answer :- Shaping personal identity and developing relationships

 4. The teacher has a deep impact on his students-

 Answer :- In displaying their personal-social qualities

 5. ___ is an important function of the guidance and counseling approach in the school.

 Answer:- Mental well-being of the students

 6. Sameer is in 7th standard.  For the past two months, his teacher noticed that he is often absent in classes and even if he is present, he stands out in the class.

 Answer :- Individual case plan

 7. According to Erik Erikson's theory of psycho-social development, during these years of life a person has a growing sense of independence and a sense of personal identity being shaped.

 Answer :- Social interaction with others, most importantly their classmates

 8. Which of the following is not an objective of guidance and counseling approach?

 Answer :- To build physical strength

 9. Which of the following suggests Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

 Answer:- Social norms and rules govern the moral judgment of adolescents.

 10. What is needed to help students deal with the problem of emotional and social adjustment that students face?

 Answer :- Personal-Social Guidance

 11. In adolescence, students are realizing the importance of career in their life.  What do you think is important for them to say what is the need?

 Answer :- Making suitable choice

 12. In order to facilitate the role of teachers in the form of guidance-driven gaps, what needs to be developed?

 Answer: Self-awareness

 13. A girl who is facing difficulty in her studies like poor time management, procrastination etc., she can go to___-

 Answer :- For educational guidance

 14. What is true about classmate-effect in adolescents?

 Answer :- It can be positive or negative.

 15. Body image is an important issue that teenagers have to face.  What are the consequences, along with a feeling of being uncomfortable or embarrassed about your body?

 Answer:- Low self-confidence and low self-esteem

 16. Sudha is constantly facing comments about her looks from her friends and they tease her at times.  Which of these problems is Sudha facing?

 Answer :- Torture

 17. Izaan is a student of class 11th His mother recently noticed some changes in his behavior.  He spends most of his time in the gym and eats only once a day.

 Answer :- body image

 18. Which of the following is a part of active listening?

 Answer: Eye contact, nodding and asking for clarification

 19. Which of the following is right for counseling?

 Answer:- It requires a trained professional.

 20. Meera is a student of class 8th.  She is so constantly worried about her appearance that she has stopped eating at night and often skipped breakfast.  She herself in social events

 Answer :- body image

 21. Honesty, ability to listen and having a positive relationship when dealing with others are some of the important qualities that a guiding teacher should possess ___.

 Answer :- To establish relationship with others

 22. Which of the following is a barrier to effective communication?

 Answer :- Lack of Attention Skills

 23. An adolescent experiences frequent mood changes due to ____-

 Answer :- Changes in the body

 24. Paying attention is an important stage of guidance in school.  This is an important skill where teachers-

 Answer: Listens to verbal and non-verbal signals.

 25. Goal setting is an important step in the process of guidance.  Which of the following is important for goal setting while planning interventions?

 Answer :- Goals should be realistic

 26. Which of the following is not characteristic of adolescent learners?

 Answer :- Health issues

 27. Which one is correct for classmate-effect?

 Answer :- It can be positive or negative.

 28. Positive relationship is an important quality that a teacher must exhibit ___

 Answer:- To build a true relationship with the students

 29. Educational guidance is a ____ process.

 Answer:- To help students reach the highest academic growth

 30. Which is essential for effective conduct of guidance and counseling approach in the classroom?

 Answer: Establishing a trusting and caring teacher-student relationship

 31. Karen, a 17-year-old boy, sometimes argues with his parents because he wants to go to a movie with his friends.  He also comes home late, his parents are worried.

 Answer:- A teenager wants to have autonomy

 32. Which one is right for classmate-pressure?

 Answer:- Must be assertive in dealing with classmate pressure

 33. Counseling is the process of empowering the client-

 Answer:- To solve a personal, social or psychological problem

 34. The tendency to engage in activities which are likely to be harmful or dangerous is called-

 Answer: Risk taking behavior

 35. Guidance motivational teacher is one who-

 Answer: - Capable of facilitating change in one's beliefs, feelings and thoughts.

 36. The purpose of vocational guidance in schools is-

 Answer:- Take wise decision in choosing career

 37. Self awareness Guidance is a quality of a strong person.  It helps you-

 Answer:- Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses

 38. The purpose of educational guidance is-

 Answer:- Helping students in their academic concerns

 39. There are developmental changes that a secondary school goes through.  These developmental changes do not include ___ changes.

 Answer:- Economic

 40. Classmate-pressure can influence learners to make what effort?

 Answer: - To have strange hairstyles

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