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Showing posts with label #MCQs on Educational Planning & Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #MCQs on Educational Planning & Management. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

MCQs on Educational Planning & Management

 1. Educational Planning is necessary to

A. ensure success of the enterprise

B. minimize backward children

C. broaden the outlook of students

D. better relations among teachers

Answer: B. ensure success of the enterprise

2. Institutional Planning is also known as 
A. Area planning

B. Grassroot planning

C. Village planning

D. Local planning

Answer: B. Grassroot planning

3. The basis of all programmes of qualitative and quantitative improvement in education is –
A. Educational Management

B. Educational Planning

C. Educational Finance

D. Educational Supervision

Answer: B. Educational Planning

4. The process of preparing a set of decisions for realizing specific goals by the best possible means is –
A. educationaladministration

B. educational management

C. educational planning

D. educational finance

Answer: B. educational planning

5. Efficient and effective planning saves –
A. time

B. money

C. effort

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

6. Every good planning should be –
A. relevant & clear

B. systematic & comprehensive

C. both of the above

D. none of the above

Answer: B. systematic & comprehensive

7. The quality of a plan depends on the quality of the _____ that produces a plan.
A. objectives

B. process

C. action

D. content

Answer: B. process

8. There are _____ basic steps involved in planning –
A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

Answer: B. 5

9. A plan prepared by a particular institution on the basis of its own development and improvement is called –
A. educational plan

B. school plan

C. institutional plan

D. none of the above

Answer: B. institutional plan

10. Institutional planning means planning at the –
A. highest level

B. lowest level

C. district level

D. village level

Answer: B. lowest level

11. Institutional planning is an effort to make use of available resources to the –
A. minimum

B. optimum

C. sufficient

D. maximun

Answer: B. optimum

12. Institutional planning is –
A. short term

B. long term

C. both of the above

D. none of the above

Answer: B. both of the above

13. Institutional plan forms the basis of –
A. Village plan

B. District plan

C. State plan

D. National plan

Answer: B. District plan

14. Institutional planning is an index of _____________of an institution
A. excellence

B. autonomy

C. quality

D. standard

Answer: B. autonomy

15. Institutional planning aims to –
A. save time, money and materials

B. involve every teacher in the plan preparation

C. promote better co-operation among teachers

D. none of the above

Answer: B. involve every teacher in the plan preparation

16. “Planning is an act or process of making or carrying out plans”. Who gave this definition?
A. Webster’s International Dictionary

B. Oxford Dictionary

C. Wikipedia

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Webster’s International Dictionary

17. “Planning is to design some action to be done beforehand”.Who gave this definition?
A. Webster’s International Dictionary

B. Oxford Dictionary

C. Wikipedia

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Oxford Dictionary

18. “Planning is a way of projecting our intentions, that is, a method of deciding what we want to accomplish”. Who said this?
A. Cuthbert

B. Likert

C. Adesina

D. Edmonds

Answer: B. Adesina

19. “To plan means to project, forecast, design, make or chart out a course”. Who said this?
A. Adesina

B. Fayol

C. Taylor

D. Ejiogu

Answer: B. Ejiogu

20. The main goal of planning is –
A. social and economic development

B. welfare and progress of citizens

C. bringing about desirable changes

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

21. Good planning requires
A. future objectives

B. good vision

C. perception and ability

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

22. Planning is a good method of –
A. solving problems

B. eliminating trial and error method

C. checking wastage and stagnation

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

23. Efficient planning contributes to –
A. smoothness and ease of administration.

B. efficiency of the administrative process

C. best utilization of available resources.

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

24. Uneven educational growth and regional imbalances can be corrected by adopting effective –
A. educational planning

B. educational management

C. educational administration

D. educational finance

Answer: B. educational planning

25. A good plan is always an outcome of –
A. scientific procedures

B. comprehensive procedures

C. systematic procedures

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

26. Comprehensive planning means that planning should be concerned with –
A. all levels of education.

B. all aspects of education

C. all components of education.

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

27. The first basic step or process involved in planning is –
A. defining the present situation

B. establishing goals, objectives or sets of goals

C. developing a set of actions.

D. determining aids and barriers

Answer: B. establishing goals, objectives or sets of goals

28. The final step or process in planning is –
A. determining aids and barriers

B. developing a set of actions

C. preparing a blueprint of the plan and circulating it for public opinion

D. none of the above

Answer: B. preparing a blueprint of the plan and circulating it for public opinion

29. Quality of planning is very much influenced by –
A. relevance and accuracy of data

B. case of processing data

C. validity of interpretation of data

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

30. One basic chain of activities underlying all educational planning consists of –
A. gathering information

B. processing information

C. interpreting information

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

31. “An institutional plan is “ a programme of development and improvement prepared by an educational institution on the basis of its felt needs and the resources available or likely to be available with a view to improving the school programme and school practices”. Who said this?
A. E.W.Franklin

B. M.B.Buch

C. F.W.Taylor

D. Robert House

Answer: B. M.B.Buch

32. “Institutional Planning is a milestone in the journey towards the improvement of education.” Who said this?
A. E.W.Franklin

B. M.B.Buch

C. F.W.Taylor

D. Robert House

Answer: B. E.W.Franklin

33. Institutional Plan emphasizes the planning and implementation of programmes such as –
A. improvement of teaching methods

B. enrichment of curricula

C. increasing the professional competence of teachers

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

34. The king pin in institutional planning is the –
A. teacher

B. principal

C. head

D. none of the above

Answer: B. teacher

35. The main objectives of institutional planning is –
A. Improvement of Instruction

B. Optimum utilization of existing resources

C. Imparting realism and concreteness to educational planning

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

36. The scope of institutional planning include –
A. Improvement of school plant

B. Improvement of instruction

C. Extra curricular activities for pupils

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

37. Extra- Curricular Activities for Pupils include –
A. Social service projects

B. Work experience

C. athletics and literary activities

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

38. Community programmes for the school include –
A. Literacy programmes

B. Adult education programmes

C. Youth service activities

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

39. Sound Educational Planning has to be –
A. pragmatic

B. progressive

C. forward-looking

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

40. Institutional planning results in improvement in motivation on the part of –
A. teachers

B. management

C. students

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

41. Webster’s International Dictionary (1981) defines planning:
A. selects among alternatives, explores routes before travel begins and identifies possible or probable outcomes of action.

B. as an act or process of making or carrying out plans.

C. efficient and effective planning saves time, effort and money.

D. is a process utilized by an administrator while performing the role of a leader, decision-maker, change agent and so on.

Answer: B. as an act or process of making or carrying out plans.

42. According to Hagman and Schwartz, planning is:
A. a good method of solving problems.

B. defining the present situation.

C. developing a set of actions.

D. planning selects among alternatives, explores routes before travel begins and identifies possible or probable outcomes of action.

Answer: D. planning selects among alternatives, explores routes before travel begins and identifies possible or probable outcomes of action.

43. Educational planning is a process utilized by:
A. an administrator while performing the role of a leader, decision-maker, change agent and so on.

B. social and economic concerned with the welfare and progress of all citizens rather than the selfish goals of some special interest groups.

C. involvement of representatives of most of the concerned Sectors of the society in the process of planning.

D. based on the principle of maximum utility of resources available with school and the community.

Answer: B. an administrator while performing the role of a leader, decision-maker, change agent and so on.

44. The Indian Commission 1964-66 opines that every educational institution can do much more through
A. a programme of development and improvement prepared by a particular institution

B. better planning and hard work to improve the quality of education within its existing resources

C. various alternative courses of action, evaluating these alternatives and choosing the most suitable alternative

D. changes made on adhoc piecemeal basis to solve immediate problems.

Answer: B. better planning and hard work to improve the quality of education within its existing resources

45. Educational planning is necessary to
A. ensure the success of education

B. minimize backward children

C. broaden the outlook of students

D. have better relationship among teachers

Answer: B. ensure the success of education

46. Institutional planning is based on the principles ___ utilization of the resources available in the school and community.
A. maximum

B. sufficient

C. optimum

D. none of the above

Answer: B. maximum

47. An Institutional planning is defined as “a programme of educational developmental improvement prepared by an educational institution on the basis of its felt needs”. Who gave this definition?
A. M.B. Buch

B. Harold Koontz

C. George Litwin

D. Robert Stringer

Answer: B. M.B. Buch

48. Institutional involves the three main elements which are
A. pre-determined actions use of scarce funds and taking risks

B. pre-determined objectives, use of scarce resources and taking decisions

C. planning, evaluation and review

D. programme, actions and reviews

Answer: B. planning, evaluation and review

49. Educational planning is a subsystem of a general planning for____ development.
A. human

B. social

C. economic

D. national

Answer: B. national

50. Institutional planning can be of
A. long-term only

B. short-term only

C. short-term and long-term

D. none of the above

Answer: C. short-term and long-term

51. Institutional planning is an effort to make____ use of available resources.
A. sufficient

B. minimum

C. adequate

D. optimum

Answer: A. sufficient

52. Institutional planning aims to
A. involve every teacher in the preparation of the plan

B. have better coordination between teachers

C. save time, money and materials

D. arouse curiosity of the students

Answer: B. involve every teacher in the preparation of the plan

53. The basis of all programmes of quantitative and qualitative improvement in education is
A. educational planning

B. educational management

C. educational finance

D. managerial behaviour

Answer: B. educational planning

54. Planning process means
A. plan to plan

B. goal to goal

C. programme of development

D. making process

Answer: B. programme of development

55. Strategic planning is also known as
A. Short-term planning

B. Long-term planning

C. Short and Long-term planning

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Long-term planning

56. This approach also known as ‘social planning’ or ‘planning for social development’ is
A. man power approach

B. social demand approach

C. rate of return approach

D. social justice approach

Answer: D. social justice approach

57. In which year was the International Conference on educational planning held at Paris?
A. 1968

B. 1967

C. 1958

D. 1966

Answer: A. 1968

58. Educational Planning in India has failed to adopt___ approach as there is fast increasing unemployment in every field of man power production in education.
A. social justice

B. rate of return

C. man power

D. social demand

Answer: C. man power

59. The concept of planning in India dates back to____ when Indian National Congress appointed National Planning Committee.
A. 1937

B. 1947

C. 1938

D. none of the above

Answer: A. 1938

60. Planning in education is an extremely important activity as it forms the basis of all programmes of____ improvement in education.
A. quantitative

B. qualitative

C. quantiatative and qualitative

D. none of the above

Answer: C. quantiatative and qualitative

61. Educational Planning is necessary to ensure
A. success of the enterprise

B. efficient and effective planning saves time, effort and money

C. good method of solving problems

D. all of the above

Answer: D. all of the above

62. Planning is involved in
A. establishing a goal or a set of goals

B. defining the present situation

C. determining aids and barriers

D. all of the above

Answer: B. all of the above

63. One of the characteristics of Institutional Planning
A. Co-operative

B. Man-power

C. Educational development

D. Progress

Answer: B. Co-operative

64. Institutional planning is based on
A. modern educational planning

B. defining the present situation

C. developing a set of actions

D. community set up

Answer: D. community set up

65. Institutional planning on one hand stresses on____ of human and material resources and on the other hand also pays accent on augmenting human efforts.
A. need based

B. specificity

C. goal oriented

D. optimum utilisation

Answer: D. optimum utilisation

66. Institutional planning is a means of
A. accomplishing widespread targets of education

B. planning activity must be stimulated in some way at some level

C. planning was considered regimentation and standardisation suitable only for authoritarian state

D. determining aids and barriers

Answer: A. accomplishing widespread targets of education

67. Institutional planning lays stress on both
A. national and state policies

B. improvement and development

C. curriculum and co-curricular

D. qualitative and quantitative

Answer: B. improvement and development

68. Planning should be two-way process, starting from below, from the very grass-roots from what is called
A. Educational planning

B. Institutional planning

C. Educational management

D. Financial management

Answer: B. Institutional planning

69. Modern educational planning emphasizes that only the top administrator or the government should be involved in
A. management

B. activity

C. implementing

D. planning

Answer: B. planning

70. Efficient and effective planning saves
A. economy, industry and commerce

B. schools and colleges

C. time, effort and money

D. none of these

Answer: C. time, effort and money

71. The objective of educational planning is
A. identifying causes of educational problems

B. establishing a goal or a set of goals

C. lays stress on improvement and development both

D. developing a set of actions

Answer: A. identifying causes of educational problems

72. When a plan is prepared by a particular institution on the basis of its own development and improvement, it is called institutional planning in which each ____ school must have its own plan.
A. secondary

B. primary

C. middle

D. higher secondary

Answer: A. secondary

73. Planning was considered regimentation and standardisation suitable only for
A. democratic state

B. republican state

C. authoritarian state

D. socialist state

Answer: C. authoritarian state

74. “Planning selects among alternatives, explores routes before travel begins and identifies possible or probable outcomes of action before the executive and his organisation is committed to any”. Who says this?
A. Hagman Schwartz

B. Webster

C. M.B. Buch

D. None of the above

Answer: A. Hagman Schwartz

75. Democratic planning in India centralised but it lays emphasis on decentralised units at_____level
A. village

B. urban

C. specific

D. rural

Answer: A. village

76. Planning is purposeful action having certain____ and ends to achieve
A. requirement

B. improvement

C. opportunities

D. objective

Answer: D. objective
77. The complexities of modern technology in society have given rise to the need for planning in____
A. education

B. society

C. institution

D. management

Answer: B. education

78. In___ planning with one’s view the national and state educational policies are also reflected.
A. educational

B. institutional

C. administrative

D. none of the above

Answer: B. institutional

79. After the Second World War, the principle and methods of educational development in the Soviet Union were adopted by the____ States of Central.
A. socialist

B. authoritarian

C. Marxist

D. democratic

Answer: B. socialist

80. The basic chain of activities underlying all educational planning consists of____
A. gathering information

B. democratic set up

C. community support

D. human and physical resources

Answer: B. gathering information

chapter: Educational Management

81. The origin of Educational Management as a field of study began in the –
A. U.S.A

B. U.K

C. France

D. Germany

Answer: B. U.S.A

82. An appropriate use of means and resources for realizing specific objectives is known as –
A. Planning

B. Management

C. Finance

D. Development

Answer: B. Management

83. Educational Management has drawn heavily on disciplines like –
A. Economics

B. Political Science

C. Sociology

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

84. “Management is the art of knowing exactly what you want to do and seeing that they do it in thebest and cheapest way.” Who said this?
A. F.W Taylor

B. F.M. Smith

C. G.Terry Page

D. J.B Thomas

Answer: B. F.W Taylor

85. “Management is an activity involving responsibility for getting things done through other people.” Who said this?
A. Henri Fayol

B. W. Taylor

C. E. Smith

D. Cuthbert

Answer: B. Cuthbert

86. “Educational Management is the theory and practice of the organization and administration of existing educational establishment and systems.” Who said this?
A. G.Terry Page and J.B Thomas

B. Taylor & Smith

C. Max Weber

D. Henri Fayol

Answer: B. G.Terry Page and J.B Thomas

87. The human elements of Educational Management include –
A. children

B. parents

C. teachers and other employees

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

88. The material elements of Educational Management include –
A. money

B. buildings and grounds

C. books and equipments

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

89. A process that aims at maintaining the institutions of education and making them functionefficiently and effectively is called –
A. Educational Planning

B. Educational Management

C. Educational Finance

D. Human Resource Development

Answer: B. Educational Management

90. Beyond human and material elements, Educational Management also includes –
A. ideas

B. laws and regulations

C. community

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

91. Educational Management is different from that of general management in the –
A. use of terminology

B. techniques of application

C. both of the above

D. none of the above

Answer: B. both of the above

92. Who is considered to be the father of modern concept of management?
A. Max Weber

B. William Henry Smyth

C. Henri Fayol

D. F.W. Taylor

Answer: B. Henri Fayol

93. The father of bureaucratic management theory is –
A. Henry Fayol

B. F.W Taylor

C. Max Weber

D. William Henry Smyth

Answer: B. Max Weber

94. The father of technocratic management theory is –
A. Henry Fayol

B. F.W Taylor

C. Max Weber

D. William Henry Smyth

Answer: B. William Henry Smyth

95. Henri Fayol gave _____ principles of management.
A. 8

B. 10

C. 12

D. 14

Answer: B. 14

96. Henry Fayol’s most famous publication was titled –
A. Das Kapital

B. Administration Industrielle et Générale

C. Management Theories

D. Administration and Management styles

Answer: B. Administration Industrielle et Générale

97. Esprit de Corps simply means –
A. spirit of competition

B. spirit of bravery

C. fighting spirit

D. team spirit and unity

Answer: B. team spirit and unity

98. In management, Equity refers to –
A. fairness & equality

B. financial compensation

C. value of shares

D. equality of gender

Answer: B. fairness & equality

99. Scalar Chain in management refers to –
A. chain of command

B. chain of development

C. chain of demand

D. none of the above

Answer: B. chain of command

100. In management terms, Remuneration refers to –
A. financial and non-financial compensation

B. salary

C. pay

D. none of the above

Answer: B. financial and non-financial compensation

101. A student can transfer from one school to another in different regions without any difficulty under –
A. Centralized system

B. Decentralized system

C. Technocratic system

D. Bureaucratic system

Answer: B. Centralized system

102. Centralized system brings about –
A. uniformity of structure

B. uniformity of standard

C. uniformity of curriculum

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

103. Centralized management is governed by –
A. specialists

B. technocrats

C. bureaucrats

D. none of the above

Answer: B. bureaucrats

104. Under centralized management, all power rests in a –
A. central agency

B. state agency

C. local agency

D. none of the above

Answer: B. central agency

105. Duplication of works and experiments is avoided in –
A. Decentralized system

B. Centralized system

C. Technocratic system

D. Bureaucratic system

Answer: B. Centralized system

106. Local needs are better looked after under the –
A. Centralized system

B. Decentralized system

C. Technocratic system

D. Bureaucratic system

Answer: B. Decentralized system

107. Bureaucratic management follows the principle of –
A. rationality

B. objectivity

C. consistency

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

108. ‘A formal system of organization based on clearly defined hierarchical levels and roles in orderto maintain efficiency and effectiveness’ is known as –
A. Centralized management

B. Decentralized management

C. Bureaucratic management

D. Technocratic management

Answer: B. Bureaucratic management

109. An important feature of Bureaucratic management is –
A. high degree of division of labor and specialization

B. relationship among members is formal and impersonal

C. rules and regulations are well defined

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

110. Which type of management is often called the ideal type of management?
A. Centralized management

B. Decentralized management

C. Technocratic management

D. Bureaucratic management

Answer: B. Bureaucratic management

111. The back and forth between committees that slows down the decision-making process inbureaucratic system is commonly known as –
A. Red Zone

B. Red Tape

C. Deadline

D. Deadlock

Answer: B. Red Tape

112. The term ‘technocracy’ was coined by the US engineer
A. Henri Fayol

B. William Henry Smyth

C. Max Weber

D. F.W Taylor

Answer: B. William Henry Smyth

113. Principles of management explain how managers should –
A. organize and interact with staff

B. lead the staff

C. govern the staff

D. none of the above

Answer: B. organize and interact with staff

114. ‘A form of government where decision-makers are chosen for office based on their technicalexpertise and skills’ is known as –
A. Centralized management

B. Decentralized management

C. Technocratic management

D. Bureaucratic management

Answer: B. Technocratic management

115. A technocrat is :-
A. A technical expert, especially one in a managerial or administrative position.

B. An advocate or proponent of technocracy.

C. An individual who makes decisions based solely on technical information and not on personal or public opinion.

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

116. Rules and regulations in a technocratic management are often –
A. flexible

B. rigid and inflexible

C. lax

D. none of the above

Answer: B. rigid and inflexible

117. In technocratic management, decision makers are selected based on – upon how knowledgeableand skillful
A. knowledge and skill

B. personality and charisma

C. leadership quality

D. popularity

Answer: B. knowledge and skill

118. Internal management deals with –
A. classroom transactions

B. physical and material resources

C. financial transactions

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

119. The process of evaluating the best policies in order to achieve the institution’s goals andpriorities is called –
A. External Management

B. Internal Management

C. Strategic Management

D. Maintenance Management

Answer: B. Strategic Management

120. Management of Methods deals with –
A. organization of curriculum

B. organization of teaching methods

C. organization of evaluation techniques

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

121. Educational Administration is the process of
A. Utilising appropriate resources for development of human qualities

B. Manage activities of educational institutions

C. Planning, organising, directing and controlling

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Manage activities of educational institutions

122. In Educational Management function of reporting is/are
A. Documentation

B. Record keeping

C. Inspection

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

123. In Educational Management function of planning
A. Preparing for future for directed goals

B. Financial planning

C. To appoint staff

D. All of the above

Answer: B. Preparing for future for directed goals

124. In Educational Management function of coordinating is
A. Record keeping

B. Relationship between stock holder

C. To appoint staff

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Relationship between stock holder

125. Types of Educational Administration are
A. 2 types

B. 3 types

C. 4 types

D. None of the above

Answer: B. None of the above

126. In Educational Management function of Budgeting is
A. Financial planning

B. Accounting

C. Control and expenditure

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Accounting

127. In Educational Administration Autocratic Administration
A. One person is responsible for running affairs of institution

B. Two persons are responsible for running affairs of institution

C. Both A&B

D. None of the above

Answer: B. One person is responsible for running affairs of institution

128. Modern concept in Educational Administration is?
A. Autocratic administration

B. Democratic administration

C. Laissez faire administration

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Autocratic administration

129. Educational Management is a comprehensive effort intended to achieve some_________educational objectives
A. General

B. Specific

C. Operative

D. All of the above

Answer: B. Specific

130. The centralized system of management aim at
A. Equality

B. Competency

C. Uniformity

D. Flexibility

Answer: B. Uniformity

131. Which of the following is not a structural characteristic of Bureaucrats
A. A graded system of authority

B. A system of central files

C. Chaotic and specific rules which define procedures and which are followed

D. A routinisation of a task

Answer: B. Chaotic and specific rules which define procedures and which are followed

132. ______ensures the continuity of the growth of the enterprise
A. Planning

B. Staffing

C. Supervising

D. Budgeting

Answer: B. Staffing

133. What is the process of distributing resources by translating plans into action and fosteringaccountability
A. Organising

B. Directing

C. Controlling

D. Budgeting

Answer: B. Controlling

134. _______ is systematic process of coordinating group efforts to achieve results
A. Motivating

B. Budgeting

C. Reporting

D. Staffing

Answer: B. Motivating

135. Who share the most responsibility according to the Principles of Sharing
A. The teachers

B. The students

C. The administrators

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

136. A democratic management should provide _______ of opportunity in the field of education
A. Freedom

B. Restriction

C. Equity

D. Equality

Answer: B. Equality

137. Which of the following convictions are exhibited by the administrator
A. Democratic leadership is accepted as a way of life

B. Growth relies on the efforts of individuals rather than group efforts

C. The welfare of all is assured by the welfare specific member of the group

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Democratic leadership is accepted as a way of life

138. The origin of the development of educational management as a field of study began in whichcountry
A. United Kingdom

B. Sweden

C. Germany

D. U.S.A

Answer: B. U.S.A

139. The development of educational management originated during the
A. Early 20th century

B. Late 20th century

C. 1800s

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Early 20th century

140. Which of the following is the human elements of educational management
A. Children

B. Parents

C. Teachers

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

141. Which of the following is the material resources of educational management
A. Money

B. Buildings and grounds

C. Equipments and instructional supplies

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

142. In management process, the most interpreted word is
A. Organising

B. Delegating

C. Controlling

D. Planning

Answer: B. Organising

143. The department(s) that an event management company will have is/are
A. Creative

B. Production

C. Client servicing

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

144. Who said, “Management is a multiple organ that manages a business, manages a managerand manages workers and work”?
A. Harold Konntz

B. Peter Drucker

C. Kenneth O’ Donell

D. Anonymous

Answer: B. Peter Drucker

145. Under mechanism of scientific management, scientific task setting includes
A. Time study

B. Motion study

C. Method study

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

146. Management is a creative and______ process
A. Systematic

B. Continuous

C. Long

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Long

147. Management as a discipline is the function of
A. Science

B. Art

C. Creativity

D. All of the above

Answer: B. Science

148. The word____ denotes a function, a task, a discipline
A. Management

B. Leadership

C. Motivation

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Leadership

149. Being proactive in managing a situation would mean
A. Preparing yourself in an action manner

B. Preparing in the present for the upcoming future events to tackle them in a better way

C. Keep yourself up-to-date with future happenings

D. Actively participating in current activities

Answer: B. Preparing in the present for the upcoming future events to tackle them in a better way

150. _______ is one who knows in depth one particular branch or department
A. Bureaucrats

B. Administrator

C. Controller

D. Technocrats

Answer: B. Technocrats

151. The internal environment factor(s) that influence management is/are
A. Labor

B. Machines

C. Place

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

152. The heart of the administration is the__________
A. Directing

B. Organising

C. Controlling

D. Cooperating

Answer: B. Directing

153. Who defines the educational management is the “Theory and practice of the organisationand administration of existing educational establishments and systems”
A. Koopman

B. Paul Munroe

C. G. Terry Page and J.B. Thomas

D. Tony Bush

Answer: B. G. Terry Page and J.B. Thomas

154. Which of the following is not a principle of management?
A. Principle of Justice

B. Principle of Participation

C. Principle of Leadership

D. Principle of Assessment

Answer: B. Principle of Assessment

155. _______ makes no attempt to install a uniform pattern or a national system of education
A. Decentralisation

B. Bureaucracy

C. Centralisation

D. Technocracy

Answer: B. Decentralisation

156. A Bureaucrats by_______ of his training is considered to be versed with rules and regulation
A. Commitment

B. Discipline

C. Limitation

D. Virtue

Answer: B. Virtue

157. _______ is a motivating force in management
A. Dominance

B. Leading

C. Control

D. System

Answer: B. Leading

158. _______ is the process of ensuring that the policies and techniques established for achievingobjectives of an organisation are properly and successfully followed
A. Reporting

B. Evaluation

C. Supervising

D. Planning

Answer: B. Supervising

159. Organisation begins when people combine their_______ for a given purpose
A. Knowledge

B. Skills

C. Power

D. Efforts

Answer: B. Efforts

160. ________ is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who is to do it,it involves anticipating the future and consciously choosing the future course of action
A. Directing

B. Planning

C. Organising

D. Coordinating

Answer: B. Planning
Financial Management
161. The objective of financial management is –
A. To ensure optimum utilization of funds

B. To ensure human capital development

C. To ensure safety on investment

D. All the above

Answer: B. All the above
162. Which of the following is not a source of income of educational institutions?
A. Land grants and endowments

B. Government grants

C. Loan from banks

D. Student fees

Answer: B. Loan from banks
163. Financial management is concernrd with –
A. profit and loss

B. procurement and utilization of funds

C. loan from banks

D. sound investment

Answer: B. procurement and utilization of funds
164. Educational finance aims at seeing that the money for education is spent most –
A. judiciously & productively

B. appropriately & adequately

C. effectively & efficiently

D. none of the above

Answer: B. judiciously & productively
165. The main source of income of educational institutions is –
A. Student fees

B. Gifts & donations

C. Government funds

D. All the above

Answer: B. Government funds

166. Public funds include money recieved from –
A. central government

B. state government

C. local government

D. All the above

Answer: B. All the above
167. In ancient and medieval India, education was mainly financed by –
A. Endowments

B. Land grants

C. Donations

D. Gifts & Bequests

Answer: B. Endowments
168. Educational cess levied by local bodies may be in the form of a –
A. land revenue tax

B. tax on houses/building tax

C. both of the above

D. none of the above

Answer: B. both of the above
169. The biggest problem in educational finance is –
A. Maintenance of normal services

B. constitutional provisions

C. political factors

D. system of administration

Answer: B. Maintenance of normal services
170. Which is not a major factor affecting financial allocations?
A. Economic development

B. Socio-cultural environment

C. Expansion of educational facilities

D. Developmental Policies

Answer: B. Expansion of educational facilities

171. “Financial Management is an area of financial decision-making, harmonising individual motives and enterprise goals”. Who said this?
A. Weston Brigham

B. Howard & Upton

C. Solomon

D. Taylor

Answer: B. Weston Brigham
172. “Financial Management is the application of general managerial principles to the area offinancial decision-making”. Who said this?
A. Weston Brigham

B. Howard & Upton

C. Solomon

D. Taylor

Answer: B. Howard & Upton
173. “Financial Management is concerned with the efficient use of an important economicresource, namely, capital funds”. Who said this?
A. Weston Brigham

B. Howard & Upton

C. Solomon

D. Taylor

Answer: B. Solomon
174. “Financial Management is concerned with the procurement of funds and their effectiveutilization in business”. Who said this?
A. SC Kuchhal

B. S.N Maheshwari

C. S.K Mangal

D. Choudhury

Answer: B. SC Kuchhal
175. “Financial Management is concerned with raising finances and their effective utilizationtowards achieving organisational goals”. Who said this?
A. SC Kuchhal

B. S.N Maheshwari

C. S.K Mangal

D. Choudhury

Answer: B. S.N Maheshwari

176. Educational needs are related to the –
A. size of the population

B. social change

C. economic and political development

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
177. Sound financial planning includes –
A. decisions about revenue, cost and economy

B. budget administration

C. financial relationships among various agencies

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
178. The roots of educational finance are found in basic disciplines like –
A. statistics

B. economics and political science

C. law and taxation

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
179. The sources of income for education may be broadly classified into –
A. Public and Private funds

B. Government and Non – government funds

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Public and Private funds
180. Public funds may be in the form of –
A. grants

B. subsidies

C. subventions

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

181. The various kinds of fees charged to students include –
A. tuition fee

B. library and laboratory fee

C. magazine and games fee

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
182. Sums of money where the principles are maintained intact and only the income from theinterest on the principal are consumed is called –
A. Land grants

B. Bequests

C. Endowments

D. Philantropic trust

Answer: B. Endowments
183. The essential aspects of educational finance include changes in –
A. targets and policies

B. procedures

C. administration

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
184. Some of the main problems faced in financing education are –
A. expanding educational facilities

B. expanding educational services

C. lack of priorities

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
185. Which is a major factor affecting financial allocations?
A. Unequal distribution of wealth

B. Population mobility

C. Constitutional Provisions

D. Low level of national income

Answer: B. Constitutional Provisions

186. The main elements of traditional approach to financial management are –
A. Institutional sources of finance

B. Issue of financial devices to collect refunds from capital market

C. Accounting and legal relationship between source of finance and business

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
187. The main elements of modern approach to financial management are –
A. evaluation of alternative fund utilization

B. capital budgeting

C. financial planning

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
188. The critical decisions to be taken under modern approach to financial management are –
A. investment decision

B. financing decision

C. dividend decision

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
189. Which is a function of financial management?
A. tax planning

B. management of provident funds

C. securities and social insurance funds

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
190. Which is not a scope of financial management?
A. financial investment

B. financial control

C. financial supervision

D. financial planning

Answer: B. financial investment
191. The nature of financial management is concerned with –
A. functions and goals of the institution

B. procedural aspects

C. relation with other subsystems

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

192. Financial management essentially involves –
A. risk-return trade off

B. types of assets

C. investment decisions

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
193. Financial management affects the –
A. survival of the firm

B. growth of the firm

C. vitality of the firm

D. survival, growth and vitality of the firm

Answer: B. survival, growth and vitality of the firm
194. Financial management is needed due to –
A. acquisition and proper use of funds

B. improve profitability

C. increase value of the firm/institution

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
195. Proper allocation and utilization of funds leads to –
A. improvement of operational efficiency

B. improvement of profitability

C. increase value of the firm/institution

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
196. Improving profitability depends on –
A. promoting savings

B. proper and effective use of funds

C. increasing value of the firm

D. acquisition of funds

Answer: B. proper and effective use of funds
197. The ultimate aim of any business concern is –
A. increase the wealth of the investors

B. maximize the wealth of the firm

C. increase the value of the firm

D. optimize the profit of the firm

Answer: B. increase the value of the firm

198. Acquisition of funds is determined by certain features such as –
A. philosophy of the institute

B. vision and goals of the institute

C. competitive environment

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
199. Factors affecting allotment of funds include –
A. availability of funds

B. needs of various departments or services

C. nature of activity undertaken

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
200. Other sources of getting money to finance education include –
A. donations, bequests and gifts

B. interests on bank balances and securities

C. rent from buildings

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

201. Which one of the following is the main source of income for educational organisation?
A. Fees from the students

B. Endowments and land grants

C. Donations

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above
202. Major factors that influences educational finance is
A. Removal of disparities in educational opportunities

B. Maintenance of normal service

C. Demand for education

D. Unemployment of youth

Answer: B. Removal of disparities in educational opportunities
203. “Finance is the art and science of managing money”.Who says this?
A. Lawrence J. Gitman

B. Taylor

C. Hawthorne

D. Elton

Answer: B. Lawrence J. Gitman
204. Which one of the following is not the objective of financial management?
A. To ensure human capital development

B. To ensure adequate returns to the shareholders

C. To ensure optimum fund utilisation

D. To ensure safety on investment

Answer: B. To ensure human capital development
205. Financial management is concerned with
A. Profit and loss of the organisation

B. Procurement and utilisation of funds

C. Loan from banks

D. Exchange of money with other countries

Answer: B. Procurement and utilisation of funds

206. Which one of the following is not a source of income for educational organisation?
A. Land grants and endowments

B. Government funds

C. Loan from State Bank of India

D. Fees from the students

Answer: B. Loan from State Bank of India
207. The success of any business organisation depends on the
A. Knowledge of the workers

B. Provision of sufficient money

C. Geographical area

D. Road contributions

Answer: B. Knowledge of the workers
208. The main source of income of the educational institution is received from
A. The Village Community

B. The United Nation

C. The State Government

D. The fee of students

Answer: B. The fee of students
209. Under centralised management, authority and powers rest in a/an
A. Local body

B. Autonomous body

C. Central body

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Central body
210. “Shareholder wealth” in a firm is represented by:
A. The number of people employed in the firm

B. The book value of the firm’s assets less the book value of its liabilities

C. The amount of salary paid to its employees

D. The market price per share of the firm’s common stock

Answer: B. The market price per share of the firm’s common stock

211. The objective of financial management is to:
A. Maximize earnings per share

B. Maximize the value of the firm’s common stock

C. Maximize return on investment

D. Maximize market share

Answer: B. Maximize return on investment
212. “Financial management is that activity of management which is concerned with the planning, procuring and controlling of the firm’s financial resources”. Who says this?
A. Weston and Brigham

B. J.F. Bradlery

C. Deepika& Maya Rani

D. Ezra Solomon

Answer: B. Deepika& Maya Rani
213. “Financial management is an area of financial decision making, harmonizing individual motives and enterprise goals”. Who define this?
A. J.F. Bradlery

B. Ezra Solomon

C. Deepika& Maya Rani

D. Weston and Brigham

Answer: B. Weston and Brigham
214. “Financial management is the area of business management devoted to a judicious use of capital and a careful selection of sources of capital in order to enable a business firm to move in the direction of reaching its goals” Who says this?
A. Guthman and Dougal

B. Weston and Brigham

C. J.F. Bradlery

D. Deepika& Maya Rai

Answer: B. J.F. Bradlery
215. “Financial management is properly viewed as an integral part of overall management rather than as a staff specially concerned with funds raising operations”.
A. Deepika& Maya Rai

B. J.F. Bradlery

C. Guthman and Dougal

D. Ezra Solomon

Answer: B. Guthman and Dougal
216. “The activity concerned with the planning, raising, controlling and administering of fundsused in the business”. Who defines this?
A. Ezra Solomon

B. J.F. Bradlery

C. Guthman and Dougal

D. Weston Brigham

Answer: B. Weston Brigham

217. The most common cause of financial problems are:
A. Undercapitalization

B. Inadequate expense control

C. Credit terms

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above
218. A statement that projects management’s expectations for revenues and, based on those financial expectations, allocates the use of specific resources throughout the firm is called:
A. Capital budget

B. Operating budget

C. Cash budget

D. Resource budget

Answer: B. Resource budget
219. An example of fixed asset is
A. Live stock

B. Value stock

C. Income stock

D. All of the above

Answer: B. Live stock
220. The total cost that arises when the quantity produced is increased by one unit is called
A. The number of people employed in the firm

B. The book value of the firm’s assets less the book value of its liabilities

C. The amount of salary paid to its employees

D. The market price per share of the firm’s common stock

Answer: B. The book value of the firm’s assets less the book value of its liabilities
221. ______ varies inversely with profitability.
A. Liquidity

B. Risk

C. Financing

D. Liabilities

Answer: B. Liquidity
222. _________ of a firm refers to the composition of its long term funds and its capitalstructure.
A. Capitalisation

B. Over-capitalistion

C. Under-capitalisation

D. Market capitalisation

Answer: B. Capitalisation

223. In finance, “working capital” means the same thing as
A. Total assets

B. Fixed assets

C. Current assets

D. Current assets minus current liabilities

Answer: B. Current assets
224. Which of the following would be consistent with a more aggressive approach tofinancing working capital
A. Financing short term needs with short term funds

B. Financing permanent inventory build up with long term debt

C. Financing seasonal needs with short term funds

D. Financing some long term needs with short term funds

Answer: B. Financing some long term needs with short term funds
225. Which of the following is not the responsibility of financial management?
A. Allocation of funds to current and capital assets

B. Obtaining the best mix of financing alternatives

C. Preparation of the firm’s accounting statements

D. Development of an appropriate dividend policy

Answer: B. Preparation of the firm’s accounting statements

226. Uses of funds include a(an):
A. Decrease in cash

B. Increase in any liability

C. Tax refund

D. Increased in fixed assets

Answer: B. Tax refund
227. A capital investment is one that
A. Has the prospect of long term benefits

B. Has the prospect of short term benefits

C. Is only undertaken by large corporations

D. Applies only to investment in fixed assets

Answer: B. Has the prospect of long term benefits
228. Which one of the following factors that influence educational finance?
A. Demand for education

B. Financial control

C. Concentration of wealth

D. Level of national income

Answer: B. Demand for education
229. The main problem of financing a scheme of post-secondary education that faced with serious difficulties
A. expansion of educational services

B. Removal of disparities in educational opportunities

C. Inadequacy of funds

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Inadequacy of funds
230. Modern industrial development has caused________
A. Private enterprise

B. Economic imbalances

C. Social change

D. Economic contribution

Answer: B. Economic imbalances

231. The control of________ is a very important problem because ‘power follows the purse’and this power may be easily misused
A. Economy

B. Population

C. Government

D. Finance

Answer: B. Finance
232. Economists believe in the law of diminishing marginal utility’. This ‘utility’ means
A. Ability

B. Efficiency

C. Satisfaction

D. Reduction

Answer: B. Satisfaction
233. Efficiency can be much improved if there is only a________ planning.
A. Short term and long term

B. Short term

C. Long term

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Long term
234. It has been decided that______ of schooling will be made available to majority of our youth
A. 12 years

B. 10 years

C. 5 years

D. None of the above

Answer: B. 12 years
235. To solve the problem of mobility of population and overcrowding in the cities the government has to adopt
A. Appropriate measures both at the economic and educational levels

B. Evolving a new finance structure in which the Central government will have to play significant role

C. Maintenance of a high level of national income

D. Financing of education

Answer: B. Appropriate measures both at the economic and educational levels

236. Which one is not educational finances needed for purposes in education?
A. Maintenance of normal educational services

B. Expansion of educational services

C. Expansion of disparities in educational opportunities

D. Planning, organising, directing and controlling the financial activities

Answer: B. Planning, organising, directing and controlling the financial activities
237. The most important method used in Ancient and medieval times in financing education is
A. Land grants and income yielding endowmwnts

B. Learning while earning

C. Donation from the public

D. Government funds

Answer: B. Land grants and income yielding endowmwnts
238. One of the following is not include in the important activities in the field of education undertaken by UNESCO
A. Centre for Educational Technology

B. Secondary School Teaching License Project

C. Organisation of meetings, seminars, workshops etc

D. Expansion of educational services

Answer: B. Expansion of educational services
239. An important problem of social change, which cannot be solved by half-harted measures is
A. Unemployment of youth

B. Population mobility

C. Age distribution of population

D. Extension of educational opportunities

Answer: B. Age distribution of population
240. Besides the provision for special education, ___________ will require additionaladjustments in the policies of educational financing
A. Vocational education, professional training course etc

B. Financial resource

C. Distribution of funds

D. School fees

Answer: B. Vocational education, professional training course etc
Managerial Behaviour
241. Managerial Behaviour means the behaviour, attitude, personality traits, intelligence, etc of the –
A. teacher

B. manager

C. principal

D. head

Answer: B. manager
242. The social qualities of a good administrator/ manager should comprise of –
A. social tact and good judgement

B. personal charm

C. sense of humour

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
243. Educational Leadership is a term applied to –
A. principals or

B. administrators

C. department heads or academic deans

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
244. Leadership style refers to the –
A. personality pattern of a leader

B. attitude pattern of a leader

C. behavior pattern of a leader

D. none of the above

Answer: B. behavior pattern of a leader
245. When the leader expects complete obedience from his followers and all decision making power is concentrated in the leader, it is called –
A. Dictatorial style

B. Autocratic style

C. Monarchial style

D. none of the above

Answer: B. Autocratic style

246. When freedom is allowed to subordinates and they are given free hand in deciding their own policies and methods and the leader rarely interferes, it is called –
A. Democratic style

B. Delegating Style

C. Laissez – faire style

D. Autocratic style

Answer: B. Laissez – faire style
247. When a leader acts like a father to his sub-ordinates and protects and guides them, it iscalled –
A. Benevolent style

B. Paternalistic style

C. Participative style

D. Maternalistic style

Answer: B. Paternalistic style
248. Theory X and Theory Y of Leadership style was proposed by –
A. Douglas McGregor

B. Hersey and Blanchard

C. Rensis Likert

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Douglas McGregor
249. Rensis Likert proposed __________ leadership styles.
A. 4

B. 3

C. 5

D. 6

Answer: B. 4
250. Achievement-Oriented style of leadership was given by –
A. Rensis Likert

B. Robert House

C. Hersey and Blanchard

D. Douglas McGregor

Answer: B. Robert House

251. Managerial behaviour is mainly concerned with
A. strict control of subordinates

B. leading the members of the organization efficiently

C. obeying the boss

D. receiving bribes from others

Answer: B. leading the members of the organization efficiently
252. The opposite of democratic leadership is
A. laissez faire leadership

B. permissive leadership

C. authoritarian leadership

D. creative leadership

Answer: B. authoritarian leadership
253. The general functions of a manager include –
A. Leading

B. Planning

C. Problem Solving

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
254. Leadership style is mainly the result of the –
A. philosophy of the leader.

B. personality of the leader.

C. experience of the leader.

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
255. Personal characteristics of a good manager include –
A. good personal qualities

B. good qualifications

C. mentally healthy

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above

256. In order to be a successful manager, one has to be –
A. active and alert

B. hardworking and punctual

C. creative and democratic

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
257. Resources available in an educational institution include –
A. human resources

B. material resources

C. capital resources

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
258. For successful administrative leadership, one needs to possess –
A. intelligence and creativity

B. professional knowledge and skill

C. diagnosing and problem solving ability

D. all the above

Answer: B. all the above
259. A good and effective manager should not be –
A. compassionate

B. egotistical

C. selfish

D. dictatorial

Answer: B. compassionate
260. The best style of leadership is –
A. Autocratic style

B. Permissive style

C. Paternalistic style

D. Democratic style

Answer: B. Democratic style

261. The two extremes of leadership style are –
A. Autocratic and Democratic style

B. Autocratic and Laissez-Faire style

C. Autocratic and Paternalistic style

D. Democratic and Laissez-Faire style

Answer: B. Autocratic and Laissez-Faire style
262. When sub-ordinates are encouraged to take initiative and to participate in decision making, it is called –
A. Autocratic style

B. Permissive style

C. Democratic style

D. Directive style

Answer: B. Democratic style
263. Path Goal Theory of Leadership was given by –
A. Rensis Likert

B. Douglas McGregor

C. Robert House

D. Hersey & Blanchard

Answer: B. Robert House
264. Situational Theory of Leadership was given by –
A. Rensis Likert

B. Douglas McGregor

C. Robert House

D. Hersey & Blanchard

Answer: B. Hersey & Blanchard
265. Which type of leader happens to be authoritarian, autocratic, task-oriented, rigid and strict?
A. X – style

B. Y – style

C. Z – style

D. None of the above

Answer: B. X – style
266. Which type of leader happens to be supportive, democratic, participative and delegating?
A. X – style

B. Y – style

C. Z – style

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Y – style

267. Telling style and Selling style of leadership was given by –
A. Hersey & Blanchard

B. Douglas McGregor

C. Robert House

D. Rensis Likert

Answer: B. Hersey & Blanchard
268. The leadership styles given by Rensis Likert include –
A. Democratic, Participative, Benevolent and Exploitation styles

B. Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez – faire and Paternalistic styles

C. Telling, Selling, Participative and Delegating styles

D. Directive, Supportive, Participative and Achiement-oriented styles

Answer: B. Democratic, Participative, Benevolent and Exploitation styles
269. The leadership styles given by Robert House include –
A. Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez – faire and Paternalistic styles

B. Democratic, Participative, Benevolent and Exploitation styles

C. Directive, Supportive, Participative and Achiement-oriented styles

D. Telling, Selling, Participative and Delegating styles

Answer: B. Directive, Supportive, Participative and Achiement-oriented styles
270. The leadership styles given by Hersey and Blanchard include –
A. Telling, Selling, Directing and Delegating styles

B. Telling, Selling, Participative and Delegating styles

C. Telling, Selling, Directing and Controlling styles

D. Telling, Selling, Leading and Delegating styles

Answer: B. Telling, Selling, Participative and Delegating styles
271. Telling followers what needs to be done and giving appropriate guidance along the way is known as –
A. Telling style

B. Directive style

C. Selling style

D. Supportive style

Answer: B. Directive style
272. Setting challenging goals in work and expecting high standards and success is known as –
A. Laissex-faire style

B. Achievement – oriented style

C. Exploitation style

D. Benevolent style

Answer: B. Achievement – oriented style

273. Which leadership style is most effective when followers are at a very low level of maturity?
A. Delegating style

B. Participative style

C. Telling style

D. Authoritarian style

Answer: B. Telling style
274. Which leadership style is most effective when followers are at a very high level of maturity?
A. Selling style

B. Telling style

C. Directive style

D. Delegating style

Answer: B. Delegating style
275. Which leadership style is best when the work is stressful, boring or hazardous?
A. Directive style

B. Delegating style

C. Supportive style

D. Benevolent style

Answer: B. Supportive style

276. Which leadership style is the odd one out?
A. Democratic style

B. Participative style

C. Exploitative style

D. Supportive style

Answer: B. Exploitative style
277. “Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen”.Who said this?
A. D.R. Davies

B. Alan Keith

C. M. Chemers

D. Keith Davies

Answer: B. Alan Keith
278. “Leadership is the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically”. Who said this?
A. D.R. Davies

B. Alan Keith

C. M. Chemers

D. Keith Davies

Answer: B. Keith Davies
279. “Leadership is the process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”. Who said this?
A. D.R. Davies

B. Alan Keith

C. M. Chemers

D. Keith Davies

Answer: B. M. Chemers
280. “Educational leadership is that quality which evokes from co-workers their voluntary active participation in assuming responsibilities which contribute to growth in relationships, attitudes and activities of the group.” Who said this?
A. W.H.Smith

B. E. Simon

D. R. Davies

Answer: B.

281. The factor which does not affect the managerial behaviour is
A. Personal factor

B. Social factor

C. Geographical factor

D. Political factor

Answer: B. Geographical factor
282. Under decentralised management, all powers and responsibilities are distributed andshared by
A. Central body

B. Top to bottom

C. Local body

D. Autonomous body

Answer: B. Central body
283. Opposite to autocratic leadership style is
A. Free-rein leadership style

B. Participative or democratic style

C. Employee-oriented style

D. Task oriented style

Answer: B. Free-rein leadership style
284. Who named the two major types of leadership behaviour pattern as system orientedand person oriented
A. Fedler

B. Parson and Bales

C. Stogdill, Coins and Brown

D. Parson and Brown

Answer: B. Stogdill, Coins and Brown
285. The term ‘manager’ points out to a person whois holding a managerial position such as
A. Vice Chancellor of a university

B. Principal of a college

C. Director of an institution

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

286. A leader who gives orders only after consulting the group is called
A. Autocratic leader

B. Laissez-faire leader

C. Democratic leader

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Democratic leader
287. The managerial behaviour is mainly
A. The preference for maintaining status quo

B. To control the subordinates strictly

C. To receive bribes from others

D. To obey the boss

Answer: B. The preference for maintaining status quo
288. All decisions are centralised in
A. Democratic leadership

B. Laissez-faire leadership

C. Autocratic leadership

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Autocratic leadership
289. Under centralised management, authority and powers rest in a/an
A. Local body

B. Central body

C. Autonomous body

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Local body
290. Which of the following factors determines education allocation
A. Constitutional provision

B. National income

C. Proper motivation

D. Unity of demand

Answer: B. Constitutional provision
291. The term manager, in fact, is a________ concept
A. Multi-meaning

B. Organisational

C. Managerial

D. Meaningful

Answer: B. Multi-meaning

292. The variable determining the quality of managerial behaviour are
A. The manager himself

B. The persons with whom he works

C. The cultural accomplishments and setting of the workers

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above
293. What is one characteristic of a Laissez-faire leadership style?
A. Leader gives opinion only when asked

B. Leader takes charge

C. Everyone work together and participate together

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Leader gives opinion only when asked
294. ________ is increasing leadership rapidly
A. Strategy

B. Command

C. Getting others to follow

D. Control

Answer: B. Control
295. Regarding leadership, which statement is false?
A. Leadership does not necessarily take place within

B. Hierarchical structure of an organisation

C. When people operate as leaders their role is alaways clearly established and defined

D. Not every leader is a manager

Answer: B. Hierarchical structure of an organisation
296. According to leaders experts________, are what are called “action logics”.
A. Bill Torbert and David Rooke

B. Torbert and Susanne Cook-Greuter

C. Parson and Bales

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Bill Torbert and David Rooke
297. _________ is one of the most effective leadership styles because it allows lower-level employees to exercise authority.
A. Strategic leadership

B. Autocratic leadership

C. Democratic leadership

D. Laissez-faire leadership

Answer: B. Democratic leadership

298. Under_______ the leader tends to reject an employee’s input if it conflicts with company policy or past practices.
A. Bureaucratic leadership

B. Transformational leadership

C. Transactional leadership

D. Strategic leadership

Answer: B. Bureaucratic leadership
299. A marketing team that receives a scheduled bonus for helping generate a certain number of leads by the end of the quarter is an example of
A. Democratic

B. Autocratic

C. Laissez-faire

D. Bureaucratic

Answer: B. Autocratic
300. ________ leadership is the least intrusive form of leadership
A. Democratic

B. Autocratic

C. Laissez-faire

D. Bureaucratic0

Answer: B. Laissez-faire

301. Transformational leadership is always________ and improving upon the company’sconventions.
A. Transacting

B. Conformity

C. Depending

D. Transforming

Answer: B. Transforming
302. According to Rooke and Torbert, ________ is self-aware, creative and primarily focusedon their own actions and development.
A. Alchemist

B. Strategist

C. Individualist

D. Opportunist

Answer: B. Individualist
303. ________ are acutely aware of the environments in which they operate
A. Strategist

B. Opportunist

C. Individualist

D. Alchemist

Answer: B. Strategist
304. Under_______ leader, no department or employee is overlooked.
A. Diplomat

B. Expert

C. Individualist

D. Alchemist

Answer: B. Alchemist
305. ___________ tend to regard theor bad behaviour as legitimate in the cut and thrust ofan eye-for-an-eye world”.
A. Alchemist

B. Opportunist

C. Diplomat

D. Expert

Answer: B. Opportunist

306. Unlike Opportunist, the_______ isn’t concerned with competition or assuming controlover situations.
A. Expert

B. Diplomat

C. Individualist

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Diplomat
307. The_______ is a pro in their given field, constantly striving to perfect their knowledge ofa subject and perform to meet high expectations.
A. Expert

B. Diplomat

C. Individualist

D. Opportunist

Answer: B. Expert
308. Factors that influenced the behaviour of the manager are
A. Personal factor

B. Social factor

C. Cultural factor

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above
309. Which one of the following is the social factors which influence managerial behaviour?
A. Society’s custom

B. Nature of the state

C. Functions of the government

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Society’s custom
310. The basic unit of society and of education is
A. Community

B. Parents

C. Family

D. Social activities

Answer: B. Family

311. In a democratic system of government education is the responsibility to be shared bythe government and the_____
A. Local people

B. Common people

C. Society

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Local people
312. Involvement of the teachers and managers in the task of planning is one of the factorsof_______ factor of managerial behaviour
A. Political

B. Social

C. Cultural

D. Institutional

Answer: B. Institutional
313. The personal factors in managerial behaviour are
A. Attitudes

B. Abilities

C. Socio-psychological

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above
314. _______ are important determinants of managerial behaviour
A. Community characteristics

B. Quality of family life

C. Leadership structure

D. Society’s customs

Answer: B. Community characteristics
315. Managerial behaviour is a term used quite often in
A. Applied behavioural research

B. Educational behavioural research

C. Democratic behavioural research

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Applied behavioural research
316. ‘Improvement of material equipment’ is under which factor that influence the behaviourof manager?
A. Political factor

B. Social factor

C. Personal factor

D. Institutional factor

Answer: B. Institutional factor

317. ________ relates to a particular time, place and social situation
A. Educational administration

B. Educational management

C. Educational planning

D. All of the above

Answer: B. Educational management
318. The different types of leadership styles are
A. Democratic leadership

B. Autocratic leadership

C. Laissez-faire leadership

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above
319. Which one of the following is not the political factors?
A. Nature of the state

B. Functions of the government

C. Statutory provision for education

D. None of the above

Answer: B. None of the above
320. A manager has often been defined as
A. One who manages persons, controls a business or who organises other people’s activities

B. The leader makes decisions based on the input of each team member

C. A talented individual contributor and a source of knowledge for the team

D. All of the above

Answer: B. One who manages persons, controls a business or who organises other people’s activities
Educational Supervision
321. Supervision is a
A. Guiding and stimulating service

B. Fault finding service

C. Punishment service

D. Disciplinary service

Answer: B. Guiding and stimulating service
322. Supervision is a/an
A. Help service

B. Punishment service

C. Fault-finding service

D. Authoritarian service

Answer: B. Help service
323. “Supervision is an expert technical service primarily concerned with studying and improving the conditions that surround learning and pupil growth.” Whose definition is this?
A. Kimball Wiles

B. A. S. Barr

C. John A. Bartky

D. I. B. Verma

Answer: B. A. S. Barr
324. “Supervision is always concerned with the development of the teachers, the growth of the pupils and the improvement of the teaching-learning process.” Who said this?
A. A.Bartky

B. William A. Yeager

C. Fred C. Ayer

D. A. S. Barr

Answer: B. A.Bartky
325. The purposes of Supervision are
A. To encourage professional development and provide personal support

B. To encourage quality of service to clients

C. For keeping teachers up-to-date

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

326. The primary functions of educational supervision is
A. Providing leadership and improving teaching learning

B. Providing more money and improving inspection

C. Providing follow-up actions and improving the workload

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above
327. Supervision should be primarily
A. Preventive and critical

B. Critical and corrective

C. Constructive and creative

D. Constructive and critical

Answer: B. Constructive and creative

328. A supervisor is one who
A. Provides friendly help

B. Inspects classrooms

C. Gives directions

D. Criticizes the teaching method

Answer: B. Provides friendly help

329. The criticism most frequently leveled at school administration is that
A. They like praise

B. They are too lazy

C. They fail to provide leadership

D. They do not know teacher

Answer: B. They fail to provide leadership

330. The effective supervision is indicated by
A. Good relations between teacher and supervisors

B. Helping teacher in their teaching

C. Helping teachers becoming more self sufficient

D. Criticizing teacher’s lessons

Answer: B. Helping teachers becoming more self sufficient

331. The school policy should be determined by
A. The professional educators

B. Headmasters

C. Citizens

D. Citizens and educators

Answer: B. Citizens and educators

332. Laissez Faire supervision is based on
A. Dictatorship

B. Mutual sharing

C. Non interference

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Non interference

333. In teaching-learning process supervision is usually carried out by
A. Principal

B. Teacher

C. Parents

D. Society

Answer: B. Principal

334. Assessment of how well a school is performing is
A. Administration

B. Supervision

C. Inspection

D. All of these

Answer: B. Inspection

335. Educational inspection is different from educational supervision in the area that
A. Inspection sounds static whereas supervision is dynamic in approach

B. Inspection is practice whereas supervision is corrective

C. Inspection assumes correction whereas supervision assumes status quo

D. Inspection assures co-oriented, whereas supervision expects participation

Answer: B. Inspection sounds static whereas supervision is dynamic in approach

336. Educational supervision helps in
A. Diagosis

B. Remediation

C. Encouraging

D. All of these

Answer: B. All of these

337. The main focus of educational supervision is
A. Administration

B. Educational service

C. Decision making

D. Control

Answer: B. Educational service

338. The objective of supervision is
A. Classroom management

B. Curriculum development

C. Evaluate instruction

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

339. The supervision helps in improving ______ process
A. Guidance

B. Leadership

C. Teaching-learning

D. Feedback

Answer: B. Teaching-learning

340. Educational supervision is a service in
A. Management

B. Administration

C. Orgnisation

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

341. The main function of educational supervision is
A. Provide leadership

B. Provide feedback

C. Assessment and diagnosis

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

342. Modern Supervision centres attention on skill, which of te following is not that skill?
A. Planning skill

B. Organisational skill

C. Co-ordination skill

D. Matter related skill

Answer: B. Matter related skill

343. Which of the following is considered as the best type of supervision
A. Corrective supervision

B. Coercive supervision

C. Creative supervision

D. Preventive supervision

Answer: B. Creative supervision

344. Creative and constructive supervision believes in –
A. Keeping order and discipline

B. Guidance and help

C. Findings of inefficiencies

D. Prescription and help

Answer: B. Guidance and help

345. In which type of the following supervision, everything regarding teachings is prescribed and the teachers are forced to follow what is predetermined?
A. Preventive supervision

B. Coercive supervision

C. Corrective supervision

D. Laissez faire supervision

Answer: B. Coercive supervision

346. The main purpose of the supervision of teaching should be the
A. Advancement of pupil welfare

B. Proper utilization of school facilities

C. Carrying out of the curriculum

D. Achievement of success

Answer: B. Advancement of pupil welfare

347. Literal meaning of supervision is
A. Superior knowledge and power

B. Superior knowledge and service

C. Superior efforts and service

D. None of these

Answer: B. Superior efforts and service

348. “Supervision is not to control the teacher but to work cooperatively.” Who said this?
A. Glatthorn

B. Hoy and Forsyth

C. Glickman

D. Harris

Answer: B. Hoy and Forsyth

349. Modern supervision is
A. Objective and productive

B. Systematic and democratic

C. Creative and growth-centred

D. All of these

Answer: B. All of these

350. Modern supervision is based on
A. Social process

B. Psychological process

C. Educational process

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

351. Which of the following is the characteristics of educational supervision
A. Provides leadership with extra knowledge and superior skills

B. Helps achievement of appropriate educational aims and objectives

C. Fives coordination, direction and guidance

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

352. In what type of educational supervision, the supervisor is more concerned with the findings of inefficiencies rather than giving guidance?
A. Creative supervision

B. Corrective supervision

C. Preventive supervision

D. Coercive supervision

Answer: B. Corrective supervision

353. Creative supervision leads to
A. Self reliant and self confident

B. Originality of ideas

C. Freedom

D. All of these

Answer: B. All of these

354. In preventive type of educational supervision, the supervisor tend to-
A. Detects the mistakes and recognizes the defects in teacher’s work

B. Anticipates mistakes and provides help to teacher’s work

C. Checked to see regularly that orders are obeyed

D. All of these

Answer: B. Anticipates mistakes and provides help to teacher’s work

355. Laissez-faire type of educational supervision is more concerned with
A. Guidance and help

B. Keeping order and discipline

C. Detects mistakes

D. None of these

Answer: B. Keeping order and discipline

356. Principle of Supervision is based on
A. Philosophy

B. Scientific

C. Progressive

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

357. Supervisory procedures may includes
A. Improvement of human relation

B. Personnel reform

C. Policy formulation

D. All of the above

Answer: B. All of the above

358. Educational supervision means
A. Assistance in development of teaching learning process

B. That discipline through which we control affairs of others

C. Both a & b

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Both a & b

359. How many types of educational supervision are there
A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8

Answer: B. 5

360. Traditional supervision largely considered
A. Inspection and teacher-focused

B. Imposed and Authoritarian

C. Both a & b

D. None of these

Answer: B. Both a & b

361. “supervision is assistance in the development of a better teaching- learning situation”. Who said this?
A. William A. Yeager

B. S.N. Mukherjee

C. Fred C. Ayer

D. Kimbal Wiles

Answer: B. Fred C. Ayer

362. “Supervision is an expert technical service primarily concerned with studying and improving the conditions that surround learning and pupil growth”. Who gave this definition?
A. T.H. Briggs

B. Joseph Justman

C. Stogdill

D. A.S. Barr

Answer: B. Joseph Justman

363. Of the following types, which one is not the type of supervision?
A. Permissive type

B. Preventive type

C. Creative type

D. Corrective type

Answer: B. Creative type

364. In a democratic supervision
A. Everyone has the right to contribute

B. Teacher has the right to contribute

C. Headmaster has the right to contribute

D. Students has the right to contribute

Answer: B. Everyone has the right to contribute

365. Supervision is a/an
A. Helping service

B. Fault-finding service

C. Punishment service

D. Authoritarian service

Answer: B. Helping service

366. Democratic supervision tends to be
A. An eradication of illiteracy in the country

B. A cooperative endeavour for the common good

C. A mode of punishing faulty behaviour

D. An elimination of poverty of the school

Answer: B. A cooperative endeavour for the common good

367. The word Supervision is derived from two words ‘super’ and ‘vision’. Super means_____ and vision means to see the work of others.
A. Excellent

B. From above

C. Above all

D. None of the above

Answer: B. From above

368. According to the behaviour of supervisors towards his subordinates are called
A. Manager

B. Leader

C. Techniques of supervision

D. Independence of supervision

Answer: B. Techniques of supervision

369. “Supervision include those activities which are primarily and directly concerned with studying and improving of which surround and growth pupils”. Who said this?
A. Igbo

B. Nwaogu

C. Kimbal Wiles

D. Moora in Kohhar

Answer: B. Moora in Kohhar

370. “Supervision is helping to improve the teaching function”. Whose definition is this?
A. Igbo

B. Moora in Kohhar

C. Fred C. Ayer

D. William A. Yeager

Answer: B. Igbo

371. “Supervision is a process of helping, guiding, advising and stimulating growth in the subordinate in order to improve of the quality of his work”. Who define this?
A. William A. Yeager

B. S.N. Mukherjee

C. Nwaogu

D. Igbo

Answer: B. Nwaogu

372. The type of supervision resorted to tackle indiscipline subordinates is called
A. Laissez-faire or free-rein supervision

B. Autocratic or authoritarian supervision

C. Democratic supervision

D. Bureaucratic supervision

Answer: B. Autocratic or authoritarian supervision

373. Laissez-faire or free-reign supervision is also known as
A. Independent supervision

B. Technical supervision

C. Democratic supervision

D. Bureaucratic supervision

Answer: B. Independent supervision

374. Under democratic supervision, supervisor acts according to the mutual consent and discussion. This is also known as
A. Participative or consultative supervision

B. Independent supervision

C. Bureaucratic supervision

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Participative or consultative supervision

375. Under_________ supervision, certain working rules and regulations are laid down by supervisor and all subordinates are required to follow these rules and regulations strictly
A. Laissez-faire

B. Authoritarian

C. Democratic

D. Bureaucratic

Answer: B. Bureaucratic

376. A serious note of the violation of the rules and regulations is taken by the
A. Supervision

B. Manager

C. Leader

D. Supervision

Answer: B. Supervision

377. ________ are facilitators of their team members’ success.
A. Leader

B. Manager

C. Supervisor

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Manager

378. A______ leads based on strength, not titles.
A. Leader

B. Supervision

C. Manager

D. Coordinator

Answer: B. Leader

379. The best___________ consistently allow different leaders to emerge and inspire theirteammates to the next level.
A. Managers

B. Leaders

C. Supervisors

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Managers

380. ‘Tolerance can it be Taught’ has been rightly observed by
A. Moora

B. AJ. Polack

C. Stogdill

D. Igbo

Answer: B. AJ. Polack

381. The success or the failure of the supervisor depends largely upon relationships he is able to develop with school_______
A. Pupil

B. Persona

C. Personnel

D. Person

Answer: B. Personnel

382. The democratic set-up expects much from the______
A. Manager

B. Leader

C. Supervisor

D. All of the above

Answer: B. Supervisor

383. The work of supervision has become very much comprehensive and exhaustive, at he same time very
A. Complicate

B. Complex

C. Dangerous

D. Expert

Answer: B. Complex

384. Inspection should be planned in such a way as cooperation of all concerned is readilyavailable is under
A. Principle of cooperation

B. Principle of linkage

C. Principle of planning

D. Principle of integration

Answer: B. Principle of cooperation

385. Under principle of______, Inspection should be devoted for atl east two or three days.
A. Appreciation

B. Justice

C. Reality

D. All-round development

Answer: B. All-round development

386. The Inspectors should be judicious in their criticism of the work of teacherswhich principlesof democratic supervision?
A. Principle of general growth

B. Principle of justice

C. Principle of scientific attitude

D. Principle of thoughtness

Answer: B. Principle of justice

387. In order to be effective and fruitful_________
A. Inspection

B. Supervision

C. Instruction

D. Training

Answer: B. Inspection

388. Supervision should be primarily
A. Preventive and critical

B. Preventive and corrective

C. Constructive and creative

D. Construction and critical

Answer: B. Constructive and creative

389. The basic purpose of supervision is to help
A. Teachers in improving methods

B. Teachers in understanding pupil

C. Children learn more effectively

D. Teachers in dealing pupils

Answer: B. Children learn more effectively

390. A supervisor is one who
A. Provides friendly help

B. Inspects classroom

C. Gives directions

D. Criticizes the teaching method

Answer: B. Provides friendly help

391. The effective supervising is indicated by
A. Good relationships between teachers and supervisors

B. Helping teacher in their teaching

C. Helping teachers becoming more self sufficient

D. Criticizing teachers lessons

Answer: B. Helping teachers becoming more self sufficient

392. Literal meaning of supervising is
A. Superior knowledge and power

B. Superior knowledge and service

C. Superior efforts and services

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Superior knowledge and power

393. Who advocated Bureaucratic theory
A. Campbell

B. Herzberg

C. Henry Fayo

D. Max Weber

Answer: B. Max Weber

394. The individual in the group given the task of directing and coordinating is
A. Leader

B. Supervisor

C. Instructor

D. Guide

Answer: B. Supervisor

395. Coordinating, stimulating and directing the growth of teacher is the purpose of
A. administration

B. inspection

C. supervision

D. management

Answer: B. inspection

396. The main purpose of the supervision of teaching should be
A. Advancement of pupil welfare

B. Proper utilization of school facilities

C. Carrying out the curriculum

D. Achievement of success in examination

Answer: B. Advancement of pupil welfare

397. Democratic administration is based on
A. Dictatorship

B. Mutual sharing

C. Non-interference

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Mutual sharing

398. Authoritarian administration is based on
A. Dictatorship

B. Mutual sharing

C. Non-interference

D. All of the above

Answer: B. Dictatorship

399. Laissez-faire administration is based on
A. Dictatorship

B. Mutual sharing

C. Non-interference

D. All of the above

Answer: B. Non-interference


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