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Showing posts with label # Tobacco Addiction MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers). Show all posts
Showing posts with label # Tobacco Addiction MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers). Show all posts

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Tobacco Addiction MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers)

 Tobacco Addiction MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers)

Question 1: Nicotine is responsible for addiction of

(A) Tobacco

(B) Cannabis


(D) Smack.

Answer: (A)

Question 2: Tobacco smoke contains

(A) Carbon monoxide and polycyclic aromatic compounds

(B) Nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar

(C) Nicotine, carbon monoxide, polycyclic aromatic compounds and tar

(D) Nicotine, polycyclic aromatic compounds and tar

Answer: (C)

Question 3: Effects of nicotine on human body include

(A) Release of adrenaline and hence increased blood pressure and heart beat

(B) Stimulation of nerve impulse and muscle relaxation

(C) Decreased foetal growth

(D) All the above.

Answer: (D)

Question 4: The carcinogenic ingredient of Tobacco smoke is

(A) Nicotine

(B) N-nitrosomethylene/polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

(C) Tar

(D) All the above.

Answer: (D)

Question 5: Nicotine present in a cigar, if extracted and injected intra-venously would prove to be

(A) Highly narcotic

(B) Fatal

(C) Strongest sedative

(D) Strongest stimulant.

Answer: (B)

Question 6: Tobacco chewing results in

(A) Mouth cancer

(B) Lung cancer

(C) Bone cancer

(D) Leukaemia

Answer: (A)

Question 7: Tobacco smoking commonly produces

(A) Lip cancer

(B) Lung cancer

(C) Blood cancer

(D) Cancer of pancreas

Answer: (B)

Question 8: Ailment related to tobacco addiction is

(A) Gastric and duodenal ulcers

(B) Bronchitis

(C) Emphysema

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

Question 9: Tobacco came to India from

(A) America

(B) Europe

(C) Russia

(D) Japan

Answer: (B)

Question 10: Tobacco smoking originated from

(A) America

(B) Europe

(C) India

(D) Australia

Answer: (A)

Question 11: Emphysema is due to intake of

(A) Narcotics

(B) Heroin

(C) Smoking

(D) Opiates.

Answer: (C)

Question 12: Bidi contains tobacco wrapped in leaf of

(A) Tobacco

(B) Diospyros

(C) Tectona

(D) Shorea

Answer: (B)

Question 13: Cigar contains tobacco wrapped in leaf of

(A) Tobacco

(B) Mesua

(C) Terminalia

(D) Tectona

Answer: (A)

Question 14: Which one was called pipe of peace

(A) Stipe of Psilocybe

(B) Bhang

(C) Tobacco

(D) Mescaline

Answer: (C)

Question 15: Which one is the addictive ingredient of Tobacco

(A) Cresol

(B) N-Naphthylamine

(C) Vinyl chloride

(D) Nicotine.

Answer: (D)

Question 16: Nicotine stimulates production of

(A) Dopamine

(B) Testosterone

(C) Oestrogen

(D) All the above

Answer: (A)

Question 17: Smoking causes

(A) Lowering of blood pressure

(B) Increase in blood pressure

(C) Slow down of nerve transmission

(D) Slow down of heart beat

Answer: (B)

Question 18: Ingredient of tobacco smoke that impairs O2 transport is

(A) Nicotine

(B) Benzopyrene

(C) Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons

(D) Carbon monoxide.

Answer: (D)

Question 19: Besides tar, the respiratory tract irritant of tobacco smoke is

(A) Acrolein


(C) Formaldehyde

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

Question 20: A carcinogen present in tobacco smoke is

(A) Nitrogen oxide

(B) Acetaldehyde

(C) Vinyl chloride

(D) Both A and B.

Answer: (C)

Question 21: Khaini consists of

(A) Tobacco and hydrated lime

(B) Tobacco mixed with sweetened jelly

(C) Tobacco and cutch

(D) Tobacco and sweetened betel nut.

Answer: (A)

Question 22: Least harmful of tobacco addiction is

(A) Paan masala

(B) Cigar

(C) Hookah

(D) Khaini

Answer: (C)

Question 23: Snuff is

(A) Powclered Datura

(B) Powdered tobacco

(C) Powdered turmeric

(D) Mixture of all the above

Answer: (B)

Question 24: Snuff is

(A) Smoked

(C) Inhaled

(B) Chewed

(D) Injected

Answer: (C)

Question 25: Smoking mars personality due to

(A) Staining of fingers

(B) Staining of teeth

(C) Unpleasant smell

(D) All the above.

Answer: (D)

Question 26: Smoker’s cough is due to

(A) Respiratory tract irritants

(B) Carbon monoxide intoxication

(C) Increased dopamine release

(D) Release of adrenaline.

Answer: (A)

Question 27: Smokers have shorter breath due to

(A) Arteriosclerosis

(B) Emphysema

(C) Hypertension

(D) Cough

Answer: (B)

Question 28: Smoking causes inflammation and irritation of trachea, bronchi and bronchioles. The disorder is called

(A) Emphysema

(B) Tuberculosis

(C) Bronchitis

(D) Smoker’s cough

Answer: (C)

Question 29: Smoker’s cough is characterized by

(A) Loud forceful emptying of lungs

(B) Wheezing

(C) Chronic sputum production

(D) Both B and C.

Answer: (D)

Question 30: A higher concentration of nicotine is used as

(A) Herbicide

(B) Insecticide

(C) Hallucinogen

(D) Narcotic

Answer: (B)

Question 31: Nicotine facilitates release of

(A) Acetylcholine

(B) Thyroxine

(C) Corticosteroids

( D) Insulin.

Answer: (A)

Question 32: Component of tobacco that causes arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis and arterial occlusion is

(A) β-Naphthylamine

(B) Polonium-2l0

(C) Nicotine

(D) Benzopyrene.

Answer: (C)

Question 33: Tobacco addiction causes one of the following

(A) Tuberculosis

(B) Gastric and duodenal ulcers

(C) Anthrax

(D) Skin eruptions.

Answer: (B)

Question 34: Smoking women have

(A) High risk of abortions

(B) Reduced foetal growth

(C) Functional teratogenicity in their children

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

Question 35: Excessive smoking causes

(A) Spasm in retinal vessels

(B) Lowering of blood pressure

(C) Increase in appetite

(D) Low basal metabolic rate

Answer: (A)

Question 36: Impairment of vision due to spasms in retinal vessels is

(A) Cataract

(B) Myopia

(C) Amblyopia

(D) Presbyopia

Answer: (C)

Question 37: Percent of smoke inhaled by active smokers is

(A) 75%

(B) 50%

(C) 25%

(D) 10%

Answer: (D)

Question 38: Smoking

(A) Suppresses appetite

(B) Increases basal metabolic rate

(C) Releases increasing amount of dopamine

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

Question 39: Lip cancer is common in smokers of

(A) Hookah

(B) Cigarettes

(C) Cigar and pipe

(D) Bidi

Answer: (C)

Question 40: Percentage of lung cancers due to smoking is

(A) 60%

(B) 75%

(C) 85%

(D) 95%

Answer: (D)

Question 41: No tobacco day is

(A) 5th June

(B) 31st May

(C) 9th August

(D) 14th August

Answer: (B)

Question 42: Number of annual deaths world-wide due to tobacco addiction is

(A) 15.4 million

(B) 2.6 million

(C) 7.2 million

(D) 0.6 million

Answer: (B)

Question 43: Smokers have swollen

(A) Larynx

(B) Vocal cords

(C) Respiratory tract

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

Question 44: Withdrawal of tobacco produces

(A) Restlessness, depression and anxiety

(B) Increased appetite but disturbed bowels

(C) Insomnia and impaired concentration

(D) All the above.

Answer: (D)

Question 45: Deaddiction treatment for heavy smokers consists of

(A) Non-nicotine cigarettes

(B) Nicotine administration

(C) Dopamine

(D) Endorphins

Answer: (B)

Question 46: Smoking hubble-bubble may spread

(A) Pulmonary tuberculosis

(B) Kwashiorkor

(C) Goitre

(D) Rickets.

Answer: (A)

Question 47: Carcinogen contained in tobacco is

(A) Caffeine

(B) Nicotine

(C) Benzopyrene

(D) Nitrogen oxide

Answer: (C)

Question 48: Smoker’s cough is connected with

(A) Thickening of larynx

(B) Swelling of vocal cords

(C) Tar

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

Question 49: Nicotine functions as stimulant because it facilitates release of

(A) Acetylcholine

(B) Thyroxine

(C) Dopamine

(D) Testosterone

Answer: (A)

Question 50: Addiction of Tobacco is due to

(A) Histamine

(B) Nicotine

(C) Cocaine

(D) Caffeine

Answer: (B)

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