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Wednesday, March 27, 2024


1. Which of the following newspapers/journals was from Maharashtra?

(A) Sarathi

(B) Sandhya

(C) Kranti

(D) Atmashakti


Correct Answer: [C] Kranti

2. Who among the following was not a member of the Congress Socialist Party, although he encouraged and blessed its formation?

(A) Jayaprakash Narayan

(B) Acharya Narendra Dev

(C) Achyuta Patwardhan

(D) Jawaharlal Nehru


Correct Answer: [D] Jawaharlal Nehru

3. Who designed the National Flag of India, adopted by the Constituent Assembly on July 21, 1947?

(A) Abanindranath Tagore

(B) Abul Kalam Azad

(C) Badr-ud-din-Tyabji

(D) Rabindranath Tagore


Correct Answer: [C] Badr-ud-din-Tyabji

4. All the established political parties and groups, except two, boycotted Simon commission, which was those two?

(i) Hindu Mahasabha

(ii) Justice Party

(iii) Muslim League

(iv) Punjab Unionists

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:-

(A) iv and ii

(B) iii and iv

(C) ii and iii

(D) i and ii


Correct Answer: [A] iv and ii

5. Which of the following books was not written by Swami Dayanand Saraswati?

(A) Satyartha Bhumika

(B) Veda Bhashya Bhumika

(C) Satyartha Prakash

(D) Veda Prakash


Correct Answer: [D] Veda Prakash

6. The British officer who defeated Mir. Qusim in a series of battles of 1763 was?

(A) Colonel Malleson

(B) Colonel Holwell

(C) Major Hector Munro

(D) Major Adams


Correct Answer: [D] Major Adams

7. Which of the following is correctly paired?

(A) Krishna Patrika - M.G Ranade

(B) Quarterly Journal - Lajpat Rai

(C) Panjbee - T. Prakasam and M. Krishna Rao

(D) Bharata Mats - Ajit Singh


Correct Answer: [D] Bharata Mats - Ajit Singh

8. Who said 'the congress movement was neither inspired by the people not devised or planned by them?'

(A) Lord Curzon

(B) Lord Dufferin

(C) Lala Lajpat Rai

(D) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan


Correct Answer: [C] Lala Lajpat Rai

9. What is the name of the Bengali monthly founded and edited by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee in 1873?

(A) Bangadarshana

(B) Bengalee

(C) Soma Prakasha

(D) Bangaduta


Correct Answer: [A] Bangadarshana

10. During which period Gandhiji remained aloof from direct politics and concentrated his energies on constructive programmes?

(A) 1924-1927

(B) 1928-1932

(C) 1919-1922

(D) 1922-1924


Correct Answer: [D] 1922-1924

11. Which of the following statements is/are correct about the Civil Disobedience Movement?

(i) There was a discernible absence of Hindu- Muslim unity.

(ii) The movement received massive business support.

(iii) There was large scale women's participation.

(iv) From September 1930 onwards the movement began to decline.

Choose the answer from codes given below

(A) (ii) and (iii)

(B) (ii) and (iv)

(C) (i) and (ii)

(D) All of the above


Correct Answer: [B] All of the above.

12. At the time of which of the following events/ movements Jawaharlal Nehru admitted that: "Never before in history had such unified sentiments been manifested by various divergent sections of the population"?

(A) INA Trial

(B) REN mutiny

(C) Quit India Movement

(D) Imphal campaign of the INA


Correct Answer: [A] INA Trial.

13. Which of the following organizations/persons did not approve of the Quit India Movement?

(A) B.R. Ambedkar

(B) Hindu Mahasabha

(C) Muslim League

(D) All of the above


Correct Answer: [B] All of the above.

14. On the basis of which formula/plan Gandhiji, in April 1944 proposed talks with Jinnah which Jinnah refused to accept?

(A) Rajaji formula

(B) 3rd June Plan

(C) August offer

(D) Wavel plan


Correct Answer: [A] Rajaji formula.

15. Who of the following founded the Independent Labour Party In 1936?

(A) Jagjiban Ram

(B) Jayaprakash Narayan

(C) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

(D) M. C. Rajah


Correct Answer: [C] Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

16. Lord Macaulay was associated with

(A) Codification of Laws

(B) Permanent settlement

(C) Reforms in the army

(D) Abolition of Sati


Correct Answer: [A] Codification of Laws.

17. The British Government introduced the portfolio system for the first time in

(A) 1861

(B) 1892

(C) 1853

(D) 1858


Correct Answer: [A] 1861.

18. Which region in India provided the best quality saltpeter and opium to the Europeans?

(A) Bihar

(B) Malabar

(C) Coromandel

(D) Gujrat


Correct Answer: [C] Coromandel.

19. When and by whom was the Portuguese driven out of Hugli in Bengal?

(A) 1650-Prince Murad

(B) 1666-Prince Shuja

(C) 1625-Shaista Khan

(D) 1631-Qasim Khan


Correct Answer: [D] 1631-Qasim Khan.

20. what was the early capital of the Portuguese in India?

(A) Culient

(B) Cannanore

(C) Goa

(D) Cochin


Correct Answer: [D] Cochin.

21. Who among the following Britishers were associated with the introduction of the Mahalwari System?

(A) William Karey

(B) Sir Alexandar Cunningham

(C) R.M. Bird

(D) Sir John Lawrence


Correct Answer: [C] R.M. Bird

22. Which of the following is correctly paired?

(A) Establishment of an agricultural Research Institution at Pusa - Lord Minto

(B) Rowlatt Act - Lord Chelmsford

(C) Antipartition and Swadeshi Movements -Lord Lansdowne

(D) Factory Act of 1891-Lord Curzon


Correct Answer: [B] Rowlatt Act - Lord Chelmsford

23. Who made the 'Dipawali Declaration' and when

(A) Gandhi 1930

(B) Subhas Bose in 1941

(C) Lord Irwin in 1929

(D) Lord Linlithgow in 1940


Correct Answer: [C] Lord Irwin in 1929

24. Indian National Congress Which session of the Congress had 1889 Delegates?

(A) Fifth Session at Bombay

(B) Sixth Session at Calcutta

(C) Third Session of Madras

(D) Fourth Session of Allahabad


Correct Answer: [A] Fifth Session at Bombay

25. Who founded the Indian Reforms Association in 1870?

(A) Keshab Chandra Sen

(B) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

(C) Ram Mohan Roy

(D) Debendranath Tagore


Correct Answer: [A] Keshab Chandra Sen

26. When and by whom was the 'Nair Service Society' founded?

(A) 1914 - M. Padmanabha Pillai

(B) 1916 - K. Ramakrishna Pillai

(C) 1905 - Narayana Guru

(D) 1910 - T.M. Nair


Correct Answer: [A] 1914 - M. Padmanabha Pillai

27. Keshab Chandra Sen

(i) Adopted a radical and comprehensive scheme of social reforms.

(ii) Infused the concept of Bhakti into Brahmoism

(iii) Influenced the socio-religious reformers in Bombay and Madras

(iv) Opposed the introduction of western education in India.

Which one is correct

(A) i, iii and iv

(B) ii, iii and iv

(C) i, ii and iii

(D) All of them


Correct Answer: [C] i, ii and iii

28. Which of the following sections remained at a distance during Swadeshi Movement of 1905?

(A) Students

(B) Intelligentsia

(C) Women

(D) Peasantry


Correct Answer: [D] Peasantry

29. Who said on Gandhiji's death "The light has gone out of our lives"?

(A) S. Radha Krishnan

(B) Bidhan Chandra Roy

(C) J. L. Nehru

(D) Rajendra Prasad


Correct Answer: [C] J. L. Nehru

30. Who was the last Governor-General in India?

(A) Lord Mountbatten

(B) Chakraborty Raja Gopalachari

(C) Lord William Bentinck

(D) Lord Canning


Correct Answer: [B] Chakraborty Raja Gopalachari

31. Who led the peasant movement in Oudh during the Non-cooperation movement?

(A) Madari Pasi

(B) Sardar Ballav Bhai Patel

(C) Mahatma Gandhi

(D) Baba Ramchandra


Correct Answer: [D] Baba Ramchandra.

32. The Editor of the paper, the Hindu was

(A) S. Satyamurti

(B) T. K. Madhavan

(C) S. Subramania

(D) Kasturi Ranga Iyengar


Correct Answer: [D] Kasturi Ranga Iyengar.

33. Tamil journal, Kudi Arasu was founded by whom?

(A) T.M. Nair

(B) E.V. Ramaswamy Periyar

(C) Anna Durai

(D) P. Tyagaraja Ehetti


Correct Answer: [B] E.V. Ramaswamy Periyar.

34. Who was the founder of 'Gajapati Dynasty' of Orissa?

(A) Prataparudra

(B) Vidyadhara

(C) Purushottam

(D) Kapilendra


Correct Answer: [D] Kapilendra.

35. What was the primary aim of the Akali movement which rose in Punjab in the 1920s?

(A) To streamline the management of the gurudwara of Sikh Shrines

(B) To purge Sikhism of its superstitious accretions and irrational incrustations

(C) To voice the political grievances of the Sikhs

(D) To bring about modernization in the Sikh social customs


Correct Answer: [A] To streamline the management of the gurudwara of Sikh Shrines.

36. The first tribal leader who was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi and his ideology was

(A) Alluri Sitaram Raju

(B) Thakkar Bapa

(C) Jadonang

(D) Rani Gaidinliu


Correct Answer: (C) Jadonang.

37. Party or Association When was the All-India Kisan Sabha formed?

(A) 1928

(B) 1936

(C) 1991

(D) 1920


Correct Answer: [B] 1936.

38. The Justice Party movement in Madras merged with the:

(A) Dravida Kazxhagam

(B) Self-respect League

(C) Both (A) and (B) above

(D) Depresses Classes League


Correct Answer: [C] Both (A) and (B) above.

39. The first free university in India, completely independent of the Government and receiving no grant from it was

(A) Women's University, Pune

(B) Benaras Hindu University

(C) Vishva Bharati, Shantiniketan

(D) Aligarh Muslim University


Correct Answer: [C] Vishva Bharati, Shantiniketan.

40. The first venture of Gandhi in all-India politics was the

(A) Rowlat Satyagraha

(B) Non-Cooperation Movement

(C) Dandi March

(D) Champaran Movement


Correct Answer: [A] Rowlat Satyagraha.

41. Who was the Governor-General when Sind was annexed?

(A) Lord Dalhousie

(B) Lord Hardinge-I

(C) Lord Auckland

(D) Lord Ellenborough


Correct Answer: [D] Lord Ellenborough.

42. Growth of Nationalism and struggle for Independence The Indian Association played an important role in arousing national consciousness through the formation of the

(A) Indian National Conference

(B) British India Association

(C) Indian National Congress

(D) Bengal British Indian Society


Correct Answer: [A] Indian National Conference.

43. Who was the founder of secret society Abhinav Bharat?

(A) Ganesh Savarkar

(B) Damodar Chapekar

(C) Naren Bhattacharji

(D) Jatin Mukherji


Correct Answer: [A] Ganesh Savarkar.

44. Which, of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Foundation of the Forward Block-1936

(B) Foundation of the Communist Party of India-1939

(C) Formation of the All India Kisan Sabha-1935

(D) Foundation of the Congress Socialist party-1934


Correct Answer: [D] Foundation of the Congress Socialist party-1934.

45. Who is generally acknowledged as the pioneer of local self-Government in modern India?

(A) M.K.Gandlii

(B) Curzon

(C) Ripon

(D) Hardinge-I


Correct Answer: [C] Ripon.

46. Who was the first to attempt decentralization of financial administration?

(A) Curzon

(B) Lytton

(C) Ripon

(D) Mayo


Correct Answer: [D] Mayo.

47. Who confessed the following way? 'We have no right to seize Sind. Yet we shall do so and a very big advantageous, useful, human piece of rascality it will be"".

(A) Sir Charles Napier

(B) Major James Outr

(C) Lord Auckland'

(D) Lord Ellenborough


Correct Answer: [A] Sir Charles Napier.

48. Which of the following were the original founders of the Theosophical society?

(i) Madam H.P. Blavatsky

(ii) Mrs. Annie Besant

(iii) Colonel H.S. Olcott

(iv) Colonel O.P. Walburn

Choose the answer from the codes given below

(A) i and iii

(B) iii and iv

(C) i and ii

(D) ii and iii


Correct Answer: [A] i and iii.

49. Subhas Chandra Bose fought the presidential elections in 1939 on the ground that

(A) He was opposed to Gandhiji

(B) He favored an aggressive policy which was opposed by the Congress Leaders

(C) He did not like the nomination of Sitaramayya

(D) He pleaded for elections instead of nominations


Correct Answer: [D] He pleaded for elections instead of nominations.

50. Who among the following capitalists served as an AICC treasurer for many years and went to jail in 1930?

(A) J.R.D Tata

(B) Walchand Hirachand

(C) G. D. Birla

(D) Jamunalal Bajaj


Correct Answer: [D] Jamunalal Bajaj.

51. Who among the following played an important role in the signing of the Gandhi Irwin pact?

(i) Motilal Nehru

(ii) Tej Bahadur Sapru

(iii) Madanmohan Malaviya.

(iv) Jayakar

(v) Chintamani.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:-

(A) ii and iii

(B) iv and v

(C) i and ii

(D) ii and iv.


Correct Answer: [D] ii and iv.

52. Which of the following is not one of the causes responsible for the rise of money lenders in British India?

(A) New educational system.

(B) Commercialization of agriculture.

(C) New revenue policy

(D) New legal system.


Correct Answer: [A] New educational system.

53. Who described Bal Gangadhar Tilak as the 'father of Indian unrest'

(A) Minto-II

(B) Chelmsford

(C) Valentine Chirol

(D) Disrachi.


Correct Answer: [C] Valentine Chirol.

54. Who was mainly responsible for introducing the Ryotwari system in Madras?

(A) Thomas Munro

(B) John Lawrence

(C) Macartney

(D) Elphinstone.


Correct Answer: [A] Thomas Munro.

55. Which of the following statements is/are true about the Vernacular Press Act, 1878?

(i) It was passed by Lord Mayo.

(ii) It comes to be known as the "Gagging Act".

(iii) It liberated the Indian Press from restrictions.

(iv) It was repealed in 1882 by the Ripon Govt.

Select the answer from codes given below.

(A) (i) and (iii)

(B) (iii) and (iv)

(C) (ii) and (iv)

(D) (i) and (ii).


Correct Answer: [C] (ii) and (iv).

56. Indenture regulations which bound the artisans of Eastern India to sell their products exclusively to the English company from the Late 18th Century were known as

(A) Khatbandi

(B) Kamiya

(C) Dadni

(D) Damdupat.


Correct Answer: [C] Dadni.

57. Governor General & Viceroy During whose period did the European soldiers stage the so-called 'White-Mutiny' in India?

(A) Mayo

(B) Ripon

(C) Dalhousie

(D) Canning.


Correct Answer: [D] Canning.

58. Who said: 'This orderly disciplined anarchy should go, and if as a result there is complete lawlessness I would risk it'?

(A) Rajagopalachari

(B) Vallab Bhai Patel

(C) Jawaharlal Nehru

(D) Mahatma Gandhi.


Correct Answer: [D] Mahatma Gandhi.

59. Which of the following manuscripts, containing miniature paintings, reveals a sense of realism and authenticity witnessed or experienced by the painters themselves

(A) Jamiut-Tawarikh

(B) Tariqi-Alfi

(C) Timur Namah

(D) Akbar Namah.


Correct Answer: [B] Tariqi-Alfi.

60. Who was the founder of the Sultanate of Madurai?

(A) Nusrat Shah

(B) Dilwar Khan

(C) Jalaluddin Ahsan

(D) Hussain Shah.


Correct Answer: [C] Jalaluddin Ahsan.

61. What is `Asthavana'

(A) One-third of the produce of the land

(B) House-tax

(C) Land revenue department

(D) A type of rice


Correct Answer: [C] Land revenue department.

62. The lower castes tried to assert themselves by borrowing and imitating customs and manners of the upper castes. This was termed as Sanskritisation by

(A) B.R. Ambedkar

(B) M.N. Srinivas

(C) M.K. Gandhi

(D) Bernard Cohn


Correct Answer: [B] M.N. Srinivas.

63. The Whitley Commission was concerned with

(A) Public Health

(B) Reorganization of Civil Service

(C) Labour

(D) Education


Correct Answer: [C] Labour.

64. Which of the following results of the Zamindari System was not an advantage to the British?

(A) Permanent fixation of revenue demand

(B) Provision of financial security

(C) Creation of political allies

(D) Minimization of revenue administrative expenditure


Correct Answer: [A] Permanent fixation of revenue demand.

65. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?

(A) Kanpur - Brigadier General Neil

(B) Lucknow - Major General Havelock

(C) Banaras - Sir Colin Campbell

(D) Jhansi - Sir Hugh Rose


Correct Answer: [D] Jhansi - Sir Hugh Rose.

66. Which of the following groups did not get separate electorates by the Act of 1935?

(A) Europeans

(B) Depressed Classes

(C) Anglo-Indians

(D) Indian Christians


Correct Answer: [B] Depressed Classes.

67. When and where the song Vande Mataram' was first sung, (by Rabindranath Tagore)?

(A) At Santiniketan Ashrams in 1901.

(B) On July 19,1905 at Calcutta when the partition of Bengal was formally announced.

(C) At Calcutta Session of the I.N. Congress in 1896.

(D) At Calcutta Town Hall on August 07,1905.


Correct Answer: [C] At Calcutta Session of the I.N. Congress in 1896.

68. The First National Planning Committee was constituted by the Congress in 1938 under the Presidency of

(A) Subhas Chandra Bose

(B) Dr. Rajeridra Prasad

(C) Ambalal Sarabhai

(D) Jawahar Lal Nehru


Correct Answer: [A] Subhas Chandra Bose.

69. The historic Lucknow session (1916) of the I.N.C. was presided over by

(A) Madan Mohan Malaviya

(B) Rasbehari Bose

(C) Ambika Charan Mozumdar

(D) R.N. Madhukar


Correct Answer: [C] Ambika Charan Mozumdar.

70. Who moved a resolution at the Congress session in 1918 demanding equal eligibility for voting rights for both men and women?

(A) Annie Besant

(B) Basanti Devi

(C) Sarala Debi Choudhurani

(D) Sarojini Naidu


Correct Answer: [A] Annie Besant.

71. Who observed: "The Congress (INC) is, in reality, a civil war without arms"?

(A) M. Ali Jinnah

(B) Lord Curzon

(C) Lord Dufferin

(D) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.


Correct Answer: [D] Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

72. Who acted as President of the Indian National Congress for Six consecutive years?

(A) Motilal Nehru

(B) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

(C) Jawahar Lal Nehru

(D) Abul Kalam Azad.


Correct Answer: [D] Abul Kalam Azad.

73. Who among the following did not attend the first session of the Indian National Congress?

(A) Surendranath Banerjee

(B) Badaruddin Tyabji

(C) Womesh Chandra Banerjee

(D) K.T. Telang.


Correct Answer: [A] Surendranath Banerjee.

74. After the Surat split in 1907 the second split in the Congress took place in 1918 on the issue of

(A) Election of Mrs. Annie Besant as President of the INC (1917)

(B) Montague declaration

(C) Lucknow Pact

(D) None of these.


Correct Answer: [B] Montague declaration.

75. The Public Postal System in India was started in which year?

(A) 1854

(B) 1839

(C) 1837

(D) 1838.


Correct Answer: (A) 1854.

76. Which of the following classes did not participate in the Revolt of 1857 ?

(i) Money lenders

(ii) Merchants

(iii) Modem intelligentia

(iv) Old Zamindars

(v) Urban based absentee landlords

Choose the answers from codes given below:

(A) (i), (iii), (iv) and (v)

(B) (i), (ii), (iii) and (v)

(C) (i), (ii), (iv) and (v)

(D) (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v).


Correct Answer: [B] (i), (ii), (iii) and (v).

77. Which of the following movements were 'Temple entry' movement organized in the early 20th century?

(A) Munshiganj Kali temple Satyagraha in Bengal (1929)

(B) Guruvayur Satyagraha (1931-33) in Malabar.

(C) Vaikkam Satyagraha 1924-25

(D) All of the above.


Correct Answer: [D] All of the above.

78. Who gave Bombay to Charles II of England as a dowry gift for his marriage with Catherine of Braganza?

(A) Dutch

(B) Danes

(C) Spanish

(D) Portuguese.


Correct Answer: [D] Portuguese.

79. The Congress president who conducted negotiations with Cripps in 1942 and Wavell at the Simla Conference was

(A) J.B Kripalani

(B) C. Rajagopalachari

(C) Abul Kalam Azad

(D) Jawahar Lal-Nehru.


Correct Answer: [C] Abul Kalam Azad.

80. Which one of the following adumbrated principles and constitutional provisions which were later incorporated in the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms?

(A) Lucknow Pact

(B) Poona Pack

(C) Nehru Report

(D) Wavell Plan.


Correct Answer: [A] Lucknow Pact.

81. What is the Chronological sequence of the following happenings?

(i) August Declaration

(ii) Lucknow Pact

(iii) Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre

(iv) Khaira Satyagraha.

Select the answer from the codes given below:-

(A) ii, iv, i and iii

(B) ii, i, iv and iii

(C) iv, ii, iii and i

(D) iii, i, ii and iv.


Correct Answer: [B] ii, i, iv and iii.

82. Arrange the following events in chronological order

(i) Champaran Satyagraha

(ii) Launching of the Khilafat Movement

(iii) Reunion of the Congress

(iv) Nagpur session of the Congress.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:-

(A) i, iii, iv and ii

(B) i, iv, iii and ii

(C) iii, i, ii and iv

(D) iii, i, iv and ii.


Correct Answer: [C] iii, i, ii and iv.

83. Arrange the following events in chronological order and make the correct choice from the options given below:

1. Death of Bal Gangadhar Tilak

2. Nagpur session of the Congress

3. The Moplah Uprising

4. The inauguration of Visva Bharati at Santiniketan.

(A) 2, 1, 3, 4

(B) 3, 2, 4, 1

(C) 4, 3, 2, 1

(D) 3, 4, 2, 1.


Correct Answer: [A] 2, 1, 3, 4.

84. Whom did B. G Tilak call 'the Diamond of India'?

(A) Copal Krishna Gokhale

(B) Lala Lajpat Rai

(C) Rabindranath Tagore

(D) Dadabhai Naoraji.


Correct Answer: [A] Copal Krishna Gokhale.

85. Mahatma Gandhi gave the title of Sardar to Vallabhbhai Patel for his great organizational skill in:

(A) The Salt Satyagraha

(B) The Individual Satyagraha

(C) The Kheda Satyagraha

(D) The Bardoli Satyagraha.


Correct Answer: [D] The Bardoli Satyagraha.

86. When were the Silkworms introduced into the Byzantine empire from China, adversely affecting India's already declining foreign trade?

(A) 615 AD

(B) 351 AD

(C) 451 AD

(D) 551 AD.


Correct Answer: [D] 551 AD.

87. Where do we find the three phases, viz Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Cultures in sequence?

(A) Godavari Valley

(B) Kashmir Valley

(C) Belan valley

(D) Krishna Valle.


Correct Answer: [C] Belan valley.

88. Which of the following is not a principal tool of the Early Stone Age?

(A) Cleaver

(B) Chopper

(C) Scrapper

(D) Handaxe.


Correct Answer: [C] Scrapper.

89. What is the name of the newspaper published by the 'Indian Muslim League'?

(A) Star of India

(B) Dawn

(C) Quam

(D) Inquilab.


Correct Answer: [A] Star of India.

90. In which year the Indian capitalist class organized itself under the banner of FICCI?

(A) 1930

(B) 1932

(C) 1922

(D) 1927.


Correct Answer: [D] 1927.

91. Which of the following women's organization came into existence in 1927

(A) Bharat Stree Mahamandal

(B) All India Women's Conference

(C) Women's Indian Association

(D) National Council of women in India


Correct Answer: [B] All India Women's Conference.

92. Who described the Quit India movement (1942) as "by far the most serious rebellion since 1857"?

(A) Chiang Kai Shek

(B) Winston Churchill

(C) Viceroy Lord Linlithgow

(D) Franklin Roosevelt


Correct Answer: [C] Viceroy Lord Linlithgow.

93. In which of the following movements prominent women leaders like Sucheta Kripalani and Aruna Asaf Ali took the responsibility of coordinating the movement in the face of unprecedented police repression?

(A) Quit India Movement

(B) Civil Disobedience Movement

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) RIN Mutiny


Correct Answer: [A] Quit India Movement.

94. Who was the first Indian woman to become the President of Indian National Congress?

(A) Sarojini Naidu

(B) Vijayalakshmi Pandit

(C) Aruna Asaf Ali

(D) Sucheta Kripalani


Correct Answer: [A] Sarojini Naidu.

95. Who among the following organized the defense in the trial of I.N.A. Officers

(A) Dr. Saifuddin Kitchlew

(B) Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar

(C) Bhulabhai Desai

(D) Madan Mohan Malaviya


Correct Answer: [C] Bhulabhai Desai.

96. The Indian National Army (I.N.A.) came into existence in 1943 in

(A) Then Barma

(B) Then Malaya

(C) Singapore

(D) Japan


Correct Answer: [C] Singapore.

97. Who announced Queen Victoria as the Crown of India?

(A) Lord Lytton

(B) Lord Hastings

(C) Lord Wellesley

(D) Lord Cornwallis


Correct Answer: [A] Lord Lytton.

98. Who gave the slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad'?

(A) S. C. Bose

(B) M. K. Gandhi

(C) Bhagat Singh

(D) Harriet Mohani


Correct Answer: [C] Bhagat Singh.

99. Who founded 'Swadeshi Bhandar' in 1897?

(A) Mahatma Gandhi

(B) Bipin Chandra Pal

(C) Sarala Devi

(D) Rabindranath Tagore


Correct Answer: [D] Rabindranath Tagore.

100. Gadar' party was founded in 1913 at

(A) Calcutta

(B) San Francisco

(C) Bombay

(D) Punjab


Correct Answer: [B] San Francisco.

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