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Thursday, August 3, 2023

Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 - One Liners

Q ➤ 1. Central Civil Cervices (Conduct Rules) Came into effect on :

Q ➤ 2. Communication received from the MP , the acknowledgement should be sent within 15 days and reply should be given within -- days as per manual of office procedure.

Q ➤ 3. Minimum level at which replies should be sent to a Member of Parliament is that of Under

Q ➤ 4. Nodal ministry responsible for formulating policies and framing rules and regulations relating to service conditions of Govt. servants:

Q ➤ 5. Group A Government should not accept any ‘Commercial Employment within -- year from the date of his retirement without the previous sanction of the Government.

Q ➤ 6. If an application for accepting a commercial employment within 1 year after retirement, no communication is received from Government within -- days, the permission shall be deemed to have been granted.

Q ➤ 7. If the permission for accepting a commercial employment is refused or granted conditionally, the applicant may take a representation against it within -- days of receipt of the order.

Q ➤ 8. Time limit to seek permission from prescribed authority when an employee acquires or disposes of any immovable property :

Q ➤ 9. Under what circumstances are government servants allowed to avail the facility of free companion tickets offered by the airlines :

Q ➤ 10. Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women is mentioned in :

Q ➤ 11. Prohibition in participating in demonstration and Strikes is mentioned in :

Q ➤ 12. Prohibition for criticism of Government is mentioned in :

Q ➤ 13. Limits for Acceptance of Gifts is mentioned in :

Q ➤ 14. Dowry (Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961) -

Q ➤ 15. Subletting and vacation of Government accommodation -

Q ➤ 16. Movable, immovable and valuable property -

Q ➤ 17. Prohibition on canvassing of non-official or other outside influence :

Q ➤ 18. Provisions related to Consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs :

Q ➤ 19. Prohibition regarding employment of children below 14 years of age :

Q ➤ 20. Delegations of Power :

Q ➤ 21. Prior sanction is necessary for joining any educational institute even after

Q ➤ 22. As per CCS (Conduct) Rules, Rule 18(3) a government employee needs to report any transaction for movable property if its value exceeds -- months of Basic Pay.

Q ➤ 23. Annual Property Return needs to be submitted by a Government Servant every year by

Q ➤ 24. A Group A, Group B & Group C officer can accept the gift on the occasion of his/her marriage without intimation to the government up to

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