Q ➤ Race off Ans ➤ Meaning-Hurry away, leave somewhere quickly. Explanation-They RACED OFF when the police arrived.
Q ➤ Rack off Ans ➤ Meaning-Used to tell someone to go away because they're annoying you. Explanation-He told her to RACK OFF.
Q ➤ Rack out Ans ➤ Meaning-Sleep, take a nap. Explanation-I'm tired- I'm going to RACK OUT.
Q ➤ Rack up Ans ➤ Meaning-Acquire a lot of something. Explanation-He's RACKED UP a number of convictions for speeding.
Q ➤ Rack up Ans ➤ Meaning-Damage. Explanation-They RACKED UP the car in an accident.
Q ➤ Rain down onAns ➤ Meaning-Fall in large numbers. Explanation-Bombs RAINED DOWN ON the city all night.
Q ➤ Rain off Ans ➤ Meaning-Be postponed or stopped by rain (usually passive). Explanation-The match was RAINED OFF.
Q ➤ Rain out Ans ➤ Meaning-Be postponed or stopped by rain (usually passive). Explanation-The game was RAINED OUT.
Q ➤ Rake in Ans ➤ Meaning-Earn, make money easily. Explanation-She's RAKING IN thousands a day.
Q ➤ Rake it in Ans ➤ Meaning-Make a lot of money. Explanation-It's the only shop in the area and they're RAKING IT IN.
Q ➤ Rake off Ans ➤ Meaning-Cheat someone by charging them too much. Explanation-They RAKE tourists OFF all the time.
Q ➤ Rake over Ans ➤ Meaning-Talk, think, etc, about something negative in the past. Explanation-They keep RAKING OVER the rows we had last year.
Q ➤ Rake up Ans ➤ Meaning-Bring something back to people's attention. Explanation-The press have RAKED UP some scandals from her past.
Q ➤ Ramble on Ans ➤ Meaning-Talk at length without getting to the point. Explanation-Quit RAMBLING ON- I’m tired of listening to you.
Q ➤ Ramp up Ans ➤ Meaning-Increase price, speed or power of something. Explanation-The company has RAMPED its prices UP because of higher oil prices.
Q ➤ Rap outAns ➤ Meaning- Say something firmly and loudly. Explanation-She RAPPED OUT the command.
Q ➤ Rat on Ans ➤ Meaning-Inform authorities about someone's wrongdoings. Explanation-She RATTED ON her neighbours to the police because they were smuggling alcohol from France.
Q ➤ Rat on Ans ➤ Meaning-Fail to keep a promise. Explanation-He always RATS ON his promises.
Q ➤ Rat out Ans ➤ Meaning-Inform the authorities about someone. Explanation-He RATTED me OUT to the police.
Q ➤ Rat through Ans ➤ Meaning-Look for something hurriedly. Explanation-I RATTED THROUGH the papers on my desk but couldn't find the letter.
Q ➤ Ratchet up Ans ➤ Meaning-Increase. Explanation-The media are trying to RATCHET UP the pressure on the president.
Q ➤ Rattle off Ans ➤ Meaning-Quote figures rapidly. Explanation-She RATTLED OFF loads of statistics which nobody could understand.
Q ➤ Reach out Ans ➤ Meaning-Stretch your arm to get something. Explanation-I REACHED OUT and caught the ball.
Q ➤ Reach out for Ans ➤ Meaning-Try to achieve something difficult. Explanation-They are REACHING OUT FOR major economic reforms.
Q ➤ Reach out to Ans ➤ Meaning-Ask for help. Explanation-I REACHED OUT TO you when I was in trouble and you were a great help.
Q ➤ Reach out to Ans ➤ Meaning-Offer help. Explanation-Charities are REACHING OUT TO those who lost their homes in the floods.
Q ➤ Reach out Ans ➤ Meaning-Try to communicate and establish good relations with people. Explanation-The candidates are REACHING OUT TO the poor to get their votes.
Q ➤ Read off Ans ➤ Meaning-Read a list aloud for someone to write down. Explanation-I READ OFF the figures and she wrote them down in her notebook.
Q ➤ Read out Ans ➤ Meaning-Read aloud rather than silently. Explanation-The teacher READ OUT the names of the students who'd passed.
Q ➤ Read up on Ans ➤ Meaning-Research. Explanation-I've been READING UP ON Japan as I'm going to live there next year.
Q ➤ Reason out Ans ➤ Meaning-Come to a conclusion or solution after some thought. Explanation-He REASONED OUT the answer to the math problem.
Q ➤ Reckon on Ans ➤ Meaning-The minimum expected. Explanation-Jeff says we can RECKON ON there being at least fifty people there tonight.
Q ➤ Reel in Ans ➤ Meaning-Catch a fish on a line and pull the line to land. Explanation-He REELED IN a ten-pound salmon.
Q ➤ Reel in Ans ➤ Meaning-Attract people, especially customers, to get them to do what you want them to. Explanation-They hope the discounts will REEL people IN.
Q ➤ Reel off Ans ➤ Meaning-Quote statistics or facts rapidly. Explanation-The minister REELED OFF a load of figures to support her position.
Q ➤ Reel off Ans ➤ Meaning-Score a lot of points or win a lot of games one after the other. Explanation-They REELED OFF five victories and became the champions.
Q ➤ Reel out Ans ➤ Meaning-Unwind. Explanation-I REELED OUT the hose and watered the lawn.
Q ➤ Rein in Ans ➤ Meaning-Control someone or something to stop them causing more trouble. Explanation-They had to REIN the minister IN after her dreadful performance on TV.
Q ➤ Rent out Ans ➤ Meaning-Let, grant a service or allow usage for a fee. Explanation-They RENTED their house OUT while the were abroad.
Q ➤ Ride off Ans ➤ Meaning-Go away on a bike, horse, etc. Explanation-She got on her motorbike and RODE OFF.
Q ➤ Ride on Ans ➤ Meaning-Depend on. Explanation-His reputation is RIDING ON this deal working out.
Q ➤ Ride out Ans ➤ Meaning-Survive a difficult time. Explanation-They managed to RIDE OUT the recession.
Q ➤ Ride up Ans ➤ Meaning-Move higher on the body (of clothes). Explanation-Her skirt RODE UP when she sat down.
Q ➤ Ring back Ans ➤ Meaning-Return a phone call. Explanation-I phoned and left a message this morning but she still hasn't RUNG me BACK.
Q ➤ Ring in Ans ➤ Meaning-Telephone to inform or confirm something. Explanation- I RANG IN and told them I would be late.
Q ➤ Ring off Ans ➤ Meaning-Finish a phone conversation. Explanation-Dave RANG OFF guiltily when he saw his boss coming.
Q ➤ Ring out Ans ➤ Meaning-Make a sudden loud sound. Explanation-Two shots RANG OUT and then we heard a scream.
Q ➤ Ring round Ans ➤ Meaning-Telephone a number of people, usually to try to get some information. Explanation-I RANG ROUND to see if anyone knew where she'd gone.
Q ➤ Ring up Ans ➤ Meaning-Telephone. Explanation-Helen RANG me UP earlier.
Q ➤ Ring up Ans ➤ Meaning-Achieve an amount or number. Explanation-They RANG UP several victories.
Q ➤ Ring up Ans ➤ Meaning-Enter figures into a till or cash register. Explanation-They RANG UP the bill for the groceries.
Q ➤ Ring with Ans ➤ Meaning-When a place is full of a loud sound. Explanation-The room RANG WITH their laughter.
Q ➤ Rip off Ans ➤ Meaning-Charge excessively or obtain money unfairly. Explanation-Tourists get RIPPED OFF a lot when they don't speak the language.
Q ➤ Roll back Ans ➤ Meaning-Retreat. Explanation-The army ROLLED BACK when they came under attack.
Q ➤ Roll back Ans ➤ Meaning-Reduce or remove. Explanation-The government want to ROLL BACK the freedom of the press.
Q ➤ Roll by Ans ➤ Meaning-Pass (time). Explanation-The years ROLLED BY.
Q ➤ Roll in Ans ➤ Meaning-Arrive somewhere, especially if late. Explanation-They ROLLED IN very drunk at three o'clock in the morning.
Q ➤ Roll in Ans ➤ Meaning-Arrive in large numbers, for military vehicles. Explanation-The tanks ROLLED IN and took control of the capital city.
Q ➤ Roll on Ans ➤ Meaning-When something continues to happen. Explanation-The competition ROLLED ON despite the administrative problems.
Q ➤ Roll on! Ans ➤ Meaning-Said when you can't wait for something nice in the future. Explanation-Roll on Friday! It's been a dreadful week.
Q ➤ Roll out Ans ➤ Meaning-Launch or introduce a new product, initiative, etc.. Explanation-The company ROLLED OUT its takeover plans last week.
Q ➤ Roll up Ans ➤ Meaning-To appear in large numbers for an event. Explanation-Thousands ROLLED UP to see the stars at the film premiere.
Q ➤ Roll up! Ans ➤ Meaning-An imperative used to attract people to a public event. Explanation-Roll up! Come and see the circus tonight.
Q ➤ Romp in Ans ➤ Meaning-Win easily. Explanation-In the first race, the favourite ROMPED IN.
Q ➤ Romp through Ans ➤ Meaning-Do something easily or quickly. Explanation-We ROMPED THROUGH the tasks because they were so simple.
Q ➤ Room in Ans ➤ Meaning-To keep a mother and baby together after the birth. Explanation-Nowadays, most hospitals have a policy of ROOMING IN mothers and their babies.
Q ➤ Root about Ans ➤ Meaning-Look in a place to try to find something. Explanation-He ROOTED ABOUT in his briefcase, trying to find a pen.
Q ➤ Root around Ans ➤ Meaning-Look in a place to try to find something. Explanation-I ROOTED AROUND my flat trying to find the letter.
Q ➤ Root for Ans ➤ Meaning-Support. Explanation-Everyone was ROOTING FOR Arsenal to win the Champions League.
Q ➤ Root out Ans ➤ Meaning-Look for and find. Explanation-The police ROOTED OUT the informer.
Q ➤ Root out Ans ➤ Meaning-Find the source of a problem and remove it. Explanation-They are trying to ROOT OUT the troublemakers.
Q ➤ Root up Ans ➤ Meaning-Dig a plant out of the ground. Explanation-He ROOTED UP the plants and replanted them.
Q ➤ Rope in Ans ➤ Meaning-Get somebody to help. Explanation-The teacher ROPED her students IN to carry her stuff when she had to change classroom.
Q ➤ Rope into Ans ➤ Meaning-Get someone to help or become involved, usually when they don't want to. Explanation-I got ROPED INTO helping them set the stall up.
Q ➤ Rope off Ans ➤ Meaning-Extend ropes or barriers across or around an area. Explanation-The celebrity entrance was ROPED OFF from the general public.
Q ➤ Rough up Ans ➤ Meaning-Assault. Explanation-The mugger ROUGHED him UP when he refused to hand his wallet over.
Q ➤ Round off Ans ➤ Meaning-Finish something in a satisfactory manner. Explanation-Winning the FA Cup ROUNDED OFF a wonderful season for Arsenal.
Q ➤ Row back Ans ➤ Meaning-Retreat from a position. Explanation-The prime minister refused to ROW BACK and lost the vote.
Q ➤ Rub along Ans ➤ Meaning-Have a reasonably good relationship. Explanation-They're not friends, but we RUB ALONG.
Q ➤ Rub down Ans ➤ Meaning-Dry or clean something with a cloth. Explanation-She RUBBED the horse DOWN with a towel after riding it.
Q ➤ Rub down Ans ➤ Meaning-Massage or rub someone to help them relax. Explanation-The trainer RUBBED her DOWN after the race.
Q ➤ Rub in Ans ➤ Meaning-Apply a substance like cream or ointment and rub it until it is absorbed. Explanation-He applied the steroid cream and RUBBED it IN.
Q ➤ Rub it in Ans ➤ Meaning-Emphasise how bad a situation is to make someone feel worse. Explanation-Even though the minister had resigned, the press RUBBED IT IN by publishing more details of the scandal.
Q ➤ Rub off on Ans ➤ Meaning-Pass a quality or characteristic to people. Explanation-His enthusiasm RUBS OFF ON everyone around him.
Q ➤ Rub out Ans ➤ Meaning-Delete ink or pencil with an eraser. Explanation-He RUBBED OUT the figure and wrote the correct one in.
Q ➤ Rub out Ans ➤ Meaning-Kill. Explanation-The gangsters RUBBED him OUT for stealing from them.
Q ➤ Rub up against Ans ➤ Meaning-Touch someone in a sensual or sexual way. Explanation-The cat RUBBED UP AGAINST my leg purring.
Q ➤ Rub up on Ans ➤ Meaning-Revise. Explanation-I need to RUB UP ON my Portuguese before I go to Brazil.
Q ➤ Rule out Ans ➤ Meaning-Exclude a possibility. Explanation-The police have RULED OUT suicide and are treating it as a case of murder.
Q ➤ Run across Ans ➤ Meaning-Meet or find accidentally. Explanation-I RAN ACROSS an old friend in the library.
Q ➤ Run after Ans ➤ Meaning-Chase, pursue. Explanation-The police RAN AFTER the guy who'd stolen it, but he was too fast for them.
Q ➤ Run after Ans ➤ Meaning-Try to become romantically involved with someone. Explanation-He was RUNNING AFTER her for ages never managed to get a date.
Q ➤ Run against Ans ➤ Meaning-Oppose, make difficulties. Explanation-Opinion is RUNNING AGAINST his policies and he has very little support.
Q ➤ Run along Ans ➤ Meaning-Go away, leave (often as an imperative). Explanation-They kept disturbing him, so he told them to RUN ALONG and leave him in peace.
Q ➤ Run around Ans ➤ Meaning-Be very busy doing many things. Explanation-I'm exhausted- I've been RUNNING AROUND all day.
Q ➤ Run away Ans ➤ Meaning-Escape from people chasing you. Explanation-He RAN AWAY from his attackers.
Q ➤ Run away Ans ➤ Meaning-Leave home because of problems with other family members or to elope. Explanation-She RAN AWAY to avoid a forced marriage.
Q ➤ Run down Ans ➤ Meaning-Hit a pedestrian with a vehicle. Explanation-The minicab RAN him DOWN on the zebra crossing.
Q ➤ Run down Ans ➤ Meaning-Lose energy or power. Explanation-You should only recharge the battery when it has fully RUN DOWN.
Q ➤ Run down Ans ➤ Meaning-Criticise, disparage. Explanation-They're always RUNNING me DOWN and I am sick and tired of it.
Q ➤ Run down Ans ➤ Meaning-Find the source or origin of something. Explanation-The police RAN DOWN all the leads they had and caught them.
Q ➤ Run for Ans ➤ Meaning-Campaign for a position. Explanation-She's thinking about RUNNING FOR the presidency.
Q ➤ Run in Ans ➤ Meaning-Arrest, take to police station for questioning. Explanation-They RAN him IN last night.
Q ➤ Run in Ans ➤ Meaning-Drive a new car carefully in order not to damage the engine. Explanation-She RAN the car IN for a thousand miles.
Q ➤ Run in Ans ➤ Meaning-Pay a casual visit. Explanation-We RAN IN and chatted for an hour.
Q ➤ Run in Ans ➤ Meaning-Insert. Explanation-He RAN a graph IN next to the text.
Q ➤ Run into Ans ➤ Meaning-Cost. Explanation-The project has RUN INTO millions of dollars without any prospect of a return on this investment.
Q ➤ Run into Ans ➤ Meaning-Meet by accident. Explanation-I RAN INTO James in a bar in the City on Friday.
Q ➤ Run off Ans ➤ Meaning-Make photocopies. Explanation-Could you RUN OFF two hundred copies of this report, please.
Q ➤ Run on Ans ➤ Meaning-Be powered by. Explanation-The van RUNS ON diesel.
Q ➤ Run out of Ans ➤ Meaning-Have none left. Explanation-We've RUN OUT OF sugar; I'm going to the shops for some.
Q ➤ Run over Ans ➤ Meaning-Explain quickly. Explanation-Could you RUN OVER that point again; I'm afraid I didn't quite understand it.
Q ➤ Run over Ans ➤ Meaning-Hit with a vehicle. Explanation-The driver couldn't stop in time and RAN the fox OVER when it ran in front of his car.
Q ➤ Run over Ans ➤ Meaning-Exceed a time limit. Explanation-The meeting RAN OVER by twenty minutes.
Q ➤ Run throughAns ➤ Meaning-Practise a dramatic work like a play quickly. Explanation-The cast RAN THROUGH the play the day before it opened to the public.
Q ➤ Run throughAns ➤ Meaning-Stab or wound deeply with a knife, sword, etc.. Explanation-The musketeer RAN his enemy THROUGH with a sword and killed him.
Q ➤ Run to Ans ➤ Meaning-Go to someone for help. Explanation-Whenever he gets into debt, he RUNS TO his parents for help.
Q ➤ Run to Ans ➤ Meaning-Include in things you like. Explanation-His musical tastes RUN TO the Residents, who are hated by most people.
Q ➤ Run to Ans ➤ Meaning-Have enough money to buy something, often negative. Explanation-Things are a bit tight and won't RUN TO going abroad for a holiday.
Q ➤ Run up Ans ➤ Meaning-Move quickly to where someone is. Explanation-He RAN UP next to me and started shouting.
Q ➤ Run up Ans ➤ Meaning-Hoist, raise a flag. Explanation-They RAN UP the Union Jack.
Q ➤ Run up Ans ➤ Meaning-Do or make something very quickly. Explanation-He RAN UP a few examples for them to look at.
Q ➤ Run up Ans ➤ Meaning-Spend a lot of money on credit. Explanation-He RAN UP a lot of bills at the hotel.
Q ➤ Run up against Ans ➤ Meaning-Encounter problems, often unexpected. Explanation-They RAN UP AGAINST a lot of opposition to the construction.
Q ➤ Run up on Ans ➤ Meaning-Approach someone without their knowing. Explanation-Robert was sitting in his car and a guy RAN UP ON him and shot through the car but missed.
Q ➤ Run with Ans ➤ Meaning-Keep company, normally bad. Explanation-She RUNS WITH some dodgy characters.
Q ➤ Rush away Ans ➤ Meaning-Leave a place in a hurry. Explanation-They RUSHED AWAY when the police arrived.
Q ➤ Rush into Ans ➤ Meaning-Do something too quickly. Explanation-They don't want to be RUSHED INTO giving an answer and have asked for more time.
Q ➤ Rush off Ans ➤ Meaning-Depart in a hurry. Explanation-Zac RUSHED OFF to get to his medical appointment.
Q ➤ Rush out Ans ➤ Meaning-Release or put something on sale quickly. Explanation-They RUSHED the single OUT after it started getting airplay.
Q ➤ Rustle up Ans ➤ Meaning-Make something quickly without much preparation. Explanation-We RUSTLED UP dinner from what was in the fridge.
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