Q ➤ Pack away Ans ➤ Meaning-Put something where it belongs. Explanation-I PACKED AWAY the suitcases in the loft after we had emptied them.
Q ➤ Pack in Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop doing something. Explanation-I'm trying to PACK IN smoking.
Q ➤ Pack in Ans ➤ Meaning-End a relationship. Explanation-She PACKED her boyfriend IN.
Q ➤ Pack in Ans ➤ Meaning-Fill a venue. Explanation-They really PACK them IN at the club- itwas so crowded it was impossible to move.
Q ➤ Pack in Ans ➤ Meaning-Break down, stop working. Explanation-The photocopier has PACKED IN again.
Q ➤ Pack it in Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop doing something (used as an imperative). Explanation-The kids were making a fuss, so I told them to PACK IT IN.
Q ➤ Pack off Ans ➤ Meaning-Send someone away. Explanation-His boss PACKED him OFF to a regional office.
Q ➤ Pack out Ans ➤ Meaning-Fill a venue. Explanation-The stadium was PACKED OUT.
Q ➤ Pack up Ans ➤ Meaning-Stop doing something. Explanation-You should PACK UP smoking.
Q ➤ Pack up Ans ➤ Meaning-Finish work. Explanation-We had nothing left to do, so we PACKED UP early.
Q ➤ Pack up Ans ➤ Meaning-Break down, stop working. Explanation-My printer PACKED UP last night- I'll have to get a new one.
Q ➤ Pack up Ans ➤ Meaning-Collect things and put them where you keep them. Explanation-At the end of the presentation, I PACKED UP my laptop.
Q ➤ Pad down Ans ➤ Meaning-Sleep somewhere for the night. Explanation-I'm too tired to come home; can I PAD DOWN here tonight?
Q ➤ Pad outAns ➤ Meaning-Make a text longer by including extra content, often content that isn't particularly relevant. Explanation-I couldn't think of much to write, so I PADDED the essay OUT with a few lengthy quotes.
Q ➤ Pair off Ans ➤ Meaning-Begin a romantic relationship. Explanation-They PAIRED OFF shortly after starting university.
Q ➤ Pair off Ans ➤ Meaning-Introduce people, hoping they will start a relationship. Explanation-I tried to PAIR him OFF with my sister.
Q ➤ Pair off Ans ➤ Meaning-Form pairs. Explanation-The class PAIRED OFF to practise the exam interviews.
Q ➤ Pair off with Ans ➤ Meaning-Form a pair with someone. Explanation-I PAIRED OFF WITH Trish for the test.
Q ➤ Pair up Ans ➤ Meaning-Form a pair. Explanation-We PAIRED UP for the last activity
Q ➤ Pal about Ans ➤ Meaning-Be friendly and spend time with someone. Explanation-We used to PAL ABOUT when we were at school.
Q ➤ Pal around Ans ➤ Meaning-Be friendly and spend time with someone. Explanation-We PALLED AROUND at university.
Q ➤ Pal up Ans ➤ Meaning-Become friends. Explanation-We PALLED UP when I started working with her.
Q ➤ Palm off Ans ➤ Get someone to accept something that isn't true. Explanation-He tried to PALM me OFF with a pathetic excuse.
Q ➤ Palm off Ans ➤ Meaning-Pretend something is better than it is in order to sell it. Explanation-He tried to PALM his computer OFF as the latest model.
Q ➤ Pan out Ans ➤ Meaning-The way a situation develops. Explanation-I don't know how things will PAN OUT now the company's been taken over.
Q ➤ Paper over Ans ➤ Meaning-Try to conceal a problem without really fixing it. Explanation-The government tried to PAPER OVER the problems in the proposal, but the press were very critical.
Q ➤ Pare back Ans ➤ Meaning-If you pare something back, you reduce the size or numbers.. Explanation-They have had to PARE BACK the services they offer as their funding was reduced.
Q ➤ Pare down Ans ➤ Meaning-Reduce, decrease. Explanation-They have PARED DOWN the number of employees as they haven't been doing well.
Q ➤ Part with Ans ➤ Meaning-Give something away, especially when you don't want to. Explanation-I found it very hard to PART WITH my old CDs when I digitized my collection.
Q ➤ Pass around Ans ➤ Meaning-Give out to everybody there. Explanation-The teacher PASSED the handout AROUND.
Q ➤ Pass as Ans ➤ Meaning-Be believed to be something. Explanation-Although not qualified, he managed to PASS AS a doctor for years.
Q ➤ Pass away Ans ➤ Meaning-Die. Explanation-Sadly, Georgia's uncle PASSED AWAY yesterday after a short illness.
Q ➤ Pass back Ans ➤ Meaning-Return. Explanation-I felt awful when the teacher started to PASS BACK the exam papers.
Q ➤ Pass by Ans ➤ Meaning-Go past without stopping. Explanation-I was just PASSING BY when I saw the accident.
Q ➤ Pass by Ans ➤ Meaning-Visit briefly. Explanation-I was PASSING BY her house the other day when I heard about it.
Q ➤ Pass by Ans ➤ Meaning-Miss an opportunity. Explanation-The chance for promotion PASSED me BY.
Q ➤ Pass down Ans ➤ Meaning-Transmit information or give property to younger generations. Explanation-The tales were PASSED DOWN for centuries without changing ay of the words.
Q ➤ Pass for Ans ➤ Meaning-Be accepted as something, usually when not. Explanation-You'd be surprised at what PASSES FOR good cooking in many restaurants.
Q ➤ Pass off Ans ➤ Meaning-Convince something that something is real. Explanation-I managed to PASS OFF the fake money in the market.
Q ➤ Pass off Ans ➤ Meaning-Happen in a certain way. Explanation-The demonstration PASSED OFF peacefully.
Q ➤ Pass on Ans ➤ Meaning-Give a message to someone. Explanation-I'll PASS the message ON when she gets here.
Q ➤ Pass on Ans ➤ Meaning-Decline an invitation or opportunity. Explanation-I think I'll PASS ON dinner tonight- I'm not hungry.
Q ➤ Pass on Ans ➤ Meaning-Die. Explanation-Her husband PASSED ON last year.
Q ➤ Pass on to Ans ➤ Meaning-Change topic or subject. Explanation-Let's PASS ON TO the next item on the agenda.
Q ➤ Pass out Ans ➤ Meaning-Faint, lose consciousness. Explanation-He got so drunk that he PASSED OUT.
Q ➤ Pass out Ans ➤ Meaning-Distribute. Explanation-The protesters PASSED OUT leaflets to the growing crowd.
Q ➤ Pass overAns ➤ Ignore someone and give a job, reward, etc, to someone more junior. Explanation-They PASSED him OVER and made his assistant the new director.
Q ➤ Pass over Ans ➤ Meaning-Ignore, refuse to discuss. Explanation-Let's PASS OVER what they said and get on.
Q ➤ Pass round Ans ➤ Meaning-Distribute, give to people present. Explanation-They PASSED ROUND copies of the handbook.
Q ➤ Pass throughAns ➤ Meaning-Visit a place without stopping or only stopping briefly. Explanation- I didn't see much as I was only PASSING THROUGH the town.
Q ➤ Pass to Ans ➤ Meaning-Give ownership or responsibility to Explanation-The shares PASSED TO his daughter someone. when he died.
Q ➤ Pass to Ans ➤ Meaning-Become owner of or responsible for something. Explanation-The property will PASS TO her when they die.
Q ➤ Pass up Ans ➤ Meaning-Decline a chance. Explanation-She PASSED UP the opportunity to go to university because she'd been offered a job.
Q ➤ Pat down Ans ➤ Meaning-Search or frisk someone. Explanation-The police PATTED them DOWN for weapons but found nothing.
Q ➤ Patch togetherAns ➤ Meaning-Create or assemble something quickly without much planning. Explanation-They PATCHED TOGETHER a coalition after the election.
Q ➤ Patch up Ans ➤ Meaning-Fix or make things better. Explanation-I tried to PATCH things UP after the argument, but they wouldn't speak to me.
Q ➤ Patch up Ans ➤ Meaning-Give an injured person basic medical treatment. Explanation-After the accident, they PATCHED her UP and sent her to hospital.
Q ➤ Pay back Ans ➤ Meaning-Repay money borrowed. Explanation-I PAID BACK the twenty pounds I'd borrowed.
Q ➤ Pay back Ans ➤ Meaning-Take revenge on. Explanation-I'm going to PAY him BACK for that insult.
Q ➤ Pay down Ans ➤ Meaning-Pay a debt over time. Explanation-The British government can't PAY DOWN the national debt.
Q ➤ Pay for Ans ➤ Meaning-Purchase. Explanation-I PAID twenty pounds FOR the book.
Q ➤ Pay into Ans ➤ Meaning-Deposit money. Explanation-I PAID the cash INTO my account.
Q ➤ Pay off Ans ➤ Meaning-Completely repay a debt. Explanation-The mortgage will be PAID OFF in twenty-five years.
Q ➤ Pay off Ans ➤ Meaning-Produce a profitable or successful result. Explanation-Their patience PAID OFF when he finally showed up and signed the contract.
Q ➤ Peck at Ans ➤ Meaning-Eat very small amounts. Explanation-The food wasn't very nice, so I PECKED AT it to look polite.
Q ➤ Peel away Ans ➤ Meaning-Leave a group by moving in a different direction. Explanation-Some of the crowd PEELED AWAY to get out of the crush.
Q ➤ Peel away fromAns ➤ Meaning-Leave a group by moving in a different direction. Explanation-They PEELED AWAY FROM the crowd and went down a side road.
Q ➤ Peel off Ans ➤ Meaning-Leave a group by moving in a different direction. Explanation-When the police blocked the road, a few protesters PEELED OFF and left the march.
Q ➤ Peel off fromAns ➤ Meaning-Leave a group by moving in a different direction. Explanation-They PEELED OFF FROM the demonstration when the police arrived.
Q ➤ Peel out Ans ➤ Meaning-Accelerate rapidly from stationary. Explanation-Fearing the police, he PEELED OUT in a cloud of tire smoke.
Q ➤ Peg away Ans ➤ Meaning-Keep working at something. Explanation-I PEGGED AWAY for weeks before my exams.
Q ➤ Peg down Ans ➤ Meaning-Fasten something to the ground. Explanation-We PEGGED the tent DOWN to stop the wind blowing it about.
Q ➤ Peg it Ans ➤ Meaning-Die. Explanation-After a long illness, she finally PEGGED IT yesterday.
Q ➤ Peg out Ans ➤ Meaning-Put washing outside to dry. Explanation-I PEGGED the washing OUT after it stopped raining.
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