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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Adolescence Drug and Alcohol Abuse (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers)

 1. Nicotine is

(a) lipoprotein

(b) alkaloid

(c) glycoprotein

(d) steroid

Answer: (b) alkaloid

2. The drug which is used to reduce pain is

(a) opium

(b) hashish

(c) bhang

(d) marijuana

Answer: (a) opium

3. LSD is derived from

(a) poppy plant

(b) hemp plant

(c) coca plant

(d) fungus

Answer: (d) fungus

 4. Tobacco smoking causes inflammation of lung alveoli and causes

(a) lung cancer

(b) emphysema

(c) pulmonary TB

(d) bronchitis

Answer: (b) emphysema

 5. Which is not included in opiates?

(a) Morphine

(b) Pethidine

(c) Opium

(d) Heroine

Answer: (b) Pethidine

 6. Which is a psychedelic drug?

(a) Bhang

(b) Marijuana

(c) LSD

(d) All of them

Answer: (d) All of them

 7. Which one is carcinogenic in tobacco?

(a) caffeine

(b) benzpyrene

(c) CO

(d) nicotine

Answer: (b) benzpyrene

8. Withdrawal symptoms are not shown by

(a) stimulants

(b) sedatives

(c) hallucinogens

(d) opiates

Answer: (a) stimulants

 9. Neuritis occurs as a result of inflammation of

(a) Cyton

(b) Dendron

(c) Axon

(d) Whole neuron

Answer: (c) Axon

10. The drug taken intravenously is of the category

(a) IV drug

(b) III drug

(c) II drug

(d) I drug

Answer: (a) IV drug

 11. Opium is derived from which part of white poppy plant?

(a) seeds

(b) leaves

(c) bark

(d) capsule

Answer: (d) capsule

 12. A synthetic depressant and analgesic is

(a) LSD

(b) Morphine

(c) Pethidine

(d) Heroine

Answer: (c) Pethidine

 13. Alcoholics generally suffer from which vitamin deficiency

(a) vitamin D

(b) vitamin E

(c) vitamin A

(d) vitamin K

Answer: (c) vitamin A

 14. Urine of an alcoholic is generally reported

(a) isosmotic

(b) hypo-osmotic

(c) hyper-osmotic

(d) none of them

Answer: (c) hyper-osmotic

15. Which of the following is narcotic?

(a) Charas

(b) Bhang

(c) Ganja

(d) Heroine

Answer: (b) Bhang

 16.  Abnormalities in foetus are caused by

(a) opium

(b) heroine

(c) LSD

(d) marijuana

Answer: (c) LSD

 17. LSD is derived from

(a) Claviceps

(b) Papaver

(c) Cannabis

(d) Rauwolfia

Answer: (a) Claviceps

18. Addiction of LSD will lead to the damage of symptom of

(a) kidney

(b) lung

(c) hallucination

(d) emotional disturbance

Answer: (c) hallucination

 19. The part of brain affected when a person consumes alcohol leading to loss of balance is

(a) cerebral cortex

(b) thalamus

(c) cerebellum

(d) medulla

Answer: (c) cerebellum

 20. Which organ is adversely affected by alcohol?

(a) kidney

(b) liver

(c) heart

(d) lung

Answer: (b) liver

 21. Tobacco addiction occurs due to

(a) caffeine

(b) nicotine

(c) cocaine

(d) histamine

Answer: (b) nicotine

22. Which of them is hallucinogenic drug?

(a) Morphine

(b) Cocaine

(c) LSD

(d) Heroine

Answer: (c) LSD

 23. Which factor is responsible for cirrhosis?

(a) sugar

(b) alcoholism

(c) fats and oils

(d) vitamins

Answer: (b) alcoholism

 24. Heroine is obtained from the plant of the family

(a) Leguminosae

(b) Papaveraceae

(c) Liliaceae

(d) Solanaceae

Answer: (d) Solanaceae

 25. Opiate narcotic is

(a) Amphitamine

(b) Morphine

(c) LSD

(d) Barbiturate

Answer: (b) Morphine

 26. Hashish, marijuana and LSD are

(a) hallucinogens

(b) stimulants

(c) toxins

(d) none of them

Answer: (a) hallucinogens

 27. Excessive consumption of ethanol damages

(a) liver

(b) kidney

(c) heart

(d) lung

Answer: (a) liver

 28. Opium is obtained from

(a) Rawolfia serpentine

(b) Papaver somniferum

(c) Claviceps purpurea

(d) Cannabis sativa

Answer: (b) Papaver somniferum

 29. Which part of the brain has earliest ill effects in a drunk person?

(a) cerebrum

(b) cerebellum

(c) medulla

(d) pons varolii

Answer: (a) cerebrum

 30. Addiction to smoking is harmful because it produces polycyclic hydrocarbons which causes

(a) retardation of foetal growth

(b) reduction in oxygen transport

(c) increase in blood sugar level

(d) cancer

Answer: (d) cancer

31.  Alcohol addiction is harmful because it causes

(a) deposition of protein in liver

(b) deposition of fat in liver

(c) rise in blood sugar level

(d) cancer growth

Answer: (b) deposition of fat in liver

 32. Parkinsonism is due to which defective transmitter in brain?

(a) noradrenaline

(b) eucalpia

(c) dopamine

(d) serotonin

Answer: (c) dopamine

33.  A disease sometimes found in persons above 40 and is characterised by poor CNS coordination, forgetfulness and tremor of hands is

(a) Epilepsy

(b) Alzheimer’s disease

(c) Schizophrenia

(d) Migraine

Answer: (b) Alzheimer’s disease

 34. Narcotic drugs like bhang, ganja, charas are obtained from

(a) poppy seed

(b) ergot fungus

(c) hemp plant

(d) coffee

Answer: (c) hemp plant

 35.  Antibiotics are

(a) collective name of useful bacteria

(b) drugs manufactured to kill virus

(c) bacteria that fix nitrogen

(d) products of metabolism in bacteria

Answer: (d) products of metabolism in bacteria

 36. Drug which induces dreamy state of consciousness is

(a) stimulant

(b) sedative

(c) hallucinogen

(d) depressant

Answer: (c) hallucinogen

 37. The stimulant present in tea, cocoa and cola drinks is

(a) caffeine

(b) astringent

(c) tannin

(d) cocaine

Answer: (a) caffeine

 38. Which of the following is correct for LSD, morphine and hashish respectively:

(a) Claviceps, Papaver somniferum, Cannabis

(b) Claviceps, Cannabis, Papaver somniferum

(c) Claviceps, Cannabis, Rawolfia

(d) Claviceps, Fusarium, Cannabis

Answer: (a) Claviceps, Papaver somniferum, Cannabis

39. July 11 is observed as

(a) World Population Day

(b) No Tobacco Day

(c) World Environment Day

(d) World Health Day

Answer: (a) World Population Day

40. Zidovudine is a drug used in

(a) Dengue Fever

(b) Yellow fever

(c) Leukemia

(d) Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

Answer: (d) Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

 41. The term antibiotic was coined by

(a) Alexander Fleming

(b) Edward Jenner

(c) Louis Pasteur

(d) Selman Waksman

Answer: (d) Selman Waksman

 42. Smoking addiction is harmful because it produces polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which cause

(a) cancer

(b) reduction of transport of oxygen

(c) reduction of foetal growth

(d) none

Answer: (a) cancer

43. A person showing unpredictable mood, outbursts of emotions, quarrelsome behaviour and conflict with this is suffering from

(a) addictive disorders

(b) schizophrenia

(c) borderline personality disorder

(d) mood disorders

Answer: (c) borderline personality disorder

 44. Caffeine is a stimulant present in

(a) coffee

(b) tea

(c) cold drinks

(d) all of these

Answer: (d) all of these

 45. Which one of the following is correct statement regarding the particular psychotropic drugs specified?

(a) Barbiturates causes relaxation and temporary euphoria

(b) Hashish causes afterthought perceptions and hallucinations

(c) Opium stimulates nervous system and causes hallucinations

(d) Morphine leads to delusions and disturbed emotions

Answer: (a) Barbiturates causes relaxation and temporary euphoria

46. Show the correct statement from the ones given below:

(a) Cocaine is given to patients after surgery as it stimulates recovery

(b) Barbiturates when given to criminals make them tell the truth

(c) Morphine is often given to persons who have undergone surgery as a painkiller

(d) Chewing tobacco lowers blood pressure and heart rate

Answer: (c) Morphine is often given to persons who have undergone surgery as a painkiller

47. Cirrhosis of liver is caused by the chronic intake of

(a) alcohol

(b) tobacco

(c) cocaine

(d) opium

Answer: (a) alcohol

 48. LSD is lysergic acid……..

(a) diethylamide

(b) diphenylene

(c) dipeptide

(d) none

Answer: (a) diethylamide

 49. Brown sugar is…….. narcotic

(a) opiate

(b) barbiturate

(c) amphitamine

(d) none

Answer: (a) opiate

 50. Which of the following statement is true?

(a) Cocaine is a sedative drug.

(b) Barbiturates cause memory impairment and slurred speech

(c) No Tobacco Day is observed in 1st December

(d) None

Answer: (b) Barbiturates cause memory impairment and slurred speech

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