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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Verb to Be – am is are

“Am, is, are” are one of the most used phrases and is easy to learn. 

They are called the verb “to be”. 

They indicate state as in the sentences:  “I am happy.”  and  “I am at home.”

The English verb “to be”, that is, “am, is, are” in the present simple tense form is not an auxiliary verb. 

It is an actual verb. However, when making questions, they are taken at the beginning of the sentence like auxiliary verbs. 

When making a negative sentence, “not” comes next.

➔ Example sentences:

  1. He is a pilot. 
  2. He is not a pilot.
  3. Is he a pilot?

  • “am” is used for “I”.
  •  “is” is used for “He, She, It”. 
  • “are” is used for “You, We, They”.

 It is used as “am not”, “is not”, or “are not” in negative sentences. 

Its short form is “isn’t” or “aren’t”. 

In interrogative sentences, “Am / Is / Are” is taken at the beginning of the sentence.

Note: There is no short version of “am not”. There is no “amn’t”.

We express the sentences that do not contain verbs with the verb “am, is, are”, which we call the verb “to be”. Such sentences do not indicate events and actions, they only indicate state.

“I am in the sea.” There is no action in this sentence such as “swimming” or “playing”. We call it a noun clause. In such sentences, “am, is, are” is used to fill the verb gap. Because in English, there must be a verb in every sentence.

Present Tense Verb To Be Table

Positive Form Question Form Negative Form Negative Question
I am smart. Am I smart? I am not smart. Am I not smart? Aren't I smart?
You are smart. Are you smart? You are not/aren't smart. Are you not smart? Aren't you smart?
He is smart. Is he smart? He is not/isn't smart. Is he not smart? Isn't he smart?
She is smart. Is she smart? She is not/isn't smart. Is she not smart? Isn't she smart?
It is smart. Is it smart? It is not/isn't smart Is it not smart? Isn't it smart?
We are smart. Are we smart? We are not/aren't smart. Are we not smart? Aren't we smart?
Are we not smart? Aren't we smart? Are you smart? You are not/aren't smart. Are you not smart? Aren't you smart?
They are smart. Are they smart? Are they smart? Are they not smart? Aren't they smart?

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