Always type promisedpage4u.bogspot.com to search our blog विभिन्न "दिन विशेष" प्रश्नमंजूषा में हिस्सा लेकर बेहतरीन प्रदर्शन करने वाले सभी सहभागियों का अभिनंदन। सहभागियों की संख्या ज्यादा होने के कारण प्रमाणपत्र भेजने में देरी हो सकती है। सभी सहभागियों के प्रमाणपत्र भेजे जाएंगे। कृपया सहयोग करे। "The Constitution is not a mere lawyer's document; it is a vehicle of life, and its spirit is always the spirit of age." - Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Click here for Quiz on INDIAN CONSTITUTION DAY. Participants are requested to type their correct email address to receive the certificates. Type your school name and address in short

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


Q ➤ 1. Who is the founder of Scouting / Guiding?

Q ➤ 2. Where was Baden-Powell born? When?

Q ➤ 3. What the full name B.P?

Q ➤ 4. Who was B.P’s mother?

Q ➤ 5. Who was Joseph Brewer Smith?

Q ➤ 6. When did B. P’s father die?

Q ➤ 7. Where did B. P study?

Q ➤ 8. What was B. P’s hobby in his childhood?

Q ➤ 9. When did B.P. become a captain?

Q ➤ 10. What was the nickname given to B. P. by the Africans?

Q ➤ 11. What does IMPESSA mean?

Q ➤ 12. When did B.P. become a Colonel?

Q ➤ 13. Where is Mafeking situated?

Q ➤ 14. Who was the Sergeant Major of the Mafeking during the time of Seize?

Q ➤ 15. By what means were the letters distributed at Mafeking during Seize?

Q ➤ 16. What was the area of Mafeking during the time of seize?

Q ➤ 17. When and where did B.P. die?

Q ➤ 18. Who is the author of the book, “Aids to Scouting”?

Q ➤ 19. What is called as B. P’s second life?

Q ➤ 20. Who was the chief of the world’s Girl Guides?

Q ➤ 21. Who wrote the story of Baden Powell?

Q ➤ 22. Who was Mr. William Hillcourt?

Q ➤ 23. What inspired B.P. to start Scouting / Guiding?

Q ➤ 24. When was the war of Mafeking?

Q ➤ 25. How long was the war of Mafeking?

Q ➤ 26. When and where was the first Scout camp held?

Q ➤ 27. Which was B. P’s first book on Scouting?

Q ➤ 28. When did Scouting come to India?

Q ➤ 29. When and where was the first scouting for Indian boys started?

Q ➤ 30. When was B.P. declared Chief Scout of the World?

Q ➤ 31. When was the Bharat Scouts and Guides started?

Q ➤ 32. Where was the first Jamboree held?

Q ➤ 33. What is first Aid?

Q ➤ 34. What are the four ports of observation?

Q ➤ 35. What is the goal of scout/Guide movement?

Q ➤ 36. What type of Scouting did BP want to promote?

Q ➤ 37. What does a scout/Guide try to be good at?

Q ➤ 38. What is the use of the Reef Knot?

Q ➤ 39. With what hitch does the diagonal lashing begin?

Q ➤ 40. With what hitch does the square lashing begin?

Q ➤ 41. What are the different types of lashing?

Q ➤ 42. What is the Scout / Guide handshake?

Q ➤ 43. What is the joyous part of a Scout’s Guide’s life?

Q ➤ 44. What does the camping bring to a Scout?

Q ➤ 45. What is the knowledge of animals and nature called?

Q ➤ 46. How can you learn about different kinds of animals?

Q ➤ 47. Where does the whole sport of hunting animals lie?

Q ➤ 48. How does a Scout / guide get to like the animals?

Q ➤ 49. What is the chief duty of a Scout/Guide?

Q ➤ 50. In the old days who were the real Scouts?

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