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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Philosophical Foundations of Education (MCQs)-1

 1. What is the origin of the word Education?

(a) ‘E’ and ‘Catum’

(b) Edu and ‘Catum’

(c) Word ‘Educate’

(d) None of these.

2. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) Education is an art

(b) Education is a science

(c) It is neither an art nor science

(d) To some extent it is art and to some extent it is science.

3. What is called education acquired without any specific purpose, fixed period and place?

(a) Indirect Education

(b) Individual Education

(c) Informal Education

(d) Formal Education.

4. Which one of the following sentences is correct about the nature of teaching?

(a) It is diagnostic

(b) It is remedial

(c) It is diagnostic as well as remedial

(d) All the above statements are correct.

5. What is the compulsory element of learning?

(a) Ability to read

(b) Bright Mind

(c) Tendency to know

(d) None of these.

6. What is the place of principal in an edu­cational institute?

(a) Overall head of the school

(b) Manager of the school

(c) Owner of the school

(d) Founder of the school.

7. If a student failed in any class what should be done to him?

(a) He should be given a chance to improve and sent to the next class after he improves

(b) He should be kept in the same class

(c) He should be advised to leave studies

(d) All the above methods are right.

8. Why are curriculum activities used in teaching?

(a) Make teaching easy

(b) To make teaching interesting, easy to understand and effective

(c) To make teaching attractive

(d) To assist the teacher.

9. What are the three components of the educational process?

(a) Education, teacher and books

(b) Teacher, student and education

(c) Teaching, learning and practice

(d) Direction, instruction and skill.

10. What is teaching through deductive method?

(a) From general to specific

(b) From specific to general

(c) From macro to micro-

(d) From easy to difficult.

11. What is the main center of informal Education?

(a) Society

(b) Family

(c) Radio and Television

(d) All of the above.

12. Which is the first school for a child’s education?

(a) Society

(b) Friends

(c) Family

(d) School.

13. Which one of the following education systems supports scientific progress?

(a) Realistic Education

(b) Idealistic Education

(c) Naturalistic Education

(d) None of these.

14. What is the meaning of lesson plan?

(a) To read the lesson before teaching it

(b) To prepare all that the teacher wants to teach in a limited period

(c) To prepare detailed answers of all the questions to be asked in the class

(d) To prepare the list of questions to be asked.

15. On what depends the values of an educational experience in the eyes of the idealist?

(a) Whether or not the pupil has been properly motivated

(b) Whether or not it preserves accepted institutions

(c) The extent to which it satisfies pupil desires

(d) The manner in which it affects future experience.

16. Which educational activity is most desirable to the pragmatist?

(a) Approximates the goals which educatio­nal scientists have set up

(b) Results from the indiscrimination of the pupil in democratic theory.

(c) That is beneficial effect upon the future experiences of the pupil

(d) That characterizes by spontaneous, active, continuously pleasurable and practical for the pupil.

17. What is the view point of progressive educators regarding the issue of liberal vs. vocational education?

(a) Vocational ends load one to degrade learning

(b) Liberal arts subject should proceed vocational training

(c) Vocational and liberal education should not be separated

(d) All subjects should have a vocational orientation.

18. Who was the supporter of Naturalism in Education?

(a) Frolbel

(b) Armstrong

(c) John Locke

(d) Rosseau.

19. What do you mean by curriculum?

(a) A child learns through curriculum

(b) Sum total of the annual study

(c) Sum total of the activities of a school

(d) Indicates the course to be taught by the teachers to the students throughout the year.

20. Which system of education was propounded by Mahatma Gandhi?

(a) Teaching by activities

(b) Teaching through music

(c) Teaching through listening, meditation etc.

(d) All of these.

21. Who raised the slogan “Back to Nature”?

(a) Realism

(b) Pragmatism

(c) Naturalism

(d) Existentialism.

22. Which statement is not correct about Naturalism?

(a) A reaction against the degenerated humanism of the Renaissance period

(b) A reaction against the degenerated humanism of the Renaissance period.

(c) A reaction against sophistication, artificiality and paraphernalia in education

(d) A reaction against a mere study of books and linguistic forms.

23. Who said, “Reverse the usual practice and you will almost always do right?”

(a) Mahatma Gandhi

(b) Rousseau

(c) Dewey

(d) Plato.

24. “Human institutions are one mass of folly and contradiction.” Whose statement is this?

(a) Bernard Shaw

(b) Rousseau

(c) Dewey

(d) Ravinder Nath Tagore.

25. According to which school of philosophy of education, exaltation of individual’s persona­lity is a function of education?

(a) Pragmatism

(b) Idealism

(c) Marxism

(d) Idealism and Marxism both.

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