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Sunday, May 16, 2021


 76. In Erik Erikson’s developmental stages of life, with which challenge must older people struggle?

a. Overcoming despair to achieve integrity

b. Overcoming role confusion to achieve identity

c. Overcoming isolation to achieve intimacy

d. Overcoming shame to achieve autonomy

77. No social relationship can exist without:

a. face to face presence of the individuals

b. Physical awareness of the presence of another

c. Likeness of interests

d. carrying common life activates

78. What are the parts of social structure?

a. Communities

b. Roles and sub-groups

c. Institutions and associations

d. Groups and associations

79. Gerontology is the study of

a. Human Being

b. Special Groups 

c. Aged and Aging

d. All of these

80. The most pervasive of the social processes are:

a. Cooperation

b. Over Conflict

c. Competition

d. None of these

81. The exception to the typical application of endogamy is:

a. Tribe

b. Kinship

c. Race

d. None of these

82. A large kinship group whose members inhabit one geographic area and believe they are descendent from a common area is known as:

a. Clan

b. Tribe

c. Kin group

d. Class

e. None of these

83.Role confusion in modern society is engendered by all but one of the following:

a. Broadening of role specification

b. Plurality of moralities

c. increase in number of achievable positions

d. None of these

84. In modern society, cultural change is most likely to be the byproduct of:

a. Planning

b. Diffusion

c. Social struggle

d. None of these

85. Ethnocentrisms means:

a. Evaluating other cultures with the Yardstick of your own values.

b. Taking other nations as good as your own one but disowned

c. No other society is like your's and your society or group is superior to others.

d. None of these.

86. Age is a:

a. Nominal variable

b. Ordinal variable

c. Interval 

d. Ratio 

87. Which one is a basic institution for socialization of children:

a. School 

b. Religion

c. Family

d. Community

88. Which type of family consists of a couple, one or both of whom were previously married, their children, and the children from the previous marriage of one or both parents?

a. nontraditional family 

b. traditional family 

c. blended family 

d. step family 

89.Ashley and her husband just had their first child. Ashley was married previously, and her two children from that marriage also live with Ashley and her current husband. Which type of family is this? 

a. nontraditional family 

b. traditional family 

c. blended family 

d. secondary family 

90. Which type of family consists of a married couple and their own or adopted children living at home? 

a. nontraditional family 

b. traditional family 

c. blended family 

d. step family 

91.Barry and Laurie have been married for almost twenty years, and this is the first marriage for both of them. They have two children living at home. Which type of family is this? 

a. nontraditional family 

b. traditional family 

c. blended family 

d. step family 

e. combination family 

92.Stages of the household life cycle are based on ____. 

a. age of the adult members 

b. marital status of the adult members 

c. presence of children 

d. age of children 

93.When a couple has children, expenditures on which of the following does NOT usually decrease? 

a. alcoholic beverages 

b. meals out 

c. health care 

d. personal care products 

94.Which of the following are ways to categorize family decision making? 

a. husband-dominant 

b. wife-dominant 

c. individualized 

d. Child-dominant 

e. all of the above 

95. Which of the following is the primary source of consumer socialization? 

a. school 

b. advertising 

c. friends 

d. family 

96. In Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, the experiential sub theory refers to:

a. Metacomponents, performance components and knowledge-acquisition components.

b. internal mechanisms that underlie intelligent behaviour.

c. how experience interacts with intelligence in terms of the individual's internal world, and the external world.

d. cognitive self-motivation and organisation skills.

97. According to Sternberg, the ability to analyze and evaluate ideas, solve problems, and make decisions is best described as:

a. logical intelligence.

b. analytical intelligence.

c. practical intelligence.

d. essential intelligence.

98. Which theory comprises the Componential sub-theory, Contextual sub-theory and Experiential sub-theory?

a. Goleman's Emotional intelligence theory

b. Guilford's structure of intellect model

c. Sternberg's Triarchic model

d. Gardner's multiple intelligences theory

99. According to Sternberg, success is a measure of intelligence that involves an individual's ability to

a. develop at least one of the three intelligences.

b. score high on intelligence tests.

c. solve problems without advance preparation.

d. effectively balance abilities based upon environmental circumstances

100. Sternberg's theory of successful intelligence goes beyond success in school and determines success in life by using

a. real-life situations.

b. social networking.

c. visual cues.

d. auditory cues.

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