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Saturday, May 15, 2021


 26. Severe bone depletion is referred to as

a. osteoporosis.

b. arthritis.

c. calcium deposits.

d. rheumatism.

27. In the United States, women usually experience menopause around age

a. 65

b. 60

c. 50

d. 45

28 .A common problem in older men is _____, better known as impotence.

a. prostrate cancer

b. male menopause

c. penile impotency

d. erectile dysfunction

29. ____ is chest pain that may precede a heart attack

a. Angina

b. Hypertension

c. Hypertensive cardiovascular disease

d. Angioplasty

30.________ is a serious condition that can lead to blindness.

a. Somatic mutation

b. Heart disease

c. Glaucoma

d. Osteoporosis

31.Which of the following is an environmental theory of aging?

a. somatic mutation theory

b. genetic control theory

c. free radical theory

d. immune function theory

32. The measure of the number of years that a person can expect to live without a disability is called

a. disability free expectancy.

b. life expectancy.

c. lifetime disability expectancy.

d. active life expectancy.

33.A condition known as _____ occurs when the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body.

a. angina

b. congestive heart failure

c. hypertension

d. lentigo

34. Gender is: 

a. Synonymous with biological sex 

b. A multi-dimensional construct 

c. Genetically determined 

d. Under parental control 

35. Which of Erikson's Psychosocial Stages characterizes adolescence? 

a. Industry vs. Inferiority 

b. Intimacy vs. Isolation 

c. Identity vs Identity diffusion 

d. Initiative vs Guilt 

36. The basic understanding of desires, beliefs, perceptions and emotions is referred to as the Theory of: 

a. Behaviour 

b. Mind 

c. Thought 

d. Opinion 

37. Which of the following is NOT one of Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning? 

a. Conventional 

b. Unconventional 

c. Postconventional 

d. Preconventional 

38. Which of the following comparisons between Piaget and Kohlberg’s theories of moral judgement is TRUE: 

a. Both agreed that to young children, right and wrong is determined by obedience to rules and authority figures

b. Both agreed on the number of stages individuals passed through before achieving mature moral reasoning 

c. Both agreed that all normal individuals advance to the highest level of moral reasoning 

d. Piaget believed that development of moral reasoning was continuous, whereas Kohlberg believed it was discontinuous 

39. At what age do children begin to differentiate between others’ emotional distress and their own? 

a. 3-12 months 

b. 6-14 months 

c. 9-18 months 

d. 2 years 

40. Which of the following approaches do many current theorists of motor development take? 

a. Piagetian approach 

b. Evolutionary approach 

c. Changing modules approach 

d. Dynamic systems approach 

41. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?

a. Development is a pattern of change that begins at conception.

b. Development is continuous and continues throughout the life span.

c. The different domains of development are interwoven and interrelated.

d. Human development starts from the moment of birth till death.

42. Which of the following statements would talk about the seed and the soil analogy in talking about the nature of human development?

a. Is development stable or open to change?

b. Is development continuous or discontinuous?

c. Nature-nurture controversy.

d. One course of development of many courses of development.

43. Emotional intelligence involves …

a. Mood management.

b. Managing relationships.

c. Emotional self-awareness.

d. All of the above

44. Dechen has an investigative and a curious mindset. She likes evaluating and contrasting the different things she has learnt in the class. This is indicative of her …

a. Creative intelligence.

b. Analytical intelligence.

c. Practical intelligence.

d. All of the above.

45. Subash is a highly athletic boy and can play games that involve bodily movement very well. However, he faces so much of difficulty in drawing and writing that he takes a long time even to write one alphabet clearly. This is indicative of his…

a. Good fine motor skills.

b. Poor fine motor skills.

c. Poor gross motors skills.

d. Good gross motor skills.

46. What is Erikson most famous for?

a. Id vs. Ego

b. Identity Crisis

c. Social Learning Theory

d. Behaviorism

47. The psychosocial task during one’s high school years is to achieve a sense of?

a. Industry

b. Delinquency

c. Autonomy

d. Identity

48. Each stage in Erikson’s model of psychosocial development can be characterized by:

a. A period of creative tension

b. An achievement scale for growth

c. A different psychological crisis

d. A and C

49. Which of the following does not describe stagnation in stage 7?

a. People who cannot form real friendships with others

b. People who are self-centered

c. Young parents who cannot take care of their children

d. People who are afraid of death

50. People who achieve a sense of integrity…

a. Consolidate a sense of self

b.Want to make personal changes

c. Treat themselves as the most important person in the world

d. Sink into despair 

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