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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Child Development & Pedagogy-4 (MCQ)

 Q76. Which of the following methods is use for teaching science in the present era of technology? 

(a) Programmed Instruction 

(b) Team Teaching 

(c) Computer Assisted Teaching 

(d) All of these 

Q77. Which one of the following is not one of the advantages of ‘Team Teaching Method’? 

(a) It helps in sharing the best faculty by more students 

(b) It involves optimum use of teaching techniques and devices 

(c) It improves the teaching quality 

(d) It affects the socio-economic conditions of the pupils 

Q78. If some students are not in a mood to study in the class. You will 

(a) force them to study 

(b) tell those students to leave the class 

(c) warn them that they must study or else you will report the matter to the principal 

(d) tell them some interesting things related to their interest or your own subject. 

Q79. Which of the following is a teacher-related factor affecting learning? 

(a) Proper seating arrangement 

(b) Availability of teaching-learning resources 

(c) Nature of the content or learning experiences 

(d) Mastery over the subject-matter 

Q80. Parents should play a ………………… role in the learning process of young children.

(a) sympathetic 

(b) neutral 

(c) negative 

(d) proactive 

Q81. Kohlberg’s theory of moral development as a follow-up of Piaget’s theory was a result of 

(a) observing children in action

(b) Creating game-like situations

(c) Creating moral dilemmas for people

(d) talking to parents

Q82. According to Kohlberg, at which level in morality externally controlled? 

(a) Pre-conventional level

(b) Conventional level

(c) Post-conventional level

(d) None of the above

Q83. Which one of the following is not a part of a stage proposed by Kohlberg in his Theory of Moral Development

(a) Self-interest and reward

(b) Relationships with others

(c) Social contract and social rights

(d) Following universal ethical principles

Q84. Sameera returned the book she took from Malti’s bag because she was afraid of being punished if she was caught. This illustrates Kohlberg’s 

(a) pre-conventional level

(b) conventional level

(c) post-conventional level

(d) pre-operational level

Q85. Children in primary schools follow which of the following stages as proposed by Lawrence Kohlberg?

A. Obedience and Punishment Orientation

B. Individualism and Exchange

C. Good Interpersonal Relationships

D. Social Contract and Individual Rights 

(a) B and A

(b) B and D

(c) A and D

(d) A and C

Q86. Which of the following is a characteristic of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development ? 

(a) Universal sequences of stages across all cultures

(b) Stages proceed in non-hierarchic manner

(c) Variable sequence of stages

(d) Stages are isolated responses and not general pattern

Q87. What is a major criticism of Kohlberg’s theory ? 

(a) Kohlberg proposed a theory without any empirical basis

(b) Kohlberg did not give clear cut stages of moral development

(c) Kohlberg proposed that moral reasoning is developmental

(d) Kohlberg did not account for cultural differences in moral reasoning of men and women

Q88. A child reasons ‘You do this for me and I’II do that for you.’ In which stage of Kohlberg’s moral reasoning would this child fall ? 

(a) The ‘good boy-good girl’ orientation

(b) The social-contract orientation

(c) The instrumental purpose

(d) The punishment and obedience orientation

Q89. Which one of the following is a correctly matched pair ? 

(a) Good boy and good girl orientation : One earns approval by being nice

(b) Law and order orientation : Ethical principles are self-chosen on the basis of the value of human rights

(c) Social contract orientation : Physical consequences of an action determine whether it is good or bad

(d) Punishment and obedience orientation : Laws are not fixed, but can be changed for the good of society

Q90. Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral reasoning has been criticized on several counts. Which of the following statements is correct in the context of this criticism? 

(a) Kohlberg has duplicated Piaget’s methods of arriving at his theoretical framework

(b) Kohlberg has not given typical responses to each stage of moral reasoning

(c) Kohlberg theory does not focus on children’s responses.

(d) Kohlberg has based his study primarily on a male sample

Q91. According to Kohlberg, in which stage of moral development people approach moral problems as members of society? 

(a) State-3 

(b) State-4 

(c) State-5 

(d) State-6 

Q92. According to Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development and his various stages of moral development which one of the following is not a state proposed by him 

(a) Individualism and Exchange

(b) Interpersonal Relationships

(c) Social Contract and Social Rights

(d) Universal Principles

Q93. The most primitive sentiment expressed by the child in the early childhood is 

(a) his love for his own self

(b) his love for his toys

(c) his love for his parents

(d) All of the above

Q94. According to Kohlberg, a teacher can instill moral values in children by 

(a) giving strict instructions on ‘how to behave’

(b) given importance to religious teachings

(c) laying clear rules of behavior

(d) involving them in discussions on moral issues

Q95. Brandi is a six-year-old first grader. When you ask her about the rules in her classroom, she lists several, including, "Listen to the teacher," "Be respectful to others," and "Keep your hands to yourself." You then ask her why the rules are important, and she responds, "Because teacher says so, and you don't want to get a note sent home to Mom." Which level of moral development is Brandi demonstrating?

(a) Punishment and obedience orientation

(b) Autonomous morality

(c) Social-relational perspective

(d) Concrete, individualist orientation

Q96. In looking at Kohlberg's views of morality, Gilligan argues that men and women have different "voices" in relation to moral decision making. She labels these differences as the morality of _________ for men and morality of _________ for women.

(a) Justice; Caring

(b) Caring; Justice

(c) Superiority; Inferiority

(d) Giving; Receiving

Q97. The level of development in which the child’s morality is controlled by the fear of punishment is called, according to Kohlberg, …………… . 

(a) morality level

(b) convention morality level

(c) self-accepted moral principle level

(d) pre-moral level

Q98. According to Kohlberg, thinking process involved in judgements about questions of right and wrong is called 

(a) morality co-operation

(b) moral reasoning

(c) moral realism

(d) moral dilemma

Q99. Jai Singh does not pay income tax despite legal procedures and expenses. He thinks that he cannot support a corrupt government which spends millions of rupees in building unnecessary dams. He is probable in which state of Kohlberg’s stages of moral 

(a) Conventional 

(b) Post-conventional

(c) Pre-conventional

(d) Para-conventional

Q100. As a teacher you firmly believe in ‘saying no to ragging and bullying’ and put up posters and form committees in schools. The young adolescents who join you with strong beliefs, are at which of the following stages? 

(a) The conventional level 

(b) The pre- conventional level

(c) The post- conventional level

(d) Social order maintaining level

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