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Friday, January 8, 2021

Click here for Quiz on SWAMI VIVEKANANDA

Swami Vivekananda
 Questions and Answers

Q.1.Swami vivekananda’s family name was…

    Answer- Narendra Nath Datta

Q.2.Who was the father of Vivekananda

    Answer-Vishwanath Dutta

Q. 3.Vivekananda’s  father was proficient in which languages?

   Answer-English and Persian

Q.4.Waht was the profession of  swami Vivekananda’s  Father?

Answer : Attorney –at –Law

Q.5.Name of swami Vivekanada mother is

Answer- Bhuvaneswari  Devi

Q.6.When was Swami Vivekanada born ?

Answer- 1863

Q.7 . ”I prayed to shiva for a son and He has sent me one of His demons”  Who said this about  Vivekanada

Answer-Vivekanda’s Mother

Q.8.Which Sanskrit grammar learnt by hearted  almost whole at the age of seven by Swami Vivekananda?


Q.9.At the age of seven Narendra  joined the Metropolitan Institution founded by whom?

Answer-Pandit  Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

Q.10.In the year 1877 Narendranath and his Father visited in which place in Madhya Pradesh


Q.11.In which college Narendranath first studied ?

Answer- Presidency College ,Calcutta

Q.12.When Narendra Nath Studied at Presidency college ,Culcutta Who was the Principal of that college


Q.13. Where was Swami Vivekanada born?


Q.14.During which festival was Swami Vivekanada born ?

Answer-Makar Sankranti

Q.15.When split occurred in Brahmo Samaj  Narendranath Joined in which section ?

Answer-Sadharan Brahmo SAMAJ

Q.16. Who was responsible for meeting of Swami Vivekanand with Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ?

Answer-Principal William Hastie

Q.17. In Which year Narendra Nath father died ?


Q.18.In which year Sri Ramakrishna Died?


Q.19. The first monastery of Ramakrishna order was started at which place?


Q. 20.While a wandering monk Swami Vivekanada met a great saint at Ghazipur.Who was the saint?

Answer-Saint pavhari Baba

Q.21.In which year Swami Vivekanada started his historic wandering through India?


Q.22. Name of the Prince whom Swami Vivekanada met at Alwar.

  Answer-Prince Mangal Singh

Q.23.Who requested to Maharaja to assume the name of Vivekanada ?

Answer-Maharaja of Khetri

Q.24. Who gave  letters of introduction to Chairman of  the committee for  selection of delegates in the parliament of  religious for Swami Vivekananda ?

Answer- Professor  J.H.Wright

Q.25. In which year Parliament of World’s Religions was held at Chicago?


Q.26. Where did Swami Vivekananda represented India as it delegate and in which meet?

Answer- Chicago, Parliament of Religions

Q.27. In which hall the first session of  the  Chicago parliament of religions was opened  ?

Answer-The great hall of Columbus

Q.28.Who were the delegates participated in  the first session of  the  Chicago parliament represented by Brahmo Samaj

Answer- Pratap Chandra Majumdar of Benagal and Nagarkar Of  Bombay

Q.29.Who was the representative from the Buddhists of Ceylon in the first session of  the  Chicago parliament of religions?


Q.30. Who were the delegates participated in  the first session of  the  Chicago parliament represented by Theosophy from India

Answer. Chakrvarty and Mrs: Annie Besant

Q.31. Swami Vivekanada earned wild applause for beginning his address at the World Parliament of Religions with the famous words…

Answer-“Sisters and Brothers of America”

Q.32. Which Association  in  New York invited Swami Vivekanada for series of lectures?

Answer-Brooklyn Ethical Association

Q.33.Who was the great- grandfather of Swami Vivekanda?

Answer-Rammohan Datta

Q.34.Who was the grant Father of Swami Vivekananda ?

Answer-Vishwnatha Datta

Q.35.In which Day Vivekananda Born


Q.36. In which Month  swami Vivekananda Born?


Q.37. Swami Vivekananda Birth date is

Answer- January 12

Q.38.. What is the pet  name of Swami Vivekananda ?


Q.39 .Among the house servants  who was the special friend of Swami Vivekananda?


Q.40.What was the childhood ambition of Swami Vivekanada?

Answer- To become a syce  or groom

Q.41.When Narendranath  was studying at Metropolitan Institution what disease  effected him?

Answer-Chronic dyspepsia

Q.42.Mr.E.T .sturdy a disciple of Swami Vivekananda  from which country?


Q.43.Narendranath and his friends joined  gymnasium  who managed gymnasium?

Answer- Navagopal  Mitra

Q.44.Narendranath and his friends joined gymnasium in which place of culcutta the gymnasium located

Answer-Cornwallis Street

Q.45. In which sports Swami Vivekananda won first prize and a silver butterfly?


Q.46.Naren learned the old Indian game chess at which place?


Q.47.Under the Beni Gupta(also known as  Beni Ostad) what Naren learned?

Answer-classical vocal and Instrumental Music

Q.48.Narendranath joined presidency College in which year?

Answer- 1880

Q.49. Narendranath passed his Bachelor of Arts examination from which Institution?

Answer- General Assembly ‘s Institution

Q.50.Narendranath studied  at General Assembly ‘s Institution Who founded  this Institution ?

Answer- Scottish General Missionary Board

Q.51. Narendranath studied  at General Assembly ‘s Institution now  this institution known as —-

Answer-Scottish Church College

Q.52.Narendranath Passed his Bachelor of Arts examination in which year?


Q.53.Narendranath met  for the first time Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa at whose house?

Answer-Surendranath Mitra of Simulia

Q.54.Narendranath compiled a treatise on music in Benagli  what  is the title of the work


Q.55 . Narendranath compiled a treatise on music  entitled Sangita-Kalpataru in Benagli who published this work?

Answer- Chandicharan Basak

Q.56.In which year Narendranath’s  compilation   work  entitled Sangita-Kalpataru  published?


Q.57.After college education  Whose gymnasium Narendranath joined to practice wresting ?

Answer-Ambu Guha’s

Q.58. In which year Narnedranath met Shri Ramakrishna for the first time?


Q.59.Who founded famous KALI temple at Dakshineshwar?

Answer-Rani Rasmani

Q.60.Who were the leaders when Narendranath Joined in Sadharan Brahmo Samaj ?

Answer-Pandit Shivanath Shastri and Vijaykrishna Goswami

Q.61.”Have you seen God” Narendrnath asked this question to a prominent  Brahmo Leader Who was that leader ?

Answer-Maharshi Devendranath Tagore

Q.62.Narendranath passed B.A examination with which division?

Answer-Second division

Q.63.Narendranath changed his name twice-first to Vivekanada  and then to what name?


Q.64 .As wandering monk Narendranath kept two books in his bundle ,wchich are these two books?

Answer-GITA and The  Imitation of Christ

Q.65.As a  wandering monk  started from 1891 Swami Vivekananda  first visited in  which pilgrim centre in India


Q.66. In a New York lecture Swami Vivekananda said  ” That is a lesson for life- -face the terrible, face it boldly. Like the monkeys , the hardships of life fall back when we cease to flee before them—“.

Vivekananda referred  the treble he had faced with monkeys while wandering a monk , at which place  treble happened ?


Q.67.While a wandering monk at Varanasi Swami Vivekananda met a celebrated pandit  and Bengali writer and held a long conversation  Who was that  Bengali scholar?

Answer—- Bhudev  Mukhopadhyaya

Q.68.While a wandering monk Swami Vivekananda visited Bangalore. At  Bangalore  he was taken  in as a guest by an eminent Malayalee  doctor  who was that malayalee Docter

Answer- Dr:Palpu

Q.69. Name of the Kali temple visited by Swami Vivekananda  in Kerala ?

Answer-Kali Temple at  Kodungallor

Q.70.  In December 1892 Swami Vivekananda met at Ernakulam a prominent social reformer  in Kerala Who was that person

Answer-Chattambi Swami

Q.71. While Vivekananda travel from Bombay to poona  he  met one of  the prominent  freedom movement leader. Who was that leader?

Answer-Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Q.72.Who was the Dewan of Mysore state when  swami Vivekananda  visited Mysore ?

Answer-K.Seshadri  Iyer

Q.73.Swami Vivekananda met Maharaja  of Mysore ,Who was the Maharaja of Mysore ?

Answer-Chamarajendra Wadiyar

Q.74.Swami Vivekananda visited Travancore and met Maharaja of Travancore, Who was the Maharaja

Answer-Martanda Varma

Q.75. How many days Swami Vibekananda Meditated on the rock of Kanyakumari?

Answer-Three Days

Q.76. While his visit at Madurai he met Raja of Ramanad  and later Raja Became an admirer and disciple of Swami Vivekanadanda. Who  was that Raja?

Answer-Bhaskara Setupati

Q.77.Swami Vivekananda  completion of pilgrim journey through  India  with visit of which place


Q.78.When Vivekananda visited Hyderabad  he met  Nawab of  Hyderabad   who was the Nawab ?

Answer-Nawab  Bahadur  sir  Khurshid Jah(sir  Khurshid Jah)

Q.79.In Secunderabad  Swami Vivekananda deliver a lecture at Mahabood College what was the topic of the lecture?

Answer-My Mission to the West

Q.80.In his lecture on “The powers of the Mind” delivered at Los Angeles in 1900 Swami Vivekananda   has mentioned about his experience with a yogi famous for his psychic powers at which Indian city swami met that Yogi?


Q.81.At which American city Swami Vivekananda delivered  a lecture on “The powers of the Mind” in 1900?

Answer- Los Angles

Q.82.Under whose leadership  Swami Vivekananda’s devotees at Madras  raise subscriptions for his passage to America?

Answer-Alasinga Perumal

Q.83.In  anticipation of his visit to America ,the Swami Vivekananda approached  the  leader of Theosophical society in Madras. Who was the leader of  Theosophical society in Madras?

Answer-Colonel  Olcott

Q.84. One of the prominent Raja of Khetri   gave financial and other Assistant   to Swami Vivekananda for his Visit to America?

Answer- Raja Ajit Singh

Q.85. Who were the Two prominent  persons were see off Swami Vivekananda   at Bombay

Answer- Alasinga Perumal and  Jagmohan

Q.86.What  was the Japan –bound ship name travelled by swami Vivekananda from Bombay to Japan ?

Answer –Penisular

Q.87. In which year Vivekananda started his voyage from Bombay to America?


Q88. Which was the first country visited by Swami Vivekananda while his voyage from Bombay to America in 1893?


Q89. Swami Vivekananda visited a Chinese monastery in Hong Kong  while his travel from Bombay to Japan in 1893 In which place Chinese monastery located in Hong Kong?


Q.90.Swami Vivekananda delivered his first public lecture in the Western world at the little village in New England what was the name of that Village?


Q.91.Swami Vivekananda addressed American social science Association at New York on September 4th 1893 what were the two known topic in these address?

Answer-The Mohammedan Rule in India  and  The Use of Silver in India

Q.92.In which connection the parliament of religions held in the city of Chicago in 1893?

Answer-World’s Columbian Exposition

Q.93.What was the topic delivered by Swami Vivekananda  at the first lecture at the Third Unitarian Church in Chicago?.

Answer-The love of God

Q.94.What was the topic of subject delivered  by Swami Vivekananda at special session in conjunction with parliament of religion  organized by Mrs. Potter Palmer president of women’s Branch ?

Answer-Women in Oriental Religion

Q.95.Who arranged lecture tour in America for Swami Vivekananda ?

Answer-Slayton Lyceum Lecture Bureau

Q.96.What society established by Swami Vivekananda in New York ?

Answer- Vedanta Society

Q.97.Swami Vivekananda Delivered lecture  on Raja-Yoga and Jnana –Yoga in which American city ?

Answer- New York

Q,98.One of the disciple of Swami Vivekananda Miss :Laura Glenn  at New York  later known in which name?

Answer-Sister Devamata

Q.99.At New York Swami Vivekananda initiated  two of his disciple as “Sannyasa’’ who were these disciple?

Answer-Madam Marie Louise and Leon Landsberg

Q.100. Dr. Street  a disciple of Swami Vivekananda ,who was later  take the vows of Sannyasa from the Swami  and be known as ———–?

Answer- Yogananda

Q101. In which year Swami Vivekananda established Vedanta Society in New York?


Q.102.In which place in New York Swami Vivekananda conducted his great work of training and initiating disciples

Answer-Thousand Island Park

Q.103. The Swami’s  first known invitation to visit England had come to him from Whom?

Answer-Miss.F.Henrietta Muller

Q.104. Swami Vivekananda helped  Mr:E.T.Sturdy  to study Sanskrit and to translate one famous Sutra in to English and write a commentary on them .What was that famous Sutra?

Answer-Narada-Bhakti Sutra

Q.105.Swami Vivekananda teaching work in England began with his London lecture in 1895  at Prince’s Hall  in Piccadilly .What was the topic?


Q.106.What was the original name of sister Nivedita

Answer- Miss Margaret Noble

Q.107. Who noted all speeches of Swami Vivekananda in shorthand ?

Answer- Josiah J .Goodwin

Q.108.Swami Vivekananda closed his public lectures at Madison Square Garden in New York on February 23,1896 with inspired lecture which has become famous masterpiece of eloquence.  What was the topic of  lecture?

Answer-MY Master

Q.109.What was the subject of Swami Vivekananda’s third and last public lecture  in Detroit on March 15th 1896.

Answer-India’s Message to the World

Q.110.On invitation from the Graduate philosophical club of Hardvard University  Swami Vivekananda delivered a lecture before the club on March 25th 1896. What was the  topic ?

Answer-The Vedanta philosophy

Q.111. In his second visit in England in 1896 Swami Vivekananda met his Brother-disciple form Calcutta. Who was that  Brother-disciple?

Answer-Swami Saradananda

Q.112. In his stay in London in 1896 Swami Vivekananda met celebrated  orientalist and Oxford university professor .who was the person?

Answer-Professor Max Muller

Q.113. While his tour in Switzerland Swami Vivekananda received an invitation for a meeting from a renowned German Orientalist and Professor at the University of Kiel. Who was that scholar?

Answer-Professor Paul Deussen

Q.114.As per the Swami Vivekananda’s  direction the first issue of prabuddha Bharata from Almora  office   was published in which year?


Q.115.In which place of Almora Swami  Vivekananda founded Advaita Ashrama ?


Q.116.In which year Swami Vivekananda  established  Ramakrishna Mission ?


Q.117. At whose house meeting  in the presence of  und Swami Vivekananda  resolved to formation of Ramakrishna Mission Association later Known as Ramakrishna Mission?


Q.118. In which year Swami Vivekananda established Advaita Ashrama at Mayavati in ALmora          ?


Q.119.Where is the Ramakrishna Mission and Ramakrishna Math Head Quarters located?


Q.120.In which year Belur Math started?


Q.121.Swami Vivekananda deputed  whom to New York  to manage his work in his absence

Answer-Swami Saradananda

Q.122. Swami Vivekananda deputed  whom to London to manage his work in his absence ?

Answer-Swami Abhedananda

Q.123.Swami Vivekananda assigned to whom for task to propagate Vedanta in South India and opening a centre at Madras?

Answer-Swami Ramakrishnananda

Q.124..In which year Swami Vivekananda started his second Voyage to West?


Q.125.Who were accompanied Swami Vivekananda for his second visit to west?

Answer-Swami Turiyananda and Sster Nivedita

Q.126.Swami Vivekananda wrote travelogue about his second voyage to west in a series of articles Under which title?


Q.127. In which Bengali journal of Ramakrishna order Swami Vivekananda’s travelogue about his second voyage to west  published ?


Q.128.What is the English title of Swami Vivekananda’s  travelogue  about his  second voyage to west?

Answer-Memories of European Travel

Q.129. Swami Vivekananda started his Second voyage to west from which port?


Q.130.Swami Vivekananda boarded in which ship  at  Calcutta  port for his second voyage to west

Answer-S.S Golconda

Q..131. Who is the author of book “The Master As I saw Him”

Answer-Sister Nivedita

Q.132. In which year swami Vivekananda founded a formal Vedanta Society in SanFrancisco?

Answer-on April 14 ,1900

Q.133.With the blessing of Swami Vivekananda Swami Turiyananda  established Shanti Ashrama in which American city?


Q.134.Swami Vivekananda attended the Congress of the History of Religion  which was held from September 3 through 8  in which European city the congress held


Q.135. In his visit in Paris Swami Vivekananda met one of the eminent  Indian scientist Who was the scientist

ANSWER-Jagadesh Chandra BOSE

Q.136 When did Swami Vivekananda take Mahasamadhi ?

Answer-4 July 1902

Q.137.India observing  birth Day of Swami Vivekananda as ?

Answer- National Youth Day

Q.138.In which day India observing   National Youth Day

Answer-January 12

Q139.In which year Government of India  to decided to observe the birthday of Swami Vivekananda as the National Youth Day .


Q.140. National Youth Day started observing since ..


Q141..Ramakrishna movement also known as ———

Answer-Vendanta Movement

स्वामी विवेकानंद पर महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर

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